Guangshan hung up the phone.

Lu Lun looked at Zhang Xiaolong in astonishment and asked, "Xiaolong, have you really decided?"

"I've decided, because I'm afraid that Chen Si won't dare to fight."

Zhang Xiaolong laughed loudly. He walked to the window and looked down at Dengzhou in the dark night from the window. In the direction of the pier, he could vaguely see a glimmer of fire. Countless people were fighting in the dark night. As one of the controllers , Zhang Xiaolong stayed out of the chess game, as if everyone was a pawn in his hand.

Zhang Xiaolong suddenly had the urge to be a conductor, and he waved his hands a few times like a baton.

"Ahaha." Zhang Xiaolong laughed heartily, this feeling is really good.

Lu Lun, who was behind him, looked at Zhang Xiaolong, feeling full of uneasiness in his heart. Could it be that this person is also a lunatic? There are enough lunatics in the Pinlan Club, so don't let another one pop up.

Lu Lun told him to leave, went back to the room, and didn't sleep well all night.

Zhang Xiaolong slept soundly, woke up early in the morning with a relatively good appetite, and ate two steamed buns, a bowl of porridge, and an egg.

Zhang Xiaolong slept peacefully that night, but there was no rest outside. Zhang Xiaolong proposed to challenge Chen Si one-on-one, but he did not issue a truce order until he got a response, and let his subordinates toss outside all night.

After Xu Weiguo withstood the first wave of attacks, he slowed down and started to fight back, which dealt a terrible blow to the local forces in Dengzhou. Among them, the boss who was closest to Xu Weiguo's territory was taken out of his nest by Xu Weiguo, and he was stripped naked Hanging at the gate, I was almost frozen to death.

Chen Tie led the elite troops to stab the knife from the back, hid in the dark and fired black guns, and specially selected the big brother level to fight, but Chen Tie was calm and did not fight to death. He fired a few shots to frighten many local big brothers into hiding. The headquarters did not dare to show their heads, and Xu Weiguo's people became more and more unscrupulous.

Guan Wangjian had a good momentum, and led people to take advantage of the fire to loot, especially targeting the underground financial operators who lend usury, and robbed a lot of money.

Chen Si's subordinate, Liu Chuan, joined the battle after midnight. He rescued several friendly local gangs and organized troops to counterattack.

Gu Guang of the Righteous Gang was depressed all night, and the next morning, he suddenly found himself a third party, and he couldn't join them there, as if the battle in Dengzhou had nothing to do with him.

Thousands of people were admitted to the hospital overnight. Hospitals in Dengzhou, large and small, were filled with wounded people. Even the obstetrics and gynecology wards were filled with injured horses.

Lu Lun didn't sleep well last night, and got up at five o'clock in the morning. Before dawn, he ran to Chen Si, and wanted to ask Chen Si for his answer.

But when they arrived at Chen Si's residence, they found that Chen Si slept very soundly. It is said that he found two chicks at night and tossed about for more than two hours.

Lu Lun thought: "Could it be that I am the only one who loves peace in this world?"

Lu Lun waited until after six o'clock before Chen Si got up. Seeing Lu Lun coming, he also had a smile on his face.

"Have you eaten it? If you haven't eaten it, eat it with me."

"Chen Si, Zhang Xiaolong wants to fight you one-on-one, how are you going to answer!" Last night, Lu Lun had already talked to Chen Si on the phone, but Chen Si didn't answer right away, saying that he would think about it. One night.

Now it seems that apart from Lu Lun who is in a hurry, Chen Si and Zhang Xiaolong, who are the parties involved, are not in a hurry.

Chen Si was wandering around the house in boxer shorts. The heating in his residence was quite powerful. Staying in the house was as warm as spring, even wearing unlined clothes felt hot.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean!"

"That old guy in Guangshan, I knew he was playing tricks, I'm xx..." Chen Si came up and greeted all the women in Guangshan's family first.Then he said: "Old Lu, please help me choose a neutral location. It would be good to resolve this battle in a one-on-one manner."

"you sure."

"I'm sure, I haven't stabbed someone for a long time." Chen Si was full of confidence, and his eyes were even more murderous.

Lu Lun looked at this companion who had been in trouble for many years. If Chen Si was harmonized, he would feel uncomfortable, but the higher-ups had tolerated it for so many years. Why did they suddenly want to harmonize Chen Si?Lu Lun has many questions in his heart, and there are many big brothers in the country, why must he be harmonious with Chen Si?

From Lu Lun's eyes, Chen Si saw doubts.

Chen Si said with a smile: "Old Lu, you must be very puzzled, why are the higher ups following me?"

Lu Lun nodded as an answer.

Chen Si whispered a few words in Lu Lun's ear, and others couldn't hear what they were saying, but after the few words, Lu Lun's face turned completely pale.

"You..." Lu Lun looked at Chen Si in disbelief.

Chen Si smiled and said, "Don't worry. They dare not touch me. If I die, someone will definitely be buried with me."

"Oh." Lu Lun sighed, feeling that Chen Si was too much trouble.

"I'll leave you up to Zhang Xiaolong and I. Let's see how I hack this little bastard to death." Chen Si gritted his teeth and said, exuding a strong murderous aura all over his body.

Lu Lun left Chen Si's residence in a hurry, knowing in his heart that Chen Si was going crazy too.

After Zhang Xiaolong finished his breakfast, Lu Lun just returned to the hotel.

"Mr. Lu, have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, eat some from me." Zhang Xiaolong was in a good mood, and was willing to talk nonsense with Lu Lun, but he said the same thing as Chen Si.

Lu Lun had a wry smile on his face, he couldn't eat anything!

Lu Lun said: "Chen Si promised to fight with you to resolve the dispute."

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "I knew he would agree, I will let the brothers on the street evacuate, I hope Chen Si's people will also evacuate on their own initiative."

"no problem."

Lu Lun nodded in agreement, and then asked, "What are your requirements for the time and place of the duel?"

Zhang Xiaolong had thought about this question a long time ago. When he was dreaming last night, he chopped Chen Si in his dream.

"It's best to find a hidden place in Dengzhou, supervised by a third party, video recording is not allowed, Chen Si and I each bring two guards, and the number of people present including the third party cannot exceed ten."

In this duel, no matter who dies between Zhang Xiaolong and Chen Si, the other person will not go to jail. It is better for everyone to have fewer witnesses.

"It seems that you have made up your mind, the third-party host, who do you want to be." Lu Lun's mind flashed an old man who always had a harmonious face.

"Old Guang is the most suitable, please ask Elder Lu to invite Guang Lao to preside over the duel between me and Chen Si."

People at the level of Zhang Xiaolong and Chen Si were singled out, and the third-party host, only Guangshan, the acting president of the Pinlan Club, was the most suitable.

For anyone else, identity and impartiality would be called into question.

Lu Lun was also thinking about Guangshan, and this time the incident could not be mediated because of the result of Guangshan sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, so it is time for him to give some effort.

"I'll invite Mr. Guang, where is the duel?"

"I also ask Mr. Lu to help me choose a secluded place."

"I'll choose this one, Xiaolong. From my point of view, I don't want a fight between you and Chen Si." Lu Lun was also very distressed. As a businessman, he hoped to have more partners so that he could gain more wealth.

But if his partners fight with each other, it will pose a great threat to his wealth. From the perspective of absolute interests, Lu Lun should help Chen Si, but what Chen Si has mastered is too scary. To Chen Si, it is likely to be harmonized together.

Now Lu Lun's mood is very tangled.

Zhang Xiaolong and Chen Si must not be kind, his attitude towards Lu Lun is to pull him over if he can.

Just as Lu Lun was about to leave, Zhang Xiaolong stopped him and asked, "Mr. Lu, there are five golden beaches along the coastal road in City A. I want to build a luxury hotel area next to the largest beach. I wonder if Mr. Lu is interested in investing in it." .”

Zhang Xiaolong beckoned Qi Fanghang to bring over a letter of intent, which Zhang Xiaolong had planned long ago, and this was also one of Zhang Xiaolong's white jobs.

This is also equivalent to telling Lu Lun that without Chen Si, he can cooperate with Zhang Xiaolong.

Lu Lun took the letter of intent and said, "I'll go back and have a look."

"Old Lu, you should also go and see

Now Lu Lun is not in the mood to read the letter of intent, so he should solve the immediate problems first.

Lu Lun left Zhang Xiaolong's residence, first found Chen Si, and told Zhang Xiaolong's request. Chen Si readily agreed, and he also asked Guangshan to be a third-party host. Then Chen Si expressed condolences to everyone in Guangshan's family female.

It seems that Chen Si's resentment towards Guangshan has reached a new level.

Lu Lun called Guangshan, and Guangshan readily agreed.

After Zhang Xiaolong had breakfast, he gathered Xu Weiguo and Guan Wang to go to the hospital to see his injured brother. Chen Tie hid himself again, and he couldn't completely relax yet.

In the bloody battle last night, there were more than 200 injured brothers in Longtang, all of whom lived in Dengzhou Third People's Hospital. broken.These gangsters fought overnight, the hormones were extremely secreted, and some people actually molested the patient's female family members.

The hospital had no choice but to transfer other patients to the internal medicine ward for temporary stay.

Qi Fanghang followed behind the elder brothers, passed by the door of the nurses' duty room, and saw those female nurses with extremely frightened expressions, which made him so excited that he really wanted to go in and be hospitalized with his brothers.

Zhang Xiaolong visited the wounded from ward to ward, asked their names and conditions, and distributed pensions directly.

"Boss, the brothers will have to live in the hospital for at least ten days and a half a month. I can't bear this for a long time!" A certain extremely lewd boy asked an extremely dirty problem. <b

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