There is a thin layer of ice on the sea surface of Dengzhou Wharf. This winter is not very cold. There has not been a large area of ​​floating ice in Bohai Bay. The thin ice has little effect on the cargo ships entering and leaving the bay. Businessmen are paying close attention. Time to earn the last money of the year.

At around 23 o'clock in the evening, Su Zhouzhou followed a group of dock workers on night shift and sneaked into the cargo yard of Dengzhou Wharf. He avoided the sight of the workers and sneaked into the office of the dock management office. A cargo transshipment list from a month ago.

"As expected!" Su Zhouzhou nodded in satisfaction.

About a month ago, Xu Weiguo's goods were seized by the customs anti-smuggling bureau at this pier. Eight thousand high-end mobile phones were transported away from the pier, but they did not enter the anti-smuggling bureau's warehouse, but were transported into a temporary storage area near the pier. .

When a police car from the Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau appeared, Su Zhouzhou felt that something was wrong. The team leader's eyes drifted away, and he didn't look at the goods in the container at all, and the anti-smuggling policemen around him were all unfamiliar faces.

After the anti-smuggling police sealed the shipment, they left the shipment the next day.It stands to reason that such a large case should be reported, but the news was not broadcast, and there was no news on the Internet.

Are these cops fake?Su Zhouzhou didn't say anything, took advantage of the opportunity when Xu Weiguo and others went to city A to kidnap Kong Ning, and the Japanese were lax in vigilance, he made a careful investigation, and found that the anti-smuggling policemen were all fake, only the anti-smuggling captain who led the team that day was real police.

And the captain who led the team that day had resigned and disappeared, and his family didn't know where he was at all, and all the goods he seized were also missing.

The average value of 4000 high-end mobile phones is more than [-] yuan, equivalent to tens of millions in r*b, which is definitely a huge sum of money that is enough to make people take risks.

Xu Weiguo couldn't eat this batch of goods. As a small smuggler, he didn't have such capital at all. His job was transportation, and the real owner of the goods was Ryuichi Ikeda.

After the accident of the goods, Ikeda only asked Xu Weiguo to pay for the transportation cost, but Xu Weiguo couldn't afford it.

Putting the list into his pocket, Su Zhouzhou followed the dock workers who got off work to leave the freight yard. According to the address on the list, he found a place to store the mobile phone overnight.

This is a rental freight yard near Dengzhou Wharf. The rent for each cargo space is 3000 yuan a month, and one year's rent is required to be paid at a time.

According to the record on the address, the mobile phones are stored in Warehouse No. 90. Su Zhouzhou observed outside for a while, and found that there were people patrolling with police dogs in the warehouse. Every 10 minutes, a group of patrolling guards passed by. He did not Dare to go in and check, decided to find a chance to sneak in and have a look the next day.

Su Zhouzhou returned to the temporary residence, thinking about how to steal the things, and was whistling in his heart, when Xu Weiguo suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Sparrow, are you okay?" Xu Weiguo raised his broken right hand to greet him.

Seeing Xu Weiguo who had broken his hand in front of him, Su Zhouzhou asked nervously, "Brother, are you back? What happened to your hand? Where are the fat man and the thin monkey?"

Xu Weiguo said sadly: "Our operation failed, and the thin monkey died."

"How could this be, skinny monkey!" Su Zhouzhou pretended to wipe away his tears, and peeped around with the corner of his eyes, he felt that the atmosphere nearby was not right.

Su Zhouzhou took two steps back, opened the distance between him and Xu Weiguo, and was ready to escape at any time.

As an excellent professional liar, Su Zhouzhou's code of conduct is to avoid violent conflicts with others as much as possible, except when the other party is with women, children or the elderly. Once the deception is successful, he will disappear immediately and never stay where he is.After squandering the defrauded money, find a place to set up a trick to deceive the next target.

Xu Weiguo's kidnapping failed, and Su Zhouzhou already knew that he didn't get a penny of the reward promised by the Japanese, so he would be tempted to steal Japanese goods.

Xu Weiguo said in a deep voice: "Sparrow, you are crying too fakely. You and the Japanese are plotting against me. Should you explain it?"

Su Zhouzhou's step back made Xu Weiguo see his true nature clearly.

Kidnapping Kong Ning failed, Su Zhouzhou thought that Xu Weiguo and others were dead, Xu Weiguo suddenly appeared, and Su Zhouzhou was terrified, he calmed down and found that Xu Weiguo's right hand was broken, he probably escaped desperately, thin monkey If he died, the fat Fang Ding would probably be choked up too.

"Brother, you misunderstood me, I was also used by the Japanese."

The reason why Su Zhouzhou didn't run away was because Su Zhouzhou had a new plan.The little eyes rolled around, and a poisonous plan was brewed in his heart. He has been cheating for many years, and there are many ways to deceive people.

"Really?" Xu Weiguo said with a cold face.

"Really, if you don't believe me, look, these are all Japanese conspiracy." After speaking, Su Zhouzhou took out the transshipment list stolen at the pier, stepped forward and handed it to Xu Weiguo, pointing to the content on it and said: "Brother, you Look, the anti-smuggling police seized at the wharf that day were all fake, it was a bureau set up by the Japanese to let our brothers sneak in, and they sent the goods to the nearby warehouse without any loss."

Xu Weiguo took the list with one arm and looked at it, his brows were furrowed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Discovering the change in Xu Weiguo's mentality, Su Zhouzhou was secretly delighted, and said angrily: "Brother, I have already checked the location of the goods, and I am planning to do it tomorrow, robbing the little devil's goods, and expressing the anger in my heart, Brother, you Come back just in time, we can vote together."

What Su Zhouzhou said was awe-inspiring, as if he was a national hero.

Su Zhouzhou carefully looked around and asked, "Fatty, is he alright?"

"The fat man is in the hospital, seriously injured." Xu Weiguo crushed the list in his hand, and his body was already filled with anger.

Su Zhouzhou felt that this was the best way. With a cannon fodder charging ahead, his chances of success would be higher, but Xu Weiguo was a bit too lonely alone, so he could find some more cannon fodder.

"Brother, the little devil's goods are being watched. It's difficult for the two of us to handle it. You have a lot of people in Dengzhou. See if you can find some reliable brothers."

Su Zhouzhou said with a smile, and added later: "The average price of imported high-end mobile phones is more than 4000 yuan each, and the value of this batch of goods is tens of millions, but our purpose is not money, but to vent this bad breath To avenge my brother, tell me, am I right?"

Xu Weiguo didn't make a sound, his heart was already filled with anger.

At this time, Guan Wang took people to hide in the dark and listened. He was timid and fearful, and he arranged for Su Zhouzhou to be caught as if he wanted to catch 007. He arranged more than 50 horses in every corner, and he had already put them all together. Su Zhouzhou was completely surrounded.

Guan Wang felt that the enemy of the big boss must also be a dinosaur-level figure, and he didn't act immediately because he was afraid that Su Zhouzhou would leave behind.

This man is really timid.

Xu Weiguo had a microphone on his body, and Guan Wang could hear the conversation between the two of them clearly. Hearing that there were tens of millions of goods, Guan Wang, who was originally timid and fearful of trouble, suddenly regained his spirits.

money!Guan Wang's eyes were full of shining little stars.

"Brother, what do you think?" Su Zhouzhou thought Xu Weiguo was hesitating, so he asked again.

"If you don't know what kind of person you are, you may really be deceived by you." Xu Weiguo suddenly stretched out a throwing knife from the cuff of his left hand, and directly touched Su Zhouzhou's neck.

"Big brother, what are you doing?" Su Zhouzhou didn't dare to move.

"The big boss in City A wants to see you."

"Zhang Xiaolong..."

Su Zhouzhou understood in an instant. He pushed Xu Weiguo's hand away and kicked with his leg up. Xu Weiguo also kicked over with his leg. The two kicked each other at the same time and fell to the ground. Su Zhouzhou got up and wanted to run. , and found three black muzzles pointing at him.

Guan Wang's boys all rushed out, and everyone had a guy in their hands.

The advantage of Guan Wang's timidity is reflected here. Because he is timid, he is well prepared, and because he is timid, his men are well-equipped.

Su Zhouzhou didn't dare to resist, and was tied up in twos and twos.

Guan Wang just got out from the corner, trotted over to help Xu Weiguo first, if he wanted to kill the Japanese Ikeda Ryuichi, he had to count on this brother, he didn't want to charge forward, so naturally he had to treat Xu Weiguo better.

"Brother Weiguo, you are not hurt." Guan Wang patted the dust off Xu Weiguo's body with a very friendly tone, and picked up the transfer list on the ground.

Xu Weiguo was suddenly touched by this. He thought Guan Wang was here to monitor him, and he didn't expect Guan Wang to give him a good face, but after getting along with him these few days, the chief of the general staff of Longtang has a friendly attitude and is very polite and virtuous.

During the day, when Guan Wang went to Xu's house to pick up people, he also bought a lot of gifts for Xu Weiguo's wife and daughter, and asked them to happily board the car and head to City A.

Xu Weiguo didn't dare to go home, he broke a hand, for fear of frightening his wife and daughter.

Now his wife and children are in Long Tang's hands, if he can handle the immediate matter well, he might save his life, and it would be good to follow Guan Wang in the future, this elder brother listens kindly.

Xu Weiguo actually had the idea of ​​messing around with Guan Wang, and sooner or later he would regret it.

"Brother, you can't do this! I'm your brother."

Su Zhou, who was tied up, yelled loudly, trying to win sympathy and find a chance to escape.A pony boy next to him went up with a gun butt, and was knocked out by Su Zhouzhou's big teeth.

"I'm screaming, I'm screaming to kill you." Ma Zai cursed and kicked Su Zhouzhou again.

"Walnut, why are you hitting someone again? Didn't I tell you to be more careful?"

Guan Wang reprimanded the beating mazai in a deep voice, this is a residential area, if the voice is too loud, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"I'm sorry, uncle." Walnut scratched her head and said apologetically.

"Take him to my car, I have something to ask him."

Guan Wang gave an order, and his horse boys escorted Su Zhouzhou into a car and parked it in a corner.

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