"I want to marry... God Ji!"

In the snow, the girl blushed, holding Bai Xue in both hands, and confessed to me loudly——


with me?

Her appearance became blurred - until the end, she couldn't see who she was...


"I want to marry... God Ji!"

I woke up from a short dream.

Leaving aside for the time being why I suddenly had this weird memory of being confessed to be married by a little girl, what I want to say now is—my life has encountered a huge crisis.

I, right now, am standing on a high platform with dense crowds below.

Wearing a white suit and a bow tie, her hair was neatly combed, and her waist had to be straight.

The audience in the audience whispered expectantly, and the flashlights and video cameras focused on me.

Now, I am the groom, and the bride is a blonde in disguise——Miss Setsugetsuka? Agra.

I am waiting for my bride.

You may be surprised - the story of my club harem ushered in the wedding in such a short time.

Some people say that a wedding is the funeral of love. If my love story could be turned into a novel, it would end at the wedding, and readers would be very angry—what kind of unfinished story is this!

In order to prevent this kind of situation from happening, I would like to make a solemn statement:

This is not a real wedding!

Miss Xueyuehua and I are just experiencing the wedding for free to help others shoot promotional videos.

I should have rejected this kind of boring, waterless, and fatal thing, but because of the soft heart unique to men, I couldn't resist Miss Xue Yuehua's expectant expression—so, I compromised.

"This young man looks very young."

I heard someone commenting like this, brother is young!So it's just a performance!I am a 16-year-old student of Yangyue Province Experimental High School with excellent academic performance!

"Who is the bride?"

"The bride is coming soon... Well, I heard that she is different from this kid, she is a super beautiful woman!"

"Well, it's said to be a foreign girl..."

"Ah - I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to it, it's not in vain."

Under the stage, these spectators mercilessly accused me of my ordinary appearance, and of course they also had high expectations for Xue Yuehua.

"...the bride is here! The bride is coming soon!"

At this time, a lady next to the VIP seat said, reminding the photographer to turn on the camera.

Here it comes - Xueyuehua.

I imagined how she would look in a wedding dress, it should be... The lethality is particularly powerful - there are only a few super beauties in the world, if she wears a wedding dress...

At this time—the graceful, romantic music suddenly sounded—

I know that the goddess - Xueyuehua, is about to push the red gate 20 meters away in front of me.

It seemed that I could hear her footsteps clearly, and my breathing gradually became more rapid.

—the door, pushed open—

A young bridesmaid held her long skirt—and the best man pushed open the door.

Time—it really froze like that.

Everyone turned their heads like this—in the sound of music, they were silent and said nothing.


—— Xue Yuehua stood in front of the door, illuminated by the dazzling lights, her white skin like jade was slightly flushed, her well-proportioned figure, her perfectly proportioned figure was vividly set off by the wedding dress.

It was a goddess-like face - bright red lips, perfect chin, beautiful eyebrows, slightly high nose bridge, long golden hair like a waterfall - the most charming thing was the pair of eyes, just like the sky The stars seem to have a charm that can take people's hearts away.

With a little makeup on, her already perfect face was sublimated to a limit.

This thing should only exist in the sky.

That's what I think - Setsugekka really deserves to be called a goddess.

It's no exaggeration.

"This... is this the bride?..."


The audience was stunned, the photographer put down the camera, and looked at it obsessively. Only the reception staff and the best man and bridesmaid who had seen the beauty of Xueyuehua before could calm down.

In the sound of music, Xue Yuehua raised her lotus feet, and walked forward slowly and gracefully, as if every step she took, a beautiful white lotus would bloom on the ground.



The eyes of the audience kept moving along with Xue Yuehua's graceful footsteps.

The photographer finally came to his senses, focusing on Xue Yuehua and kept pressing the shutter.

And I, standing on the stage, was also amazed.

She is so beautiful.

It's so beautiful, it makes me feel like I'm dreaming now.

It was only when I put on the wedding dress that I really felt how perfect - my girlfriend - Xue Yuehua was.

I began to hesitate.

I originally planned to reject Xue Yuehua tonight—but at this time, I really hesitated.

To be honest, she has a very good personality, although she is a bit difficult to get close to, she is still quite cute, sometimes she has a gentle and kind side, she is good at everything - and she has such a beautiful appearance.

It's impossible not to fall in love with her.

Our acquaintance time is very short, but at this time, I really do, after a little thought.

There are indeed some—

—I like how she feels.

Faint, not too strong, but it can't be said to be gone.

She gracefully walked to the steps of the stage, stretching out her jade hands decorated with white lace.

"God Ji...can you hold my hand?"

With a slightly red face, she smiled.

My heart beats faster and faster, what a killer smile, gentle and slightly reserved.

"--OK, all right."

I also don't want to put on a cowardly look like usual, and stretch out my hand naturally like a gentleman.

He took her hand, touched the slender fingertips, wrapped the white and delicate palm...

Gracefully lead her to the stage...

She is my bride - at this moment, I thought so.

Even if it was a fake wedding, her hand was indeed in mine.

Originally, my plan was not to take it too seriously, it's not a serious wedding anyway.

At this time, I decided—to have a real wedding with Setekugekka Agra just like a real wedding.

Even if this guy, out of nowhere, must have premeditatedly confessed to me.

Even this guy caused me to be beaten up by a bunch of people.

But at this moment—I can feel that she likes me, without any falsehood—she is my bride.

Under the gesture of the reception lady, the person who gave the wedding speech came onto the stage.

He coughed twice, then raised the microphone—

"Dear guests and friends, we are here today to attend the grand wedding of Mr. Ji Shen and Miss Xue Yuehua."

The voice of the person who delivered the speech resounded through the audience, resounding in everyone's heart.

For some reason, I seem to be attending a real wedding, my face is blushing, and my heart is beating faster...

I'm a little nervous, I also feel that Xue Yuehua is holding my hand a little tighter, she must be a little nervous too.

"Marriage is the sublimation of love and mutual trust. It not only requires the love of the two parties for a lifetime, but also the mutual trust of the two parties for a lifetime."

As he spoke, the audience listened in silence.

"Here, our two newlyweds will solemnly swear an oath and solemn promise to the guests, and invite the guests to stand up and give warm applause—to welcome the two newcomers into the sacred hall!!!"

Perhaps because Xue Yuehua is too beautiful, the guests were actively cooperated, and they all stood up and applauded... By the way, what are oaths and promises... By the way, I should have worshiped God before, and only made a false oath this time it should be no problem.

"Today is the day of your wedding ceremony. Please declare your promise of love in front of all the guests. Some couples are invited to read the vow of love. The bridegroom is invited to read the vow of love: I, Ji Shen, will marry Xueyuehua wholeheartedly, no matter in good times or bad times." , rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or depressed, I will love you unreservedly and believe in you completely. We are a part of each other, as an equal and faithful partner, to spend the rest of our lives .”

The speaker smiled and handed me a piece of paper with the oath written on it.

Well, read on, it's just a wedding experience anyway.

"I, Ji Shen, marry Xueyuehua wholeheartedly. No matter whether it is good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or depressed, I will love you without reservation and trust you completely. We are mutual part of each other, to spend the rest of my life as equal and faithful companions."

I read it word by word, and the more I read it, the more my face turned red, but because Xue Yuehua wanted to have a serious wedding experience, I still read it seriously.


She listened to me with a pretty blushing face... When I finished reading, there was applause from the audience...

"Okay... then the bride will continue to speak—"

The orator smiled and handed Xue Yuehua a speech, Xue Yuehua smiled and took it nervously.

There were a few crimson clouds flying on her face, and then, staring at me with her starry eyes, her red lips parted slightly——

"I, Xue Yuehua——"


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