It was spring again, and it was the time of the year when it was most vibrant. Zhang Xiaolong took out a cigar and lit it. He put his legs on the small table and found a very comfortable position.

Qiu Digong Qiuzi was reading a book on a tray, and when she saw something interesting, she lightly covered her cherry and smiled, she was as beautiful as a bouquet of cherry blossoms in full bloom.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled triumphantly.

Qiuzi is reading a book peacefully here, but Japan is already in chaos, because Qiuzi was kidnapped and brought to Japan.

"Don't go back in the future." With Zhang Xiaolong's words, Qiuzi became his exclusive prison.

Akiko obeyed with joy. Like many traditional Japanese women, she is educated, courteous, and gentle. She serves her husband wholeheartedly and takes care of everything at home.But she also inherited that strong slavishness, she will do whatever Zhang Xiaolong asks, and she only asks for a word of praise from Zhang Xiaolong.

For example: "Qiuzi, you are doing very well."

The other women in Haiyan Villa admired Qiuzi very much. Wei Dandan once said with emotion: "Slavery is so strong! I can't do it, and I like to take the initiative."

In order to prove his words, Wei Dandan took the initiative to go out and bully Qiuzi with Zhang Xiaolong.When Wei Dandan and Qiuzi are together, the beauty of the lily is absolutely irresistible.

"Sure enough, it's better for Niu to be tender." These words were buried in Zhang Xiaolong's heart, and he didn't dare to say them out.

Flicking off the ash on the cigar, he was about to call Qiuzi over to Wen Chun, when Yinxuan knocked on the door and walked in, Zhang Xiaolong raised his eyelids to take a look, and asked, "Yinxuan, what's the matter?"

"Boss, should the isolation order for Li Longsheng be lifted?" Yin Xuan asked cautiously.

Li Longsheng is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau sent to City A by the superiors. Because the supervisor is idle, Zhang Xiaolong ordered him to be isolated and not allowed to provide him with food in any form. The isolated island order was enforced for seven days, and Li Longsheng was almost starved to death. Jun came forward to intercede, and Zhang Xiaolong let him go.

However, before Zhang Xiaolong went to Myanmar, he forgot to revoke the isolated island order. It has been three months now, and if Yinxuan didn't mention it, he almost forgot.

Zhang Xiaolong sat up and asked, "Li Longsheng didn't starve to death!"

Yinxuan was suddenly a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice hesitantly: "He has been going to my place to eat recently, but he won't starve to death, but it's a little troublesome."

"I'm causing you trouble. If he starves to death, I won't be able to explain to my uncle. Send me a message to lift the isolation order for Li Longsheng." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaolong looked at Yinxuan playfully. , Why did this female secretary with a mountainous figure suddenly become so shy?

"You look so cute now! Are you in a relationship?" Zhang Xiaolong asked with narrowed eyes.

Yin Xuan was startled, the boss's eyes are too vicious, is it so obvious?Yin Xuan said hesitantly: "! Who will fall in love with me!"

Yinxuan explained to Zhang Xiaolong by belittling herself that with her strong body, it was indeed difficult to find a partner.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled slightly, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Could it be Li Longsheng? It's amazing! This time you have caught the man's stomach."

Yinxuan's face turned completely red, and he didn't even deny it in this situation, Yinxuan asked cautiously: "Boss, is it so obvious?"

"It's all written on his face." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaolong laughed loudly: "Li Longsheng is hard-working, but he is a good person, but you have to remember, you follow what I see and hear. Don't tell Li Longsheng without my permission, if you say it in private, I will kill you."

For a moment, Zhang Xiaolong's eyes showed a murderous look.

Yinxuan's heart tightened, she knew that if the boss said it, he could do it.She hurriedly said: "No, I will never tell."

Zhang Xiaolong put away his murderous aura, stood up and walked to the safe, took a pair of jade pendants, a Guanyin statue, and a Taotie from inside, and brought them to Yinxuan, saying: "This is a wedding gift for you, it seems to be called a glass seed." , I don’t understand the specifics, Guanyin is yours, this is for Li Longsheng.”

"Thank you boss." Yin Xuan happily accepted the gift, the rosiness on his face faded a little.

Zhang Xiaolong beckoned Yinxuan to sit down on the sofa, Qiuzi had already brought tea over, and after doing things for Zhang Xiaolong and Yinxuan, he backed out with a smile.

Zhang Xiaolong took a sip from his teacup and asked, "How has Li Longsheng been doing in the past three months?"

Yin Xuan replied in a low voice: "He has arrested several doctors who embezzled hospital reconstruction funds and won a good reputation. People have started secretly buying food for him. Everyone can understand that he is a good man and he will die soon." Be careful, the boss won't really starve him to death." After speaking, Yinxuan peeked at Zhang Xiaolong's face, for fear that Zhang Xiaolong would be unhappy.

"The eyes of the masses are discerning, and they know the good and the bad."

Zhang Xiaolong didn't bother with this, he forgot to lift the isolation order for Li Longsheng, it was his own mistake, as long as Li Longsheng didn't mess around, everything would be easy.

Yinxuan continued: "Longsheng told me that he is also targeting you because someone in Yanjing gave him your criminal information, hoping that he can eliminate harm for the people. Now that I think about it, it is a deliberate provocation."

"Who is it?" Zhang Xiaolong had some meaning, who would target him in Yanjing?Could it be the Four Young Masters in Beijing?Hasn't the matter between them been reconciled?

Yinxuan replied, "It's Qian Gui, director of Yanjing Local Investment Promotion Office."

Zhang Xiaolong narrowed his eyes and tried hard to recall.expensive?A person who has only met once, why do you want to kill him?Suddenly Falk.Shaertu's appearance flashed by. This Qiangui hooked up with Fake. Could it be that Fake asked him to blackmail me behind my back?It should be like this.

Zhang Xiaolong told himself rationally that hatred needs a reason.

But Qian Gui's hatred is hatred for no reason, he only dealt with Zhang Xiaolong because he disliked Zhang Xiaolong, and he had no stake in it.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled, pressed a button to call Qi Fanghang in, and said in a ferocious and low tone: "Secretly send someone to Yanjing, and tie me back Qian Gui, the director of the Yanjing Investment Promotion Office. He exposed his identity, if someone rescues him halfway, kill him directly."

"Yes, boss!" Qi Fanghang replied and went down.

"Wait, there are too many people who know you, tell the people below to go." Zhang Xiaolong called Qi Fanghang to stop, and gave another order.

After Qi Fanghang went out, Zhang Xiaolong returned to his kind smile and said, "Don't let Li Longsheng know about this, if he knows, he will definitely make trouble."

Yin Xuan nodded, she would not let Li Longsheng know.

Zhang Xiaolong concluded: "Li Longsheng is a good person. In the future, corruption in the municipal government will be entrusted to him. With him watching, those officials will not be blatant. As long as the big corruption is avoided, I can still be a little bit greedy. tolerated."

People like Zhang Xiaolong, who are both black and white, pay attention to revenge and give people a way to survive. Only by letting people see hope can they work hard.

After talking for a while, they changed the subject and talked about something relaxing. The ancient city brought back from Myanmar is being rebuilt.

This ancient city was snatched from He Yaoren's hands. It is an absolute world-class treasure, and it is also a super-large-scale treasure.Wu Yu called several times, hoping that Zhang Xiaolong would return the ancient city to Myanmar, but Zhang Xiaolong simply pretended not to know, and publicized that the ancient city was a fake, just to add a landmark building to city a.

Just take a stone, and the carbon 14 test has an antique building with a history of more than 1000 years. Who will believe it!

It is not the first time that Zhang Xiaolong robs other people's cultural relics. More than a year ago, he also salvaged an ancient shipwreck from the sea off Dengzhou and brought it back to City A, and claimed that it was dug out from the coast of City A. Dengzhou Cultural Bureau The officials are still suing!Strongly demand that the ancient shipwreck be returned to Dengzhou.

Zhang Xiaolong said: "I want to take back what I got, but there is no door."

With the experience of the first time, it is much easier to snatch other people's cultural relics this time.

The site for the refurbishment of the ancient city of Myanmar has been selected, and the foundation is being laid now. The entire project will take about three years and cost more than [-] million yuan.

Now many uninformed people are asking whether it is worth spending [-] million yuan to build an antique relic.

There is no need to answer this kind of question, as long as Zhang Xiaolong knows it in his heart.


At this time in Yanjing, Qian Gui was suffering under the darkness of night. When he waited until ten o'clock in the morning in the United States, he picked up the phone and dialed Fake in the United States. As soon as the call was connected, he asked anxiously: "Mr. When will we be able to arrive in City A!"

On the other side of the phone, Fake asked back: "Why should I send someone to City A?"

Qian Gui was in a hurry: "Didn't we agree? I will send someone there. As long as you send people to city a to make a fuss and lure out the gangsters in city a, we can use the power of the state to harmonize them."

Farke was helpless at Qian Gui's innocence: "Do you think it's possible?"

Falk was really helpless to this idiot. He came to the door without thinking, and proposed a plan without thinking, and asked him to send people to make trouble in city a. Is city a so easy to get in?

With Zhang Xiaolong's dominance over City A, it is very difficult for external forces to infiltrate.

Qian Gui said even more anxiously: "Mr. Falk, aren't you trying to trick me? I proposed to deal with Zhang Xiaolong, not to vent your anger."

Farke said patiently: "Director Qian, do you know Landlord Zhang? If you knew Landlord Zhang, you would never do it lightly. It takes patience to deal with someone like him. You lack patience, Director Qian."

Qian Gui was dumbfounded: "You... this..."

Farke hung up the phone mercilessly, ignoring the idiot Qiangui.


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