This society is not my harem

[36] Silver Moon 99 Heavy Sky

[36] Silver Moon 99 Heavy Sky

Yinyue Building in Yangyue Province.

The construction was officially completed this year, and the establishment was completed by the Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce.

There are a total of 99 floors, which is also called the 99th Heaven of Silver Moon by some people.

Because of its exaggerated height, it is enough to become a landmark of City A, the capital city of Yangyue Province.

The top of the 99th floor is like an arena, or a huge astrologer's platform, empty and desolate, the ground is paved with blue stone bricks, and there are many jade guardrails - showing the desolation of the 99th floor.

Beside the guardrail of Yinyue 99 Chongtian, an old man stood against the wind.

The wind filled his robes and blew away his silvery hair...

He has a thick back and a waist, and is about two meters tall. Although his beard and hair are white, he shows a domineering attitude that is different from that of the elderly. He is dressed in black and plain clothes, with slightly raised eyebrows, and sweeps across the city with cold and stern eyes.

He seemed to be thinking about something, but also seemed to be thinking about nothing, just standing out of thin air.

"Master Xue Aotian..."

A young man in a black suit walked behind him and bowed slightly to him.

This old man is the eighth-generation president of the Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce, who currently holds some real power—Xue Aotian.

"What's wrong……"

Facing the young man's audience, Xue Aotian asked coldly, his voice was as cold as ice.

"I have blocked the intelligence of Chairman Ji Yuexia. He will not know the news that Xueyuehua? Miss Agra and Master Jishen are going to fight to the death at the top of the Nine Heavens tonight..."

"very good."

"But... Mr. Xue, is it really okay? After all, Master Ji Shen is the tenth generation president... It can be said to be the next president's substitute."

The young man in the black suit hesitated for a moment, but still dared to ask.

"……no problem……"

A cold light burst out from Xue Aotian's eyes...

"If Ji Shen dies, it can only mean that he is trash... Yuehua will also become the next president."

He took a step forward, coldly looking down at the city's traffic, pedestrians...

——"This is the competition among kings."

Xue Aotian said in a voice as cold as ice. 】



At this time, Miss Xue Yuehua was sleeping peacefully beside me.

Her pretty face is slightly red, her small mouth is slightly open, she is breathing evenly, her nose is slightly undulating, she has washed off her blond hair and replaced it with dark blue magnificent long hair... From just now, I always inadvertently I caught a glimpse of her breasts...Damn it, did I become a bit more obscene, those ups and downs of breasts...

Gentlemen, I have endured this suffering for a long time.

I attended the wedding with Miss Xueyuehua just now, bought some things happily, and then it was time for the sunset... The Dark Moon Merchant Guild sent a car to pick us up. It seems that the people from the Dark Moon Merchant Guild also happened to have something to do with me. Before going home, let me go with Xue Yuehua to the Yinyue Building that was newly built by the Chamber of Commerce not long ago.

Miss Xue Yuehua, it seems that she was tired from shopping today, she seemed to fall asleep while driving.

The presents were spread out, including more than 46 roses I gave her, a cute Miffy doll, and as a souvenir, I bought her a wedding dress headgear.

She naturally gave me some gifts, ahem, some ornaments that left me speechless...

I looked out the window, we gradually approached the urban area.

Having said that, Xue Yuehua's speech at the wedding just now did not have any deep meaning...

She didn't follow the content of that speech, but told me something extra from the heart.

For some reason, I now think that Xue Yuehua and I may have known each other a long time ago.

After the birth of my second personality, some of my previous memory loss was lost... I think, there may be a part of Xue Yuehua...

Tonight, ask her later and have a good talk with her.

At that time, the mystery of her sudden confession to me can be cleared up.

After clearing up, maybe we are not lovers anymore.

Originally, I should be very happy about this fact. I don't have to worry about being hunted down, and I won't be hated and despised by everyone... But at this time, I feel a little sad about breaking up with her.

Xue Yuehua is actually a very good girl, she can be called perfect.

With flawless looks, a wealthy family, versatile sports, and superior intelligence, she is simply a goddess-like existence.

More importantly, during today's date, I could feel—

Her feelings for me are not completely false, at least a large part is true.

And in many places today, I feel her tenderness, cuteness and kindness as an ordinary girl.

Wouldn't it be nice if... I really just dated her like this?

Thinking wildly, I looked out the window, and at the far end of the horizon, the landmark Silver Moon Building came into view.

Rather than saying it is a building, it is better to say that it is a tower, which is much higher than the surrounding buildings, reaching straight into the sky, like a saber piercing into the sky——

The car I took slowly drove up a viaduct, and the colored lights on both sides of the viaduct illuminated the vast road ahead...

"Master Ji Shen, we are almost here."

The driver who came to pick us up said, I remember he is the confidant of the eighth generation chairman Xue Aotian...

After getting off the viaduct gradually, the car turned a corner and approached the Yinyue Building.

Looking closely at the Yinyue Building, you can feel its majesty even more. Pieces of glass are paved layer by layer, embellished with moonlight, which makes it emit a soft light.

"Well, please get out of the car."

The driver said in a hoarse accent with a blank face, and opened the door for me.

"God Ji... has arrived?"

Xue Yuehua heard our conversation and woke up from sleep.


I arrived, got out of the car, and Xue Yuehua followed.

"Let's go upstairs together first."

"it is good."

I walked towards the gate of Silver Moon Building with her.

Behind is the rushing crowd, the messy traffic flow, and in front of you is the invisible Yinyue Building.

Looking up, it is the moon half hidden in the clouds and mist, the haze half covers the sky, and I can't see a single star. Uh, it seems that the sky is about to change.

After listening to the reason why the Darkmoon Merchant Guild summoned me, I should hurry back, my sister is still waiting at home.

Well, this kind of weather makes me feel a little uneasy. I always feel that something will happen tonight.

Although the Chamber of Commerce often summons me in this way, it is strange that my exclusive driver, Uncle Cheng, did not contact me this time, and...

I still don't know the reason for calling me here this time.

Walking forward, I finally took a step and stepped into the door of Yinyue Building.

The lights in the lobby suddenly came into view...

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