The unification of City A has been completed, but Zhang Xiaolong does not feel too much joy in his heart. He is sitting in the office that originally belonged to Shuangyi, and a person that Zhang Xiaolong will never forget is frozen on the TV screen on the wall. Su Zhouzhou, who lied to Zhang Xiaolong, was a person he hated to the bone.

At this time, Wang Xiaofei, Chen Tie, Geng Wei, and Zhao Xiaoxiao knocked on the door and came in.

"Did you find Su Zhouzhou?" Zhang Xiaolong asked when he saw the four of them.

Chen Tie shook his head and said, "No, I sent people to Su Zhouzhou's residence, and only found a lady living with him. No one knows where Su Zhouzhou went."

"If he sees me, he should have escaped from City A, so it's a good deal for him." Zhang Xiaolong rubbed his forehead, he didn't sleep well last night, and his brain hurts a little.

"Landlord, Su Zhouzhou is just a liar, you don't have to worry so much." Chen Tie walked to the table with a smile, took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhang Xiaolong.

Zhang Xiaolong took the cigarette and put it in his mouth, lit it to refresh himself and relieve his slightly tense nerves.

After capturing Shuang Yi last night, he confessed about the sparrow Su Zhouzhou, and Zhang Xiaolong ordered Su Zhouzhou to be hunted down again, which lasted all night.

The night that just passed was also the most chaotic night in the history of City A. Longtang dispatched thousands of horse boys at a time, and with a tsunami-like momentum, he successively wiped out the little stone Song Qiang and the driver Shuangyi, killed the top killer idea, and wiped out He organized some small organizations that took advantage of the fire to rob, and completely unified the gang forces in City A.

Su Zhouzhou's appearance was just a small splash in the tsunami.

Wang Xiaofei reached out his hand to take out two cigarettes from Chen Tie's cigarette case, threw one to Geng Wei, and another to Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhao Xiaoxiao threw it back to him, and he stuck it directly to his ear.

"Landlord, think of something happy. Longtang has already unified City A, which is one step closer to our goal. Now we only need to stabilize the existing achievements and slowly expand outward, and we will soon be able to catch up with Liu Xiaodong and Chen. Four, trample them firmly under your feet." After Wang Xiaofei finished speaking, he yelled in his head fascinatedly.

Chen Tie scolded: "That's what you fucking want. Longtang wants to unify the whole country, go out of Asia and go to the world, and become the largest organization on earth."

"Fuck, you thought it was Chinese football." Wang Xiaofei kicked Chen Tie, but missed.

Being interrupted by the two, the atmosphere in the office eased a lot.

Geng Wei took a deep breath and complained, "You guys had a good time yesterday, but I was bored in the nightclub all night. Next time I have something to do, I will take the lead and never look after the house."

Wang Xiaofei immediately went on to say: "There is a job right now, Song Qiang and Shuangyi's territory is still under management, why don't you manage it."

Geng Wei's face changed, and he said hastily, "I don't want to do such a painful job."

Seeing the three talking and laughing, Zhang Xiaolong felt warm in his heart, knowing that Wang Xiaofei and the others were worried about him, and they were enlivening the atmosphere, but he was attracted by Su Zhouzhou's affairs, it really shouldn't be, he still has so many important things to do.

Put aside Su Zhouzhou's affairs first, it's time to work seriously.

Zhang Xiaolong got up, let the brothers sit down on the sofa, personally took out a bottle of unopened imported red wine from the wine cabinet, and poured a glass for each of the brothers.

These wines are all double-benefit, there are at least dozens of types, and there are a lot of foreign words on them, Zhang Xiaolong can't understand, so he picked a bottle that looked the oldest and took it out.

Wang Xiaofei took a sip with great poise, and cursed: "Damn it, this willingness is far worse than Erguotou, it doesn't have any energy, it's not fun."

Chen Tie and Geng Wei were more professional. After taking a sip, Chen Tie nodded and said, "Shuangyi really enjoys it. The 82-year-old Aroni Mountain Red Wine costs at least 10,000+ for a bottle."

Wang Xiaofei almost jumped up from the sofa. He rolled his small eyes and asked in disbelief, "A bottle of wine is 10,000+, robbery. What are you talking about, I have never heard of the red wine of Aroni Villa."

Geng Wei replied for Chen Tie: "Aroni Villa red wine is a century-old red wine brand in the mountains of northwest Italy. The annual output is only about [-] bottles, which is very expensive."

"How do you know?" Wang Xiaofei asked contemptuously, he was very disrespectful to this kind of foreign wine, he would rather drink Beijing Erguotou than this kind of sweet or sour foreign garbage.

"During the training of elite special forces, wine tasting is also one of the professional items. Not many people can pass it." Geng Wei said, very proud, he should have passed it.

Judging from Chen Tie's expression, it should have passed.

Zhang Xiaolong also took a sip, feeling nothing special, indeed not as enjoyable as Erguotou.

Zhao Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "Wine tasting is a nobleman's game. If you don't drink thousands of kinds, you can't taste it at all. Landlord brother, if you have time in the future, you can buy more red wine and practice at home. We will also borrow some light."

Wang Xiaofei said shamelessly: "It's better to buy some Wuliangye and Moutai, and drink them for fun. We should support domestic products."

Zhang Xiaolong smiled slightly, turned to the topic, and asked, "Xiaoxiao, is there anything uploaded about last night on the Internet?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao said: "Around six o'clock in the morning, someone uploaded it on the Internet, and it has been deleted now. Daquan came forward and arrested a few people who spread the news on the Internet. How should these people be dealt with?"

Asking telecom and mobile customer service to send customer service text messages, and offering a reward of 100 million for double benefits, this kind of thing is indeed a bit arrogant, and it is easy to be criticized. Although Zhang Xiaolong is not afraid, he still has scruples about his own reputation.

"Stop their mouths with money, and if they dare to upload any more news, they will be handed over to the sea mules and thrown into the sea to feed the fish." Zhang Xiaolong knows that some bastards will not obey if they don't frighten him.

"Also, Chen Kai was killed in a hotel yesterday, and two young ladies were killed with him. A killer organization called them sent a video and asked for money. I have already given them 30 dollars. , The reward offered to you on the killer website is automatically canceled because you lost your employer." After Zhao Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she raised the wine glass in her hand and touched Zhang Xiaolong, which was a successful anti-reward offer.

Chen Kai's death was not wronged at all. He was only thinking about offering a reward to Zhang Xiaolong, but he didn't notice the reward offered to him online for the first time. He didn't bring a bodyguard when he went to the hotel to play 3*p. When the killer came to him, he was still working as a piston sports.

"They? It's a very unique name. I feel that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future." Zhang Xiaolong remembered this name in his heart, and as Zhang Xiaolong expected, they will communicate again soon.

Wang Xiaofei asked: "Landlord, what should we do with Song Qiang and Shuangyi's land? Kaifeng and Mao Junchi watched eagerly. Hai Mule took over Yao Xian's land, which is already the largest one in Longtang. Kaifeng and Mao Junchi looked at it eagerly. Mao Junchi was very unwilling."

Although Hai Mule, Kai Feng, and Mao Junchi have joined Longtang, they all have their own little plans, and the three of them are secretly competing. Now that Hai Mule is the only one, Kai Feng and Mao Junchi are eager to expand their own strength.

Zhang Xiaolong believes that if an organization wants to expand, it must accommodate all kinds of people. If you are too narrow-minded and too focused on the subtleties, it will be difficult to achieve great things. Do whatever you want, as long as you don't betray Longtang, you won't deal with them.

As for the territory of Song Qiang and Shuangyi, Zhang Xiaolong has other arrangements.

Zhang Xiaolong said: "I have already thought about it. I plan to hand over Song Qiang's freight business to Zhenyu. We also need to expand abroad. We need to transport people and weapons. Freight logistics is a very important link. It must be handled by trustworthy personnel." in human hands."

Everyone nodded, thinking it was right, and Zhong Zhenyu was also a trustworthy brother.

"As for Shuangyi's territory..." Zhang Xiaolong pondered for a while, and said to Wang Xiaofei: "Monkey, I hope you and Tie Dan will take charge of Huajie temporarily and restore the original prosperity of Huajie."

"Ah!" Wang Xiaofei grinned and said, "Housekeeping is such a painful job, you still let me do it."

Chen Tie also grinned, he was also very helpless for this painful housekeeping job.

"Monkey, I looked at Shuangyi's accounts last night. Most of his supplies come from Taiwan, which is inextricably linked with the Taiwanese Triad. We have to guard against Shuangyi because we have touched their interests." Zhang Xiaolong showed a worried look. The strength of the Taiwan Triad Society is absolutely no less than that of Liu Xiaodong and Chen Si.

The matter is of great importance, Wang Xiaofei nodded in agreement.


Three days passed quickly, City A returned to calm, the coastal road gradually became more prosperous, the construction of the racing track began, and the Flower Street also returned to prosperity.

Zhang Xiaolong went to the crew to film every day, and his life was very nourishing.

But there are also depressing things. There are rumors in the crew that Zhang Xiaolong and Zou Beibei have an old relationship, and some rumors that they started chaotically and ended up abandoning them finally reached the ears of the two protagonists.

"Fuck, who is so boring." Zhang Xiaolong was depressed.

Zou Beibei looked at Zhang Xiaolong with even more anger. For no reason, she was rumored to be pregnant, had an abortion, and was even abandoned. A girl couldn't stand it.

Besides, with Zou Beibei's personality, she is not the one who will suffer. During the lunch break, Zou Beibei found Zhang Xiaolong resting in the corner of the tea shed on the beach, and said angrily when they met: "Zhang Xiaolong, did you spread those things? So boring."

Zou Beibei didn't say what it was, but everyone knew in their hearts that it was about their ambiguous relationship.

Seeing Zou Beibei's appearance, Zhang Xiaolong said impatiently: "This matter has nothing to do with me, and I don't know who spread it. Besides, I have a family."

The implication is that he is not interested in Zou Beibei.

"You..." Zou Beibei didn't know what to say, she knew it wasn't Zhang Xiaolong's fault, but she just couldn't get angry.

Zhang Xiaolong turned his head away and ignored Zou Beibei, there were enough women around him, he didn't want to cause trouble, and with Zou Beibei's personality, they were not suitable.

The two of them were standing like this, just when someone from the production team came to rest in the tea shed, and saw the two of them

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