This society is not my harem

【29】In the final analysis, it was Newton's fault

"It's all your fault, okay! Why did you push that thing down!!"

In our class 24, Jiang Junta yelled angrily at Cheng Tianbo——

"I didn't push it just because I wanted to! It was too hot at the time, okay?"

"It's so noisy, aren't you the conductor!?"

The two were arguing loudly, and I watched helplessly, I was too lazy to complain.

"Damn—you bastard! My biggest secret is at stake!"

Jiang Junta seemed to be irritated by the sophistry of Cheng Tianbo, and directly punched Cheng Tianbo——

"Aren't I too! And more importantly, it's the secret of Master Xue Yueka and the others!"

Cheng Tianbo roared, and also punched Jiang Junta.

The two hit each other in the face in embarrassment at the same time, and looked at each other fiercely.


I turned the pen, and my feeling of disappointment eased, but these two guys still value the result so much

cough cough.

Maybe you roughly guessed a little bit from their conversation, yes, our class 24 is in the Holy Grail battle in the snow——

— lost.

In fact, judging from the process, we almost won completely. Just before the loss, Liu Chan, the monitor of class 23, was still begging for mercy with snot and tears.

However, to lose is to lose.

In the final analysis, it was not Cheng Tianbo's fault, nor Jiang Junta's fault.

It was Newton's fault.


【Let the time go back to 10 minutes ago】

Our 24th class is in full swing, and there is a sign that we are about to win.

The mighty division of more than a dozen people stood in front of the bunker of Class 23, and they were either stunned or collapsed, and some even joined our camp.

Under the power of justice, Li Fan's temptation was severely defeated.

"Damn... are you really going to lose this time?"

Liu Chan clenched his fists tightly and looked at us unwillingly.

"You pay too much attention to the result, but you ignore the most important thing."

Cheng Tianbo said to Liu Chan coldly, like an adjudicator.

"What's important?"

"That thing—is the dream of warriors of love."

Cheng Tian Bo paused, and continued

"I'm similar to you, we've both been repeatedly frustrated on the journey of love..."

Cheng Tianbo said sadly, and stretched out his hand to Liu Chan.

"However, I am also different from you. I am only disappointed, but not desperate... Dude, don't be indulging in the real world—please believe: there is still hope in the real world—in the afternoon, go to the beautiful girl strike up a conversation!"

Cheng Tianbo squatted down slightly and stretched out his warm hands.

"Woo... I was wrong."

With snot and tears, Liu Chan squatted on the ground, crying helplessly, like the last gesture of the person pointed out to be the prisoner in Conan.

The game is over.

This game is a complete victory for our class 24.

"Okay—let's knock down the blockhouse of Class 23—let's commemorate our victory!"

Cheng Tianbo suggested, raising his arms high.

"Well, that's not bad."

Jiang Junta nodded. If we knock down the blockhouse of Class 23, it will prove our victory.

"Everyone gathered in front of this bunker, I said three two one push together."

Cheng Tianbo said, and walked to the bunker first.

The bunker in class 23 is very similar to ours. It is more appropriate to call it a wall than a bunker. It is about three meters wide, but the height of this bunker is higher than our bunker. It is two meters high. Just now Liu Chan thought If you want to talk, you have to come out from the side of the bunker and say it.

"Well, work together."

"Haha, I'm finally going to win."

Jiang Junta and several classmates said with a smile.


Cheng Tianbo shouted the password, and I pressed my body against the two-meter-high giant snow wall.


Cheng Tianbo shouted, and at this moment, all of us were stunned.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

The snow wall, fall towards us again...

At this time, I noticed that this battlefield-like football field has a slight slope, and the 23rd class changed the terrain during the process of fetching snow, and the slope became even larger.

And I unfortunately found that the snow wall is above us and we are below.

Unfortunately, there are some problems with the construction of this snow wall, which is top-heavy.

and so--

"I rely on!"

Cheng Tianbo couldn't help but swear.

"bering damage!"

"what the hell!?"

We panicked suddenly, and the gravity of the wall instantly pressed down on us.

"Everyone, get out!"

Cheng Tianbo yelled, but it was of no avail. Just as he was turning back, the wall made of white snow was quickly pressed down——



Then, I heard everyone's screams and the sound of ice and snow breaking.

Then, in front of my eyes were everyone running around trying to escape, and the rapidly descending snow wall.

Then...that was five or six seconds later.

Throughout the arena, a bell sounded like "Disqualification"——


The members of Class 24 poking their heads out from the snow, screamed sadly——

Newton proposed Newton's third law (the action of force is reciprocal) and deduced the theory that the composition of force is related to the angle-and this theory severely shattered our justice.

No one in Class 24 survived this avalanche.

Class 23 behind the wall survived.

Yes, we, class 24, lost to Newton.


There is also this scene in front of me——

"Jiang Junta, why the hell didn't you give orders when you were dissatisfied!"

Cheng Tianbo pressed Jiang Junta under him, and shouted at him viciously as if he had lost a tyrannosaur.

"Believe in you, I'm really stupid!"

Jiang Junta reversed the form, pushed Cheng Tianbo away, and rode on top of him angrily.

I covered my face, and watched the fight between these two people who exchanged rides, a little speechless.

I was also a little disappointed when I first learned about the result of our nonsensical failure, but it's much better now.

At that time, it was mainly because it was too hot. The sneak attack on class 23, the temptation of Lifan and other behaviors rushed to disgust, which made me want to win the game very much.

In fact, it's okay to lose. Although Xue Yuehua and the others' secrets were announced, they were not signed.

Moreover, class 23 can be said to have completely lost to our class in terms of process.

The leader was crying bitterly, crying like the real murderer who was arrested in Conan. This result is already very good.

However, the secret will be revealed next.

The decree requires the disclosure of relatively big secrets, so I also wrote according to the regulations: I have a dual personality.

It’s okay to write like this, although I mentioned dual personality, but I didn’t say how perverted the other person’s personality is (and I think everyone has already regarded me as a pervert), so it’s okay to be found out.

That is, now the secrets of Xue Yuehua, Shen Ling, and Alice will be announced anonymously in the final report of the meeting later. I secretly pray in my heart that what they write will not be too similar to what I wrote...leading to being guessed .


At this time, the exclusive notification bell of the International Department rang, which seemed to call us to the auditorium to listen to the result report of the competition and announce the secret.

A little nervous.

What is everyone's secret?

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