This society is not my harem

【34】Just go get married and try it out!

roller coaster.

Remember, the first murder case in Conan was the roller coaster.

So far, I am still impressed. It seems that there is a gap between a couple. The woman tied something like a piano wire in a dark cave, and then cut off the lover's head at high speed...

I still sympathize with the buddy whose head flew into the cave.

After watching this episode of Conan, whenever I ride a roller coaster, my neck feels inexplicably cold.

At this moment, Miss Xueyuehua and I are going to ride the roller coaster...

I actually think of such a horrible plot in Conan, I really watched too many anime.

Haha, Xue Yuehua and I must have premeditated dating, but at least it won't kill me

I thought so.

In the morning we went to the theme city to play, watched a lot of doll performances and theme exhibitions, went to a simple pizza restaurant for lunch at noon, and started to play some scheduled rides

"...Everyone, please sit down—all children and big friends——"

Xue Yuehua and I were sitting on the back seat, the staff - a lady wearing a hat, chattered endlessly, and then she passed by us and pushed down the safety lever.

"Then—the mummy ride is about to start—"

The staff member said happily, and there was a buzzing sound under the seat.


The children in front raised their hands excitedly.

"God Ji... If a mummy appears later, you must protect me."

Xueyuehua next to me? Miss Agra, holding my hand, said with a slight smile.

"OK, all right."

It is a gentleman's duty to protect a girl.

But, do you need me to protect you?

You with a black belt in Taekwondo can kill a mummy in seconds, you should be the one who protects me.

Now that I think about it, the fact that this beautiful and speechless foreign beauty next to me - Xue Yuehua? Agra-sama is a master of fighting really surprises me.

She is so beautiful, she is a superstar, and she owns a company, yet she spends time practicing martial arts and has achieved such abnormal results. A genius is probably used to describe a person like Xue Yuehua.

Alas, compared to her, I am a worthless scum.

The only time she's not a scumbag is when she's a super pervert.

Thinking wildly like this, the roller coaster started—slowly driving forward, and the field of vision suddenly darkened.

While I was praying that I wouldn’t go on a roller coaster like the one in Conan, I felt the surrounding atmosphere—Setsugetsu was silent, while the children in front, during this foreplay part, started screaming.

The speed of the car is gradually increasing... Hey, I feel a little bit!

It feels like the roller coaster is running like a wild horse at this time, but fortunately the slope is not very big.

Passing the next bend - at this moment, a strange purple light lit up in front of my eyes.


A pharaoh's coffin fell from the sky and stopped suddenly. Then, several hundred meters ahead, horrible things appeared continuously, such as falling spiders, and various skeletons and bones...

"Wow ah ah ah-"

"don't want--"

The children in front were screaming, but a few children were frightened and dumbfounded.

The key is that the roller coaster started to run strangely at this time, turning continuously, and then rushing down at a [-]-degree inclination-soul light!Ninety degrees!It's already in free fall!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"

The screams of the children next to me seemed to penetrate my eardrums.

I couldn't breathe, and the feeling of the wind on my face made me suffocate.

And Miss Xue Yuehua's hand also clenched my hand a bit.

Then, the roller coaster began to lower down, and after falling a certain distance quickly like a bungee jump, it stopped suddenly-and then began to back up and accelerate!

Your sister, after letting me experience the feeling of weightlessness, let me experience the feeling of overweight again!

"Hey - stop, stop!"

I couldn't help shouting.

"God Ji is scared..."

Xue Yuehua's helpless voice rang in my ears, as expected, you are a master black belt, so you are not afraid of this!I'm different, I'm an ordinary person!

However, in front of girls, especially a world-class goddess, I can't be cowardly.

"I'm not afraid!"

I argued loudly, with a little confidence.

The roller coaster is also accelerating and retreating. Listening to the children's screams and feeling the uneasiness caused by this overweight feeling, I am very timid and thinking-this roller coaster is too scary, when will it end!



I was about to collapse on the ground, and sat on the bench by the roadside in some embarrassment.

And my godlike girlfriend——Setsugekka? Lord Agra, sat beside me as if nothing had happened.

"Ji Shen is still afraid of riding a roller coaster."

"Ahem, I'm not good at doing roller coasters..."

I continued to defend myself to, uh, feeling a bit cowardly.

"By the way... Xueyuehua... don't you seldom go to amusement parks, why... riding a roller coaster is so amazing..."

I still haven't recovered, and said out of breath.

"Hmm... Maybe it's because I often do some overweight and weightless sports. By the way, God Ji... I'm a paraglider lover..."

Paragliders, enthusiasts.

Isn’t the paraglider a prop of Kaito Kidd in Conan? It hangs behind his back, and then moves quickly in the air... Playing this in real life has certain risks. How should I put it——My girlfriend, Mrs. Great...

"All right……"

I said this and looked at my watch. I have played some games before, and now it is three o'clock before I know it. Xue Yuehua and I plan to leave the amusement park at five o'clock, and there are still two hours...

"So... where are we going to play next?"

I asked Miss Xueyuehua, what else is there to do in this playground?

I really don't know.

"Hmm... I'm thinking too, let's take a look at the map."

"This gentleman—"

At this time, someone suddenly patted my shoulder.

She and I turned around and saw a young woman, about ten years older than us, who should have just graduated from university.

A smile appeared on her face, and she handed me and Xue Yuehua a leaflet.

"Your foreign girlfriend is very beautiful, so..."

I followed her gaze and looked at the leaflet.


Caterella Wedding Company...

This is a flyer for a wedding company that specializes in organizing weddings. It was established in this playground just last month... The address is in a Catherilla church in the playground.

"Miss... May I ask if you can speak Chinese?"

"Yes, I will."

Xue Yuehua said.

"Oh——because you are very beautiful, Miss, you look like a star, so... we would like to invite you to a mock wedding held by our company for free, and take some photos for publicity... So, what are the opinions of the two of you... ..."

"do not want!"

I immediately denied it, there are too many slots about weddings!

First of all, Xue Yuehua and I are only 16 years old.

Then, our relationship is not a sweet relationship between lovers, it is a nonsense relationship with a lot of doubts that maybe I will say the breakup declaration tonight!

In the end—I can't imagine that after our wedding photos are released to the public, when someone recognizes the superstar Xue Yuehua and took a photo with me on the Internet, then I will be killed... And even if I don't find out, I will be killed in the future How dare I go to this playground with my real girlfriend! ?

So, absolutely not.

I refused, got up and wanted to leave, at this moment, Xue Yuehua grabbed the corner of my clothes.

"Want to get married—"

She looked up at me, her beautiful face appeared under the setting sun, and there was a hint of pleading in her eyes.

Hard to refuse.

"...Even if you make such an expression..."

"Maybe in the future... there won't be such an opportunity..."

Her face was a little gloomy, and the salesman was already looking at me with contemptuous eyes, as if to say, "The flowers are already planted in cow dung, why don't you..."


"God Ji..."

Xue Yuehua looked at me... looking forward to it.

I, Ji Shen, am a fragile man who can't bear the girl's expression


"Just go get married and try—"

I said weakly.

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