It can't be blamed, Sun Chengmao and Wu Tengchong are afraid, Hou Jun's three divisions are all in Naypyido City, and Zhang Xiaolong is Wu Min's son-in-law, who has a powerful military backing, and they have absolutely no intention of provoking Zhang Xiaolong.However, even if they don't provoke them, they still feel scared in their hearts. Wu Gong's example is right in front of them, and now Zhang Xiaolong wants to kill them, and it will be a matter of seconds.

The two of them didn't know that Zhang Xiaolong killed Wu Gong to maintain the current balance, and he would not attack the two of them.

Letting Zhang Xiaolong leave quickly was the only thought of the two of them.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the two people, Wu Yan nodded: "I'll go talk to them, you can rest assured that nothing will happen."

After finishing the work at hand in a hurry, Wu Yan drove to find Zhang Xiaolong.The barracks where Zhang Xiaolong is located is in the original Ministry of National Defense compound. There are no patrolling soldiers on the high walls around. There are only two soldiers standing at the gate. Wu Yan knows that there are at least thirty snipers hidden in the corner. , anyone approaching without authorization will be killed immediately.

After greeting the soldiers at the door, Wu Yan went directly to Zhang Xiaolong's residence. The room was in a mess, the party that just ended left a mess, and several maids were cleaning up the house.

Zhang Xiaolong was sitting in the corridor, drinking tea by the window, when he saw Wu Min coming in, he stood up and responded: "General, why are you here, ahahaha..."

After drinking too much wine just now, Zhang Xiaolong's mood was super relaxed, and he couldn't control his joyful mood at all.Except that De Jiang was not found, the implementation in Myanmar this time can be described as a complete success.

Ask Wu Min to sit down and order the servant to bring tea.

Wu Min said bluntly: "Xiaolong, Sun Chengmao and Wu Tengchong found me and asked me when you and Hou Jun would leave Myanmar."

Zhang Xiaolong scolded: "These two grandsons are too timid."

"Who told you to shoot Wu Gong? It scared them." Wu Yan turned the teacup in his hand and looked out the window at the playground, where a group of soldiers were practicing.

Wu Yan is a professional soldier, and he can tell at a glance that these people are the best of the elite. The original 600 people can be pulled out to fight against a division under Wu Yan.

Clicking his mouth, Wu Yan was extremely envious in his heart.

Zhang Xiaolong said eloquently: "It's rare for me to come to Myanmar once. If Du Na is not pregnant this time, I won't leave."

Wu Min's spirit was revived, Sun Chengmao and Wu Tengchong had to stand aside on the issue of their grandson, and the child would become a solid bond of cooperation between the two parties, binding Wu Min and Zhang Xiaolong firmly to a chariot.

Although Hou Jun is powerful, he is already old. The young and promising Zhang Xiaolong is the hope for the future.

Wu Yan said with a positive attitude: "I heard that there is a medicine that can make people conceive twins or even triplets. I will find someone to prepare it. You can have more babies at a time."

Zhang Xiaolong was speechless, and could only attribute it to the fact that Wu Yan was crazy about his grandson.

Wu Mi never asked Zhang Xiaolong when he would leave Myanmar. All the topics were how to get Du Na pregnant. As a father-in-law, Wu Mi gave Zhang Xiaolong a physical health class.

Du Na, who was going to bring some fruit to the two of them, blushed, gave her father a hard look, and fled in despair.

"Look at her, she's too embarrassed. There are women who don't have children." The corners of Wu Yan's mouth almost went back.


After staying in Nay Pyi Taw for more than a month, De Jiang was still not found. Zhang Xiaolong left with great regret.At this time, Du Na and Zou Beibei were both three weeks pregnant.

"I think you will still be dishonest in the future." Zhang Xiaolong was proud.

Zou Beibei was indeed a lot more honest, following behind Zhang Xiaolong obediently, showing an extremely sweet smile from time to time.

Sitting in the middle of the helicopter, Zhang Xiaolong was close to Zou Beibei, Han Lingyu and Tian Jing were on the other side, and Wang Xiaofei, Chen Tie, Geng Wei and Xu Hai were sitting opposite, they got a batch of liquor from somewhere, He was enjoying himself drinking happily, so he persuaded Han Lingyu and Tian Jing to drink a little too.

Before landing, Zhang Xiaolong saw a dozen people in dark green military uniforms waiting at the edge of the apron. The leader was his uncle Hou Delong, and there was Fang Ying beside him. He smiled, looked away, and looked Looking at Han Lingyu and Tian Jing, they were all very happy, while Wang Xiaofei and the others continued to drink.

Zhang Xiaolong took out a cigar and wanted to smoke one, but he thought that Zou Beibei was pregnant, so he just put the cigarette in his mouth and did not take out the lighter to light it.

Zou Beibei gave Zhang Xiaolong a strange look, why didn't he light up his cigarette?Suddenly she realized the answer, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, she didn't say anything, she put her head close to Zhang Xiaolong, her heart was full of happiness.

After getting off the plane, Hou Delong came up, shook hands with everyone one by one, and then greeted Zhang Xiaolong's people to leave the apron and sit in a nearby board room, while Han Lingyu and Tian Jing led the people away with Fang Ying.

Fang Ying took a few glances at Zhang Xiaolong before leaving, as if he had something to say but couldn't say it.

Zhang Xiaolong followed Hou Delong to the board room, and Qi Fanghang also followed. Instead of entering the house, they sat down in the small shed outside and asked the soldiers to bring some mung bean soup.

Hou Delong glanced at the horses scattered in Longtang: "Xiaolong, have you done everything I entrusted to you?"

Zhang Xiaolong thought for a while, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've done everything you entrusted to me. I've taken care of the five opium producing areas. Han Lingyu and Tian Jing are in charge. You can rest assured."

Hou Delong whispered: "Not bad!" After finishing speaking, he looked at the helicopter that was leaving. Zhang Xiaolong's people were unloading boxes from the plane, which were filled with emerald materials: "The news from Myanmar is blocked. Very good, the outside world doesn't know at all, there was a big battle with tens of thousands of people there, keep your mouth shut and don't tell about it."

Zhang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, then muttered: "F*ck, whoever dares to speak out, I will destroy his whole family, damn it...Brother, there is really no news from Myanmar, that is hundreds of thousands of people Decisive battle!" In his heart, Zhang Xiaolong really admired the Burmese's ability to block news.

"The infrastructure over there is backward, the traffic is closed, and communication is difficult. It is relatively easy to block news." Hou Delong gave a very simple answer.

Zhang Xiaolong stretched his waist, and at this moment a long convoy drove up from a distance, with seven other large passenger cars following in the middle.

Hou Delong stood up and tidied up his military uniform: "Dehai is here to pick you up, I'm leaving first, remember what I said, don't tell this about it."

"Brother, don't you want to go home with me? Father-in-law will return to China soon." Zhang Xiaolong asked.

Hou Delong refused straight away: "There will be a chance next time!" As he said, he left without looking back, Zhang Xiaolong was a little puzzled, and thought: "What kind of grudge does he have with Hou Jun, why is he unwilling to go home? Ah! I’m in my 40s, there’s something I can’t think about, do I really have to wait until after the separation between heaven and man to regret it?”

When Hou Dehai's convoy arrived, Hou Delong had already left by helicopter, and Hou Dehai's expression revealed a look of disappointment.

On the road to Huichun City, Hou Dehai was extremely disappointed. If it were the same as before, he would never want his elder brother to come back.Because at that time, he didn't have the confidence to compete with his elder brother for the position of the leader of the Nanjun Gang, but now he is full of confidence. During Hou Jun's absence, he not only steadily expanded the territory of the Nanjun Gang, but also developed an underground bank in Myanmar. source of wealth.

Hou Jun has expressed his intention to let Hou Dehai take the throne.

Zhang Xiaolong greeted Hou Dehai with a smile: "Second brother, don't be sad, big brother will think about it sooner or later." He didn't know the conflict between Hou Jun and Hou Dehai, and he couldn't say anything else to comfort him.

Hou Dehai continued to look out of the car, the car had not yet entered Chuncheng, and on the side of the road was the endless Dianchi Lake.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't bother to persuade him any more, he also brought over a bottle of brandy with great interest, poured himself a big glass, took a sip, and began to discuss with Zou Beibei beside him what gifts to buy for his return home.

After talking, they talked about the emeralds from Myanmar. This time they came back and brought a large number of Mingming.

Zhang Xiaolong asked Hou Dehai if there was a good jadeite master in Chuncheng, and Hou Dehai said in turn: "Ma Ting under your command is really engaged in jade, you can just find him, why bother to find outsiders."

Zhang Xiaolong patted his forehead and said, "How could I have forgotten him?"


After spending several days in Chuncheng, Zhang Xiaolong set off to return to City A after Hou Jun returned home.

According to the usual practice, she showed up at home and moved to live with Wang Xue for a few days the next day. The sisters of the Wang family had already moved into the villa area.

Before leaving, he also said that Zhang Xiaolong spent money randomly, why did the two of them live in such a big house.

At that time, Wang Xue said proudly: "This is called ability, and others can't do it? Besides, we live with five people, me, Xiaolong, sister, Yaya (her daughter), Xiaoyaya (Wang Ting's daughter)."

Wang Xue is so lively, even the elders of the Wang family can't do anything about her.

When Zhang Xiaolong came back, Wang Xue was very happy. The servants in the commander's house were very busy doing this and that.

Wang Ting took a moment to say to Zhang Xiaolong in a low voice: "Xiaoxue already knows about you and those women in Haiyan Villa. She is not stupid, so don't lie to her."

Zhang Xiaolong smiled wryly: "I know I won't be able to hide it for long, the world I live in is too dangerous, I just don't want Xiaoxue to be involved in it."

Wang Ting bowed her head and said, "I understand your painstaking efforts."

"I don't want to involve you either. You and Xiaoxue are my darlings. I don't want you to be in any danger." Zhang Xiaolong's words made Wang Ting's delicate body vibrate.

Wang Ting looked at him blankly: "You! You can say something nice!"


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