Inside the outer fortifications of Nay Pyi Taw, rubbish was strewn everywhere, and pieces of paper were flying around with the wind, skimming over abandoned weapons, and falling into another, more empty corner, where there were still unopened grenades Boxes, scattered pouches of bullets, canned goods and an AK without a bolt.

The Dejiang Army has been defeated, and has completely lost the will to fight. They have only one thought in their minds, which is to run for their lives.

Wu Gong's troops entered the urban area through the empty fortifications, quickly occupied all government departments, controlled the TV stations and radio stations, and sent troops to protect the embassies of various countries.

Sitting at the desk where Dejiang once sat, Wu Gong was dreaming of a bright future in his mind. He would become the supreme ruler of the Burmese military government, the Burmese General.

"Pull the curtains a little to block the sunlight." Wu Gong, who was flirting in his heart, felt that the light suddenly dimmed a lot, and said something without thinking.

He raised his head, and suddenly found that there were several people in the office, looking at him with different eyes.

Hou Jun, Sun Chengmao, Wu Tengchong, Wu Yu, Zhang Xiaolong and Wang Xiaofei.

Facing the unused eyes of Liu Shuang, Wu Gong suddenly felt a little nervous. Although he was the first to drive into Nay Pyi Taw, he did not participate in the real battle. The people who eliminated the main force of Dejiang Army were Hou Jun and Wu Min.

Sun Chengmao and Wu Tengchong looked at the excitement on their faces. They looked down on Wu Gong at first, thinking that he was an arrogant upstart, and now they look down on him even more. When others are fighting, he hides and wins him It is rare to rush forward desperately, to be so shameless.

Wu Yan looked at the chair, it was the seat he wanted the most, what was it for Wu Gong to sit on it?Is it amazing to have 10,000+ troops?I can kill you by drawing a gun now.Wu Yan's eyes were full of indifference, so cold that it made one's hair stand on end, as if looking at a dead body on the side of the road.

Hou Jun laughed, just like a harmonious old man, no one could connect him with the gangster who murdered and set fire. Just now, he was still commanding the troops to kill, and now he has become the kindest man in the world people.

Zhang Xiaolong looked at Wu Gong coldly, touched the May Fourth pistol on his waist, and looked at the Burmese generals beside him.I thought about it in my heart, if Wu Gong is killed now, will Wu Mi become No.1?Wu Yan is one of Zhang Xiaolong's father-in-law, if he can become the king of Burma, it will be of great benefit to Zhang Xiaolong.To kill, or not to kill, Zhang Xiaolong was thinking in his heart.

Wang Xiaofei stroked the goatee, and looked at Wu Gong with a thief, as if he was not looking at people, but looking at where other people's wallets were hidden.

"Everyone is here!" Wu Gong stood up cautiously.

Wang Xiaofei was the first to ask with a smile: "General Wu Gong, you are the first to enter the city, have you caught De Jiang?"

Wu Gong shook his head, and said awkwardly: "My subordinates are hunting De Jiang, I believe he will be caught soon." Then he turned around from behind the desk.He felt that Dejiang's chair was like a red-hot iron plate. If he sat on it easily, he would be burned, and his life might be lost.

"Come here, pass on my order, search the whole city for De Jiang, hurry up." Wu Gong shouted loudly, expressing his eagerness and determination to hack De Jiang to death.

Zhang Xiaolong looked at Hou Jun and Wu Min, and immediately understood what they were thinking.

Hou Jun was going to leave Burma sooner or later. Anyone present who became the king of Burma would pose no threat to him. Wu Mi was the strongest among the four Burmese generals. It would not necessarily be good for Hou Jun to have such a person in power.

Wu Yan stared at the chair, it was certain that he would win it, and when he got out of the office, it might be a large-scale internal strife.

Between people, it is inevitable that the four endings are the same: working together, sharing the same bed with different dreams, fighting in the same room, and dying together.After working together to kill De Jiang, everyone in the office has entered the stage of sharing the same bed with different dreams. When they leave the office, they will definitely fight with each other, and they will inevitably die together in the future.

The best way to avoid the fourth situation is to maintain the relationship between everyone in the second stage, or the early stage of the third stage.

Zhang Xiaolong pulled out his gun suddenly, put it on Wu Gong's head and pulled the trigger. With the sound of a gunshot, the most uneasy factor in the office completely disappeared.

Wu Gong's eyes were wide open. He never thought that Zhang Xiaolong would shoot suddenly. His brains and blood were mixed together, red and white were sprinkled on the chair that everyone wanted to sit on, warning everyone present. Everyone, this seat is not that easy to sit in.

Blowing the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, he looked at Sun Chengmao and Wu Tengchong coldly.Sun Chengmao hurriedly said: "I have long disliked this bastard. He hid far away during the war, and only ran out when he was about to win. It will be a disaster to keep him sooner or later."

"That's right, you deserve it if you die." Wu Teng kicked Wu Gong's corpse.

Wu Gong's subordinates should not be afraid of the attitudes expressed by the two of them.

Zhang Xiaolong put away his gun, beckoned Wang Xiaofei to turn around and leave the office building, Wang Xiaofei said in a low voice: "Landlord, it would be good to kill Wu Gong, will it cause Sun Chengmao and Wu Tengchong's dissatisfaction?"

Zhang Xiaolong explained: "Houzi, Sun Chengmao and Wu Tengchong are sensible people, who know how to weigh the pros and cons, and choose the option that is most beneficial to themselves. Wu Gong is a greedy person, his appetite has no bottom line, and he doesn't know what is good or bad. I This outsider killed Wu Gong, at worst he will not come to Myanmar in the future, and the rest of the people will be grateful to me in their hearts."

Wang Xiaofei looked back at the office building: "I hope so!"

The army that entered Nay Pyi Taw began to search for De Jiang everywhere. The search process was a bit panicky and disorderly. Many people were taking advantage of the fire to rob, and they would rob everything they saw. Some even robbed women openly.

Nay Pyi Taw spent two days in chaos. After Wu Yan ordered the shooting of 130 serious criminals who committed robbery by fire, Nay Pyi Taw slowly restored order.

After two days, Dejiang was still not found. It is certain that Dejiang has escaped from Nay Pyi Taw. Once he enters the rain forest area, it will be difficult to catch him.

Early in the morning of the third day, Zhang Xiaolong was awakened by the knock on the door, comforted Du Na on the bed and continued to sleep, put on his coat and flew out of the inner bedroom, towards the outer door.From the frequency of knocking on the door and the thick sound, it could be seen that the person who came should be Chen Tie, and if it was Wang Xiaofei, he would have knocked more urgently.

When he opened the door, it turned out to be Chen Tie, but Geng Wei and Xu Hai were still following behind him. Zhang Xiaolong asked in surprise, "Why are you here? The business in Singapore has been settled? Did you leave the beginning and the end?" After finishing speaking, He signaled them to come in, closed the door and said, "I'm looking for a drink by myself. I haven't looked at this room yet. Didn't I tell you to go back directly? Why did you come here? Did someone call you here?"

Geng Wei smiled and nodded: "It's all done. We have something good to show you this time." Then, Geng Wei took out a document and handed it to Zhang Xiaolong: "Landlord, this is a good thing, He Yaoren A small ruins of an ancient city that was relocated in Burma went out, loaded a whole three boats, and I robbed them all, what do you think about it?"

"The ruins of the ancient city?" Zhang Xiaolong picked up the document and glanced at it, and began to admire He Yaoren's courage. He actually cut up and relocated the entire ancient city, and made a reorganization plan. It took two years for the demolition and three years for reinstallation. .

Geng Wei simply explained: "Fortunately, there is still one of He Yaoren's ten holy knights alive, named Beatty. After He Yaoren's death, she took the initiative to find us. She confessed the ruins of the ancient city. She hopes to organize the completion of the ancient city. Assembling the job, saying no one else could have done the project but her."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded again and again: "Good thing, it is comparable to the ancient shipwreck we fished out in Dengzhou, arrange the fleet to return to City A, let... what is the name of that captive?"

Zhang Xiaolong continued: "We have to respect the experts and let her choose the site for the reconstruction of the ancient city. After selecting the site, start construction immediately, and strive to complete the reconstruction in the shortest possible time."

Geng Wei said, "Our City A needs another historic site."

"Congratulations." Zhang Xiaolong took out the wine and had a drink with his brothers.

Asking someone to call Wang Xiaofei and others to come over, Zhang Xiaolong said to Xu Hai with a pleasant smile: "You did a good job this time, but you were a little reckless, don't be so impulsive next time, your life is worth more than He Yaoren."

Xu Hai opened his eyes sharply, and looked at Zhang Xiaolong in disbelief. When he saw the smile on Zhang Xiaolong's face clearly, his heart was filled with emotion. Meeting such a boss is worth dying for.

Zhang Xiaolong touched the beer can with him, then took out the phone and dialed a few numbers. After 30 seconds, Xu Hai's phone vibrated a few times, and Zhang Xiaolong said to him, "Check out the text message."

Xu Hai nodded, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, with infinite ecstasy on his face.

In Xu Hai's Swiss bank account, there was a huge sum of money, followed by seven zeros, and the unit was marked as: US dollars.

"Boss, this... this is too much..." Xu Hai's hands were trembling, it was the first time in his life that he saw so much money.

Zhang Xiaolong's expression was very flat, not at all like a person who just sent a huge sum of money. He knew in his heart that the more harmonious his smile was now, the more Xu Hai would give him his heart.

"This is what you deserve, but it's not all for you, it's for you and your brothers."

Xu Hai knelt down next to Zhang Xiaolong, and kowtowed three times vigorously. Zhang Xiaolong hurried to pull him, and said, "What are you doing? We are all brothers, there is no such thing."

Xu Hai shouted happily: "Boss, I won't say anything if I swear. Look at my performance in the future. I will definitely not let you down."

Zhang Xiaolong reached out to pick up Xu Hai, at this moment Du Na came out from the back room, brought them some fruits and snacks, and then quietly retreated out.

Soon Wang Xiaofei, Zou Beibei and Qi Fanghang rushed over, and everyone got together and chatted very happily.Everyone is very kind to Xu Hai.

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