This society is not my harem

【20】On the importance of beauty

"No.40 No. [-] Club—Psychological Research Department"

Standing by the rostrum, a boy in a suit, facing the list in his hand——


As the president, I raised my right hand high.

At this time, Mao Mao and the others are promoting the club in a special session in the large playground of the campus, and I——come to receive the order of the drama performance.

"Ah—that's the president of the Psychological Research Department..."

Sure enough, it is inevitable to be discussed by others, I am happy to hear——

"That club is definitely his harem..."

"Are you kidding, the top beauties in our school are all there!"

"I don't know what kind of shit luck this kid has..."

"I heard that his family is actually a wealthy and powerful family. Could it be... a nurturing?"


I refrained from arguing with them: "This society is not my harem", I have explained it many times, but there are always people making noises and spreading rumors, I am already tired, and I am not too lazy at this time to manage...

In other words, my luck is really "good". There are a total of 42 clubs, and we have drawn the last one to play. Only when you are bright can you win.

Thinking this way, I took the note that said 42, and walked away from here under the fierce eyes of everyone.

Walking slowly, walking towards the big playground, um, I want to go there to see how everyone promotes it.

Just as I walked across the basketball court and saw the outline of the big playground in the distance, a hand was on my shoulder.

"Ah—young man, let me bite you!——Roar"

A voice that made me shudder rang in my ears, and the corner of my eyes flashed across the hand on my shoulder. It was a pale hand covered with blood...

hello!This is a campus full of youth, right? What's going on with this supernatural scene—and it's daytime, okay? ?

Could it be like the anime [School of the Dead], before you know it, the Resident Evil has already started... Zombies have already broken through the campus security line!?

Not good—I can’t die, I want to rush to my sister, no, to their side in the club——

Cough, no matter what kind of zombie you are—

I dodged the attack of the zombies and looked back—it was quite a scary guy, wearing a blood-stained school uniform, with a pale face, protruding pupils, and unhealthy dark gray hair, but I quickly calmed down.

Even though his make-up was really realistic, I still recognized him - this guy is Cheng Tianbo.

The number one wretched man in our class, the president of the English debate club - Cheng Tianbo.

" scared me to death."

I let out a long breath, looked at him and said.

"Haha, Xiao Ji, you are very timid, how about it, this cos is domineering!"

Cheng Tianbo raised his chest, raised his head, and said with an exaggerated smile... Hey, I'm not timid, no matter who it is, seeing a pair of blood-stained pale hands resting on their shoulders, they will be afraid!

And aren't you a cold and decadent loss!Don't be so obscene, and smile with your head up, it's too out of harmony...

Cheng Tianbo is the president of the English Debating Club, er, this should be his costume for acting.

In other words, in my opinion, zombies and ** should be at the same level, right?

Sure enough, among the famous schools in China, our school tends to be more internationalized, and the management is relatively loose.

"What are you going to play?"

He seemed to lead the game sequence after me, and he was going to the playground at this time, so I walked with him and chatted.

"Secret, God Ji, unless you ask Xiao Ling to date me!"

Zombie Cheng Tianbo put his arms around my shoulders with a lewd smile on his face, and said...

"No talk."

I said bluntly, what is the difference between asking Ling to date you and asking me to ask her to date a zombie—I claim to be the best brother in the world, I would never sell my sister to someone like you.

"Uh, God Ji, don't do this...I will make Ling happy."

Cheng Tianbo laughed and said, you can make her happy, just like the chance of winning the World Cup!

I complained, but after chatting, Cheng Tianbo and I walked to the playground - the publicity area of ​​the club.

uh, this...

Excuse me, what happened to the dark crowd on the east side of the playground...

How many people should there be—if you don't say anything, there are fifty or sixty people...

And most of them are boys, huddled in front of a certain promotional area, shouting something, too far away and some can't hear clearly - it's amazing, will this be our opponent? Regarding the promotional work, it was arranged by the senior sister , I just started planning yesterday, so it should not be as good as them - other clubs have a lot of banners and fireworks, and even a club rented stereos to sing... In comparison, we are shabby, only rented one Stage and Banner...

However, where is our club? I looked around in the playground, but I couldn't see the Psychological Research Department.

Uh, let's go over there and have a look... the dark patch, ask someone.

When I approached the crowd, there was endless shouting and people kept taking pictures with their cameras——

"President Shiyue—marry me! Marry me!"

"The cat is so cute!"


I was stunned, what are the almost crazy boys doing around here?

Calling the names of Maomao and Shiyue-senpai?

So, is this—

I raised my head in astonishment. It was a stage that was a little short compared to other clubs, but it was decorated with flowers in a very gorgeous way... Large clusters of pink flowers occupied the entire stage... There was an exhibition board behind the stage , which reads—Psychological Research Department.

And on the stage are the school flower Yuanmao, the president Shiyue, my sister Shenling, Liuli, Alice and five others.

Or wearing a gorgeous princess costume, a cute witch costume, or a noble and dark queen costume, or a white as snow floral dress...the beautiful face, smiling, displayed in the flash of the camera...

"Liuli~ so cute, so cute, his women's clothing is so cute!"

"Liuli—please have sex with me!"

"That's Shenling from the International Department—Goddess, step on me!"

"...Didn't everyone notice the blonde loli over there!"

"Wow wow-"

"oh oh--"

There were cheers one after another—everyone was just standing on the stage, but there were a lot of people picking up their mobile phones and taking pictures—yes, the ones in the flash were indeed members of our club.

Wearing the costumes of this theatrical performance, five people stood on the stage, and people kept taking pictures——

The crowd almost rushed onto the stage, crowded like a wave——

"Hello everyone—I hope to support the drama [Dark Dumpling Demon King Cinderella] and support the Psychological Research Department!"

The senior sister on the stage said with a slight smile, and then there were screams from the audience——

"oh oh--"

"It's necessary—for you, senior——"

You can win so much popularity with just a smile, everyone... so amazing

I looked at the stage decorated with pink flower clusters, and the five people on the stage were illuminated by flashing lights, and I felt an inexplicable sense of pride in my heart...I never thought that such a nonsense script and such an unpopular club could get so many support from people...

Senior sister's publicity is indeed in place-but regarding the promotional activities-beauty is still an extremely important factor!

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