This society is not my harem

【33】Miffy Theme Park

Miffy theme park, a holy place that even a child can't control.

Recreational facilities, theme cities, shopping streets, food streets, and some parks for tourists to rest.....

From time to time, there are children, happily running past me, chasing a cat-shaped mouse doll that is obviously copied from Mickey Mouse, constantly attacking the harmonious doll, throwing dirty things on it, wiping its nose and so on...

——A look that makes me want to lament the social style of our country.

The women always walked past pretending to be reserved, they seemed to be much more mature than those children, but they were talking about the shortcoming of Zhang's parents and Li's family, chattering non-stop...

——A look that makes me want to lament the social style of our country.

But the lovers are sticking together, talking nasty love words, the woman pretends to be innocent, and the man pretends to be stupid, but his hands are stretched more and more.

——A look that makes me want to lament the social style of our country.

However, only today, I am not qualified to complain about these people... I can only reflect on myself in shame.

As for why—


"Have you noticed? That beautiful foreign girl!"

"Wow - so cute! Like a star!!"

"Why does it feel a little familiar to say..."

I was walking on the street of the theme park, holding the hand of my girlfriend - Setsugekka? Agra.

The rate of turning heads on the road is [-]%... And I am tired of hearing the praise of Xue Yuehua from passers-by...

"That boy looks so cowardly."

"A flower stuck in cow dung..."

Hello!Why do I have to accept this kind of insult every time I bring a beautiful girl out!

Flowers stuck in cow dung? !It’s not such an exaggeration, how can I say that the teacher sent me a little red flower in kindergarten, saying that I was a good-looking talent.

It was so heartbreaking.

Lord, today is Your birthday, save me, a poor man who suffers for no reason.

While my heart was breaking, it was repaired by the touch of my hands.

By the way... I finally got the hand of the goddess——Snow Moon Flower? Ms. Agra.

The soft, blown-breakable touch, slightly icy, made my heart beat faster all the time.

My brain was also dull all the time, and when I remembered that I was holding the hand of one of the most beautiful girls in the world, the depression of being insulted by passers-by for no reason was instantly washed away.

Ah——Sure enough, men are fragile creatures, so happy. (Although I know that our communication is premeditated)

"God Ji... have you figured out where you want to go?"

Asked by my enigmatic Perfect World super idol girlfriend - Setsugekka? Miss Agra.

"Hmm... What does Xue Yuehua think, go to the theme city or the amusement facilities first?"

It is natural for a gentleman to ask a lady for her opinion.

"The time is relatively early... In order to avoid queuing up at that time, book some rides before eating at noon, let's play in the afternoon, how about going to other places now?"

"Well, okay, let's go to the theme city first."

I said, what Xue Yuehua said is also reasonable, the amusement facilities can be booked later, and it would be too miserable to waste most of the dating time in queuing.

Although... the theme city may be a place for children to play...


I have to make a serious statement.

The theme city is not a place for children to play, but this is a place for children to play!

"Come and chase me, chase me—idiot Miffy, wahahaha—"

A few children laughed wildly, shuttled through the crowd, and a rude child bumped into me...

The pink Miffy at the back ran with short legs, staggered, and yelled something.

I still sympathize with this staff member, who was insulted by being kicked and kicked by children while wrapped in such a hot pile of things... Sigh, whenever you are insulted, just think about this comrade.

"Ji God—look at that, look at that!"

I looked helpless and bored, but Miss Xue Yuehua seemed to like the appearance of this place very much.

Star eyes stared fixedly at the dolls performing on the stage. A monkey-shaped doll picked up a torch and swallowed it directly... Another Miffy doll was spinning eggs there, and several eggs were thrown into the air at the same time, constantly It spins in its hands...

What an old-fashioned performance scene, it seems that I have seen this in a short play in the 60s and [-]s in the United States...

When I was a child, I was still very interested in this kind of performance, but now I forget it.

"...Ji God—that fire-breathing one, right?"

Miss Xue Yuehua dragged me and said excitedly.

"Um, haven't you seen this kind of show before?"

"No... I don't usually watch TV programs or anything like that."

"All right……"

Sure enough, Miss Xueyuehua, who is the focus of a part of the TV show, doesn't watch TV shows.

"...Sister is so beautiful...Big brother, come and buy him a bouquet of flowers."

At this time, someone tugged at the corner of my clothes, turned around, and saw a little girl wearing a hat standing behind me, looking up at me, holding a lot of roses in her hands.

Cute sunny smile, crystal blue eyes

Flower boy...

"Little sister, I'm selling flowers..."

Xue Yuehua's attention was also attracted from the show.

"Well... Mom said let me exercise myself."

The little girl smiled while holding the flowers.

Such a cute child...

"Then... Brother, let's buy a bouquet of flowers for my sister, the foreign sister is so beautiful... One dollar apiece"

The little girl looked up at me and said, there is no way, although I generally don't accept sales from such salesmen...

But it's a different matter if the other party is a girl who is as cute as an angel.

And the price of this rose is quite cheap, it seems that the parents of the little girl want to use the child to make money.

"Well...then I want them all, how many sticks in total?"

I said, and took money out of my wallet.

"Count and"

The little girl bent down and counted, and finally counted to 46, and added a nice plastic paper wrap for me-and then I bought them all.

Looking at her happy smile, I am satisfied, haha.

"What a lovely child."

Xue Yuehua said with a slight smile.


"Then... I'll give you all these, it's... the first gift for today's date."

After I bought the flowers, I naturally had to give them away. I blushed and handed her to Xue Yuehua...

"Although Xue Yuehua has always wondered why you suddenly dated me, can you say that you are also my current girlfriend..."

I spoke hesitantly, Xue Yuehua blushed and slowly took it, hugging it to her chest...

But to my surprise, Ms. Xue Yuehua did not say something excitedly after blushing (like the setting in a girl manga), but lowered her head slightly, her golden bangs blocked her pupils.

"God are actually a good person..."

She hugged my rose and whispered slowly.

Hey, after giving you a gift, don't send me a good person card!Otherwise, I would think that you are going to dump me now... (And what does it mean to be a good person? Sure enough, Xue Yuehua, you have always regarded me as a pervert, right?)

I thought of this, but Xue Yuehua's expression later surprised me a bit.

She raised her head and looked at me——

There are many kinds of emotions in those beautiful, star-like purple eyes.

There is happiness and satisfaction, but I feel a faint sadness inexplicably.

Sad as if she was about to be forced to perform some task.

"Thank you……"

Xue Yuehua hugged more than 46 roses and smiled happily.

——At that time, I didn't understand how much helplessness and sorrow were mixed in this smile.

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