This society is not my harem

【31】Christmas Eve? After Tomorrow

"This time it's time for a good date."

Xueyuehua? Master Agra, sitting behind me, said with a pretty face slightly red.


I answered casually, flipping through the comic book in my hand.

"God Ji... Did you hear me?"


I continued to answer casually.


Behind him, Xue Yuehua's somewhat coquettish voice suddenly came.

"Hey, don't call me that!"

I put down the comic book and turned around and shouted, calling that is premeditated murder. After school, I will be surrounded by people again, you know that?

By the's been a while since the last pre-Christmas event, "International Division's Snow Holy Grail Battle", ended, but the experience of being beaten up is still fresh in my memory.

I remember that somehow, I received three anonymous marriage proposals, and they were read out in public.

The first one belonged to Alice, and she guessed it right away, the third one belonged to Xue Yuehua, she finally admitted it very embarrassed, the reason was: it was just written for fun!

And the second one: Whose it belongs to, I have been puzzled.

The girls in the class all regarded me as a gadfly, and my sister Ling even regarded me as a paramecium.

So, who would want to marry me?

Alas, it's incredible.

It's useless to think too much. Today is already the 24th, so it's more practical to think about how to deal with Xue Yuehua's date invitation tomorrow.

Today is Tuesday, and tomorrow, December 12th, we will have a day off.

One day off, I originally wanted to spend the whole day at home playing games hard.

However, Miss Xue Yuehua insisted on forcing me to go out on a date.

There's no way, the one who promised her before had no choice but to do so.

In other words, my feelings for her are a little confusing.

At first, I didn't like her, I just admired her like a goddess.

It's been a long time, and my feelings for her have changed inexplicably. After dating her for a week, I didn't make up my mind to dump her according to the original plan...

Well, this date should be a good end, just dump her the night after tomorrow.

When I think about it this way, it is absurd after all, and a quick love will not produce any good results.

Although the members of the Psychological Research Department believe me, but when I returned to the club recently, I still feel a little far away from everyone...

Just tomorrow, end this relationship that shouldn't have been.


[Christmas Night] Top floor of Kahler Hotel

[A sexy woman in black with blond hair is observing the situation in the Kale mansion with a telescope - in her sight, a boy and a girl with double ponytails slowly walked into the mansion, they are Ji Shen brothers and sisters.

"Lord Xueyuehua, there is nothing unusual. God Ji returned home as usual today."

Facing the communicator in her hand, she made a cold and inorganic voice.

"Well, Yunier, well done."

On the other end of the communicator was Xue Yuehua's voice.

"Master Xue Yuehua..."


"Are you really going to kill God Ji tomorrow?"

"Whether it's for the Chamber of Commerce or to understand the grievances between us, I have to do this."

The voice of the girl on the other end of the communicator was cold and ruthless, but Yunier, who had known her for many years, could hear that the seemingly ruthless voice was mixed with deep desolation.

"...Yes, my lord."

Yunier didn't say much, but put down the binoculars thoughtfully, straightened his blond hair, and hung up the communicator...

"Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

She spoke slowly, her voice filling the night sky.


I, Ji Shen, on this beautiful Christmas Eve, I am arranging the clothes I will wear tomorrow and thinking about my own clothes.

Even set the alarm clock to take a shower tomorrow.

Well, also decided where to put the socks.

It's not that I'm naive, I still believe in the nonsense story about Santa Claus appearing on Christmas Eve.

Rather, for tomorrow's date!

I have to prepare well. For tomorrow's date, although I don't have the feeling of a real girlfriend for Xue Yuehua, she is also a goddess admired by the whole world. For the sake of our two lives, I made up my mind to reject her afterwards. Then, at least enjoy the process of dating tomorrow, and leave a good memory for Xue Yuehua and me.

Well, at this time, Alice and Ling should celebrate Christmas together in the living room.

In other words, I haven't been able to accompany them well recently, because of the sudden confession and relationship of the goddess.

It's going too far if you keep your head down and fix things.

Let's accompany them for a while, I will tidy up things when I go to bed late tonight.

With that thought in mind, I walked out of the room and down the stairs.

Alice was sitting on the sofa, eating potato chips and watching TV. She should have just taken a shower, exuding a sweet smell, and her blond hair was fluffy on the sofa.

Shenling also stirred the milk tea while watching TV.

"Brother... good evening."

"Well, God, you're here."

After seeing me, the two greeted slightly.

I sat next to them, Alice and Ling's deodorant mixed with shampoo became more intense, and I breathed into my nostrils.

"Are you waiting for Santa Claus?"

In order not to make the atmosphere too cold, I joked with a smile.

"Does Ji Shen believe in Santa Claus? He really loves fantasy."

"Hey, you self-proclaimed devil all day long, and let me draw a spell on the tip of your tongue with a blank face, you don't have the right to say that I love fantasy!"

I complained loudly, Alice must complain about this place

Huh, such a long complaint is really tiring.

"What does God plan to do tomorrow?"

After I complained, it was Ling who asked the question. She sat gracefully on the sofa and took a sip of milk tea.

"Take Alice to play!"

Alice approached me like a little bear and said, her petite and soft body was pressed against my arm, and her hair tickled me.

"Uh... I have an appointment with Xue Yuehua tomorrow..."


A look of disappointment flashed in Alice's doll-like pupils.

"Sorry, I haven't been with you guys recently."

I said guiltily, and stroked Alice's smooth and silky hair.

"However, I will break up with Xue Yuehua tomorrow."

I promised them, and it was also a promise to myself.

"Well...God, the recent indeed a bit sudden...after tomorrow, please explain it to me."

Ling rarely spoke in a gentle tone.

I haven't spent much time with her sister these few days, so I must make up for it later.

"Well, definitely."

I promised that at that time, I would explain everything to them.

That's right, the day after Christmas Eve - after tomorrow, after I have completely broken up with Setsugetsu, everything will be over.

Looking at the quiet night sky outside the window on Christmas Eve, full of stars, I thought so.

But this night, I don't know: Tomorrow - it will be a very long day.

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