"As long as you release Fang Ding, I can help you kill Ikeda, and even help you kill Chen Si."

When Xu Weiguo yelled this sentence, his eyes showed determination. This was his last fight.He kidnapped Kong Ning and killed six people. It was normal for Zhang Xiaolong and others to kill him. There is no need to beg. You must show your worth in order to win the bargaining power.

Before coming to City A, Xu Weiguo had also inquired about Zhang Xiaolong and knew about Long Tang, but he did not expect that Long Tang would be so powerful in City A.

Zhang Xiaolong stopped and turned around, walked in front of Xu Weiguo, looked at the broken hand, and asked: "You look like this, can you do what you said?"

"I..." Xu Weiguo paused, gritted his teeth and said, "You can send someone to Dengzhou with me. I am willing to send the whole family to City A, and Fang Ding's family members. I want to wait until I kill them." Ikeda and Chen Si, they can't go back to Dengzhou either."

"I'm asking, can you do it, just like you?"

Zhang Xiaolong pointed to Xu Weiguo's severed hand, and said: "No matter how accurate you were in shooting before, you are a useless person. You can't do anything. If you die quietly, maybe your family will be more peaceful."

"I can do it. As long as the distance is close enough, I can still hit the target. If it doesn't work, I will help the bomb and die with them."

Xu Weiguo said pleadingly: "Please, let Fang Ding go. I, Skinny Monkey, is dead. It was my decision to kidnap Kong Ning. I am willing to be a dead man in exchange for Fang Ding's life."

Zhang Xiaolong didn't answer right away, he stared into Xu Weiguo's eyes, observing his every movement from the subtleties.

Xu Weiguo knew that Zhang Xiaolong would not trust him easily, so he gave out two phone numbers.Said: "This is the phone number of my family and Fang Ding's family. When we go out, tell my family to go to Jiangsu for business. You can call back and ask."

Wang Xiaofei took out his phone, dialed Xu Wei's country phone number, and turned on the speakerphone.

A cute child's voice rang on the other side of the phone. "Hey, who are you looking for!"

Faintly, there were hurried footsteps and a woman's voice saying: "Baby, don't mess with the phone, give the phone to Mom quickly."

"No." Tong Yin was very cute, as if she was holding on to the phone.

Xu Weiguo shouted excitedly: "Baby, it's Dad!"

"Father. Mom is dad." The innocent child cried out happily when he heard his father's voice, and his voice became more and more melodious.

"This is my daughter, Zhenzhen, who is three years old this year." Xu Weiguo explained in a low voice, tears streaming down his face.

Wang Xiaofei came over and put the phone by Xu Weiguo's ear.Xu Weiguo endured the crying, took a few deep breaths, and said in a normal tone as much as possible: "Baby, give the phone to Mom?"

"Dad, I miss you." Zhenzhen still grabbed the phone and refused to let go.

Xu Weiguo said: "Hey, give Mom the phone, Dad has something to tell Mom."

"Okay." Zhenzhen said something like a little adult, and handed the phone to her mother unwillingly.

Xu Weiguo's wife answered the phone and said, "Husband, are you still used to being in the south? It's almost Chinese New Year and come back early."

Listening to the voice, Xu Weiguo's wife is much younger than him, and her voice is very childish.

After Xu Weiguo glanced at Zhang Xiaolong, he said to the phone: "My wife, I met a big boss in Jiangsu, and I plan to live in Jiangsu permanently. You pack up your things, and I will ask someone to pick up your mother and daughter in a few days."

"Honey, it's almost Chinese New Year, is this the right time?" Xu Weiguo's wife said worriedly.

"My wife is obedient, pack up your things immediately."

Xu Weiguo talked for a while before his wife agreed, and Wang Xiaofei hung up the phone at the right time.

"You should trust me now." Xu Weiguo looked at Zhang Xiaolong, he had no way out.He said in a more resolute tone than before: "I can help you kill Ikeda, or even help you kill Chen Si, even if you tie up explosives and die with them, I am willing to do it."

Xu Weiguo repeated what he said just now, his expression was full of pleading.

Zhang Xiaolong faced Xu Weiguo, would he really sacrifice for his brother?This is a problem. In his heart, Zhang Xiaolong doesn't believe in Xu Weiguo. Some people even betray their parents in order to survive, let alone wives and daughters, not sons.

It sounds like Xu Weiguo's wife is very young, maybe she's just his mistress.

"Please." Xu Weiguo continued to beg, he had said all that needed to be said, whether he could impress Zhang Xiaolong could only depend on luck.

Zhang Xiaolong looked at Wang Xiaofei and Chen Tie who were beside him, they didn't say anything, Xu Weiguo was the kidnapper Zhang Xiaolong had brought back, just kidnapped Kong Ning, killing him a hundred times would not be too much, not to mention Xu Weiguo also killed six brothers.

Whether to kill it or keep it for use is up to Zhang Xiaolong to decide.

"For the sake of your sincerity, I believe you once."

Zhang Xiaolong took out a general cigarette and lit it, put it in Xu Weiguo's mouth, patted his head and said: "You must not let me down, remember this."

Zhang Xiaolong decided to trust Xu Weiguo once, as long as he can kill Ikeda, it will be worth the fare.As for killing Chen Si, Zhang Xiaolong is not optimistic about Xu Weiguo, even if he has an atomic bomb strapped to his body, he may not be able to do it.

Xu Weiguo took a puff of his cigarette, and he relaxed a lot. He said sincerely, "I will help my eldest brother with all my heart."

Zhang Xiaolong corrected: "It's not helping me, it's helping yourself."

"I understand." Xu Weiguo nodded, his life and death were in Zhang Xiaolong's hands, he had no choice at all.

Xu Weiguo's promise bought him a short period of freedom, a doctor and a full meal.When the doctor finished treating Xu Weiguo's injuries, Zhang Xiaolong asked someone to carry another bed and ordered them to retrieve Xu Weiguo's severed hand.Zhang Xiaolong invited the best limb replantation doctor in City A, and asked the doctor to help Xu Weiguo take a look.

After seeing it, the doctor shook his head and said, "His hand was severed by a gun. Even if it was connected, it would be useless. If the severed limb cannot survive, and necrosis occurs, it may even threaten his life."

"If it's broken, it's broken, and a few taels of meat will be lost."

Xu Weiguo can see it very well, and he can't see it.

The doctor admired Xu Weiguo's integrity and treated his wound with his own hands, even without Zhang Xiaolong's outpatient fee.

After the doctor left, Zhang Xiaolong asked Xu Weiguo who was lying on the bed, ""Xu Weiguo, you are an old man in Dengzhou, and you know something about the gang forces in Dengzhou. "

If Zhang Xiaolong wanted to send people to Dengzhou, he had to understand the local conditions to some extent, if he sent people there rashly, he might fail.

Xu Weiguo was lying on the bed. He ate something just now, and his voice became stronger. He gave a general introduction to the situation in Dengzhou.

Dengzhou was an important port along the coast of Shandong in ancient times. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was an important transit point for the imperial court to transport military grain to Liaodong. Even though the Qing Dynasty implemented the policy of closing the country, Dengzhou Port has always been one of the important routes for transporting grain from the south to Beijing.

But modern Dengzhou has declined, and its status as an international trade port has been replaced by nearby ports such as Yantai and Weihai, and it has become a third-tier seaport city.But while being forgotten, another kind of prosperity is also slowly rising in Dengzhou, which is the booming smuggling industry.

Dengzhou gangs use the convenience of sea transportation to specialize in smuggling and smuggling activities between South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China.

In the market in Dengzhou, there are all kinds of smuggled goods, a dazzling array, and a wide variety.Electronic products, automobiles, motorcycles, and foreign wine can only be regarded as ordinary commodities. Some people have smuggled original raw materials, and some even dragged domestic products to the sea in order to cheat export tax rebates, and then went ashore from Dengzhou to buy them back to China. The only product that can't be found in the state is probably Japan **.

Huge profits also mean a complex environment. There are many forces gathering at the Dengzhou Wharf, and even smuggling groups from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have opened secret offices in Dengzhou.You know, smuggling also needs someone to handle the goods. The smugglers go abroad directly with the money, and they can't buy anything without a way.

In short, the water in Dengzhou is quite deep, and the situation is very complicated.

After the introduction, Xu Weiguo added: "Dengzhou gang organizations are concentrated in the wharf area, and most of the cops turn a blind eye, but if they invade the urban area and disturb ordinary people, regardless of the forces there, they will be co-operated by the police and the military. Elimination, there were people who wanted to dominate Dengzhou before, but they were wiped out by the police within a few days."

Xu Weiguo reminded Zhang Xiaolong not to have the idea of ​​dominating Dengzhou, otherwise he would cause trouble.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled, and only said: "You rest first. I will arrange someone to go back to Dengzhou with you tomorrow."

Walking out of the secret warehouse where Xu Weiguo was imprisoned, Wang Xiaofei looked back and said, "Landlord, do you really believe what he said, a bastard like him, that is not three wives and four concubines, listen to the voice on the other side of the phone, his wife is not old, It's a daughter again, and it won't be an insignificant outlaw."

Wang Xiaofei's worry is not unreasonable. Men who have money will learn to be bad, especially those who come out to mess around.

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "Find someone who is safe and go with him, I'm afraid he will play tricks."

"I'll go." Chen Tie took the initiative to challenge.

"Tie Dan, it should be fine." Wang Xiaofei nodded in agreement.

Zhang Xiaolong thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Tie Dan can't follow in the open, you take a few trustworthy youngsters to follow in secret, just in case, don't take it lightly, now that Chen Si is staring at us, we must act carefully."

"Just let Xu Weiguo go like this? He didn't run away halfway." Wang Xiaofei shook his head.

"Let Guan Wang go to Dengzhou with Xu Weiguo. Guan Wang is timid and fearful, and will run away when he encounters danger, so he shouldn't cause big trouble." Zhang Xiaolong has already thought about the candidate.

Wang Xiaofei smiled and said, "Landlord, are you praising him?"

"Of course." Zhang Xiaolong said affirmatively

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