"Xiaolong, Xu Weiguo under your command is going to be quite a toss tonight. Do you know that?"

Lu Lun walked in the door and asked, knowing that he almost died tonight, and he learned a lot about the situation along the way. It is said that what happened tonight was planned by Xu Weiguo, and the purpose was to save Guan Wang on the ship. The plan was successful, but it did offend the big brothers in Quandengzhou.

If Xu Weiguo can't hold on, he may be destroyed overnight, and Chen Si will use this to re-occupy Dengzhou.

But the battle has been going on for a while, and the local big brother who attacked Xu Weiguo's headquarters was taken away from the headquarters instead. Whoever is happy will be unlucky, and the headquarters of four big brothers have already been taken away.

Now if someone says that Zhang Xiaolong didn't know in advance, Lu Lun would not believe it even if he said that he would die. Such a big action is not something that little Xu Weiguo can plan.

"Old Lu, I just arrived in Dengzhou, how would I know? Xu Weiguo doesn't know what he's doing? He doesn't answer the phone, so I still want to ask?"

Lu Lun was a little unhappy with Zhang Xiaolong's answer, Zhang Xiaolong was obviously trying to put him off, if he hadn't seen the chaotic situation, he wouldn't have come to see Zhang Xiaolong.

Lu Lun also knew that if Zhang Xiaolong didn't admit it, he must have his own ideas.

"Xiaolong, I hope you restrain your subordinates and don't go too far. Didn't he push the whole Dengzhou into Chen Si's arms by doing this? Look outside, the underworld in Dengzhou is besieging your subordinates now." Xu Weiguo's headquarters, and more people are looting. The whole Dengzhou is in chaos."

Lu Lun's tone was full of worry, as if he was completely on Zhang Xiaolong's side.

Zhang Xiaolong would not believe this profiteer, their relationship was based on interests, Zhang Xiaolong felt that the stronger he showed, the more Lu Lun would stand by his side.

"Well, Mr. Lu is right, Wei Guo is a bit too troublesome, I'm calling to ask."

After Zhang Xiaolong finished speaking, he dialed the phone, and Xu Weiguo answered it immediately. Zhang Xiaolong asked, "Weiguo, how is your headquarters? Has the enemy retreated?"

After hearing Zhang Xiaolong's question, Xu Weiguo said: "It's almost time to withdraw. The biggest groups have all withdrawn. The rest are still waiting and watching. No one has launched an attack."

"I see, tell the brothers to be careful, Chen Si's people haven't moved yet?"

"Understood, landlord brother."

Zhang Xiaolong hung up the phone and said to Lu Lun: "Mr. Lu, that's what happened. Wei Guo said that it's not too big now. I think they should be able to stop until dawn. I'm sorry to keep you in shock. I'll see you tomorrow." When we go to Weiguo, we must talk about him well, it's too shameful."

Lu Lun sighed, knowing that Zhang Xiaolong was really perfunctory.

Lu Lun frowned, not being able to attack, he calmed down and said, "Xiaolong, Guan Wang, you were rescued too, I think if you keep fighting like this, I don't know how many people will die."

"Mr. Lu, you are so compassionate. I have only climbed up for a few days. You gave me the shares of the gambling boat back then, which is already a big face for me. I know you are here to mediate. What does Chen Si mean?" , you just say."

Zhang Xiaolong poured a glass of red wine for Lu Lun himself, speaking very politely.

No matter what Lu Lun wanted to say, Zhang Xiaolong didn't want to talk to him about outside affairs, so he asked them to call. Tonight was destined to be a chaotic night.

Zhang Xiaolong brought over the plate bought for 50 yuan, and said: "Mr. Lu, I bought a plate from a collector. You are rich and powerful, and you must know about antiques. Help me to have a good eye."

Lu Lun waved his hand and said, "I'm also a layman when it comes to antiques."

"Look at it first." Zhang Xiaolong opened the 50-yuan box, took out a [-]-yuan plate, and showed it to Lu Lun.

When Lu Lun took the plate, he didn't pay much attention to it at first, and he didn't take a close look at it in his hand, but he soon found that the pattern of this plate was good, the texture was good, and the patina was also good.

"Could it be true?" Lu Lun took out a small magnifying glass from his pocket and looked at it carefully.

A business tycoon like Lu Lun has a wide range of hobbies, including antiques, jade, and celebrity calligraphy and paintings. No matter what his hobbies are, his ultimate goal is to show off his wealth.

Lu Lun has also studied antiques, bought many fakes, and also many genuine ones. After a long time, he cultivated his eyesight very well.He originally thought that Zhang Xiaolong's plate must be fake, and newcomers like Zhang Xiaolong are the easiest to be deceived, but after looking carefully, he found that this plate was actually real.

Although it is only an object of a folk kiln, it is also a rare treasure.

"Xiaolong, you paid too much for this plate."

"Five..." Zhang Xiaolong almost blurted out, saying that it was [-]. He smiled and said, "It's hard to say, I haven't paid anyone yet, I was going to find an expert to have a look."

"Xiaolong, my brother likes this thing, can you give it to me!"

"This..." Zhang Xiaolong showed a hesitant expression. He bought it for 50 yuan. If he sold it to Lu Lun as the real thing, would he hate me if he found out that it was a fake in the future?

Seeing Zhang Xiaolong's hesitation, Lu Lun was afraid that Zhang Xiaolong would not give it up, so he stretched out five fingers and said, "I'm offering 500 million yuan to buy this plate, please tell me, this plate will be sent to the auction house, and the handling fee will be removed after the auction." , it may not be 5000 million, but I paid a big price."

Zhang Xiaolong swallowed his saliva, 50 yuan will now become 500 million, a hundred thousand times in a flash, is this the legendary pick-up.

"Is this shit worth so much money?" Zhang Xiaolong asked contemptuously.

Lu Lun nodded and said, "It's worth the price."

"Mr. Lu, what if this thing is fake, I think it's better to find an expert to have a look." Zhang Xiaolong reminded cautiously, the price was too much, and Zhang Xiaolong was also a little guilty.

Lu Lun also felt that he should be more careful. He said, "The appraiser on the Red Coral is next door. I'll ask him to come over and have a look."

Someone who gambles on the gambling boat, once they become crazy, often use those valuables to resist, just to continue gambling.

So Lu Lun raised an expert on antique and jewelry appraisal on the gambling boat. If someone took out such objects to mortgage or sell them for chips, the gambling boat would also accept them.

It's just that the mortgage price given on the gambling boat is much lower than the market price.

Five or six minutes later, a skinny old man in his early 6s walked into the casino. When he saw the plate in Lu Lun's hand, his eyes lit up, and he walked quickly to the table without waiting for a greeting. He picked up the plate and watched it carefully.

"This plate, is it real or not..."

Zhang Xiaolong asked, but the old man ignored him at all, but continued to watch carefully.

After a long time, the old man raised his head and asked, "Boss Lu, what is the origin of this plate?"

Lu Lun pointed to Zhang Xiaolong and said, "This is Boss Zhang's stuff."

Zhang Xiaolong would definitely not say that he bought it for 50 yuan at the night market. He smiled and said, "This was shown to me by a collector. I wanted to buy it, but I don't know if it is true or not. Do you always think how much this plate is worth?" money."

The old man looked at Zhang Xiaolong, then at Lu Lun, and seeing Lu Lun nodded, he said: "This object is from a folk kiln. It is in good shape and should be worth between 400 million and 500 million."

Hold!Zhang Xiaolong was a little excited.

If it was on a gambling boat, the old man would give 30 at most. The mortgage items in the casino are very dark, and at most 20% of the price can be mortgaged. This is not on a gambling boat, and Lu Lun agreed , the old man gave a reasonable market price.

Lu Lun said: "Xiaolong, I will pay 500 million, and your friend will not lose money."

"Okay, I'll call and ask."

Zhang Xiaolong pretended to be on the phone and went into the back room, the joy in his heart was really uncontrollable, he walked back and forth in the back room for several times before suppressing it.

Relieved, Zhang Xiaolong came out from the back room.

"Old Lu, my Tibetan friend agreed."

"Okay. What's his account, I'll give him the money." Lu Lun was afraid that Zhang Xiaolong would regret it, so he planned to transfer the money immediately.

Zhang Xiaolong said: "Just give me a check, and I will transfer it to him."

Lu Lun immediately took out the checkbook, and started a check for 500 million to Zhang Xiaolong, and then asked the appraiser to take the plate away first.

Zhang Xiaolong collected the check and secretly made up his mind to arrest the uncle who set up the stall tomorrow and check the plates he got from there.

Lu Lun was very happy to get this treasure, and told Zhang Xiaolong some knowledge about porcelain.The two were chatting in the house, and there was a fight on the street outside.

At this time Xu Weiguo called and said that Guan Wang's people had arrived, and all the people surrounding his headquarters were beaten away.

Zhang Xiaolong frowned, this Guan Wang was too busy, he was grinding.

At the same time, Lu Lun also received a call. He thought it was Chen Si, but an old voice came from the other side of the phone and said calmly: "Lu Lun, Xiaolong is beside you."

"Old Guang. Why did you call?" Lu Lun asked in astonishment.

When Zhang Xiaolong heard that it was Guangshan, his heart tightened. Could it be that Guangshan is behind the manipulation?This possibility is very high. If it is Guang Yam who harmonizes Chen Si, it will really benefit him a lot.

Guangshan on the other side of the phone said: "You are tossing about in Dengzhou, and the transmission has already been sent to the upper side. Can I still sit still? Lu Lun, turn the phone on speakerphone. I want to talk to Xiaolong."

"Okay." Lu Lun turned on the speakerphone and put it on the table.

"Xiaolong, you are here." Guangshan asked.

Zhang Xiaolong said very politely: "Mr. Guang, I'm listening."

"Xiaolong, Shandong is adjacent to the capital city of Gyeonggi. The higher-ups are very upset that you are fighting like this. I hope

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