This society is not my harem

[50] Devil Hunting Ground

On the border of the city's central district, in an area abandoned by the city, I am carrying out tasks.

The mission to defeat the "Night Maniac Ghost".

Nightcrazy Wolf, the focus of the city's news in recent months.

He committed more than ten cases of rape of female middle school students in a row, and in a recent case raped and killed a 14-year-old female middle school student in the second year of junior high school.

Tonight, the beautiful girl Lily Lily, who is a top student at the Experimental High School in Yangyue Province, was also included in their criminal plan, and they threatened her to come out, and my appearance broke their criminal plan.

After I settled Xia Yuke, who was almost humiliated, I came out alone.

Really, I want to punish the Night Maniac Ghost.

"Where are their locations?"

I asked Yunier on the other end of the communicator.

"I just entered this alley, and it's about 1000 meters away from your son-in-law."

Yunier's standard and clear Chinese pronunciation rang in my ears.

"Any new developments?"

My footsteps did not stop, and I continued to run in the deep alley, while holding the communicator and asking Yunier.

"Well, their footsteps seem to be scattered."

Yunier's mechanical voice came from the communicator.


"They were divided into four groups, three groups were two groups, and Aaron acted alone, each searching for the four abandoned residential areas on the side of the deep alley.

group?The Ghost of Night Maniac dispersed the team in order to increase the scope of the search, let's search quickly.

But they are really arrogant. Do they think they can defeat me with the strength of one or two people?

That's just right, since Xia Yuke has settled down, I can sanction you without any worries.

This deep alley will become my hunting ground and your execution ground.

I smiled confidently, then kicked off the ground and stepped up the dirt wall of the deep alley.


[The people of Nightcrazy Ghost dispersed and divided into four teams to search the abandoned apartment area at the other end of the deep alley.

In their view, it is not so much a search as a hunt.

The other party was just a boy and girl around 16 years old, and they were not carrying weapons yet.

Although the boy had something like a smoke bomb in his hand, maybe he hid some hole cards, but everyone in Nightcrazy Wolf has been in the underworld all year round, so naturally they won't be frightened by the boy's special equipment.

"Ah, it's so annoying. Although the feeling of hunting prey is very interesting, the process of finding it is still very boring."

In the deep alley, two members of the Ghost of Night Maniac walked one after the other.

Walking on the left was a tall, fat man in a black T-shirt with an ugly face.

"Hmph, I'm going to fuck that bitch ten times later, what the hell is there a man to help him."

Walking on the right is a sinister-looking man with blond hair, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, and small eyes.

They walked around an alley, and the moonlight shone on the bluestone road, reflecting a pale cold light.

The cold light paved the ground, stretching like white bones on the ground.

"How are we going to kill that pretending kid later?"

The night was a bit cold, and white air could be exhaled between breaths. In order to relieve the tense atmosphere, the fat man asked the man with blond hair.

"Huh, if you want, I'll pull out all the nails of this guy, cut off the tendons in his hands, pierce them with a knife, and let him bleed a little. Well, it would be even better if he watched that bitch being ravaged by us."

The blond-haired man said viciously, and said something that made one's hair stand on end.

"That's right, by the way, how about castrating him into a eunuch after he's finished watching that bitch's virginity?"

The fat man's voice began to become distorted and crazy.

----"You guys are really cruel."

Just before the fat man finished speaking, a boy's voice sounded from somewhere in the alley.

The voice was clear and ethereal, extremely strange, as if it was a whisper from the underworld.


The two members of the Ghost of Night Maniac were startled for a moment, turned their heads in panic, and looked around, but what was strange was that there was no sign of anyone in front of or behind this narrow path, and the voice seemed to come from the sky or the ground. The same as what came out of the seam.

"Well, pulling out nails, pulling out the tendons of the hands, piercing the palms, and castration are all cruel methods. You were not born in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and it's a shame to be a torturer."

The young man's voice resounded in the ears of the Night Maniac and Ghost. They drew their weapons, each holding a hatchet and an iron rod, back to back in vigilance and fear, observing the movement around them.

Where is he?

The fear and anxiety in the hearts of the two gradually accumulated.

"However, your suggestions are good. I have already decided to try the punishments just now on you."

The boy's voice echoed in their ears, as if they were far away, their fear gradually increased.

"Beast, get out! Stop pretending!"

"Have the guts to come out and let me cut you off!"

The two panicked, their bodies slowly trembled because of fear, and shouted hoarsely, their backs were already soaked in cold sweat.

"Don't rush..."

The voice sounded like a ghost, and under the pressure of fear, they couldn't help but look up.

The black corners of the clothes fluttered and wreaked havoc in the wind, like the shattered robes and feathers of the god of death.

The pitch-black hair fluttered in the wind, and the blood-red pupils of the demon king shone with tyrannical and bloodthirsty light.

What frightened them the most was the boy's smile—a wicked smile full of absolute confidence, like the smile of a demon's mouth.

Just like that, he appeared strangely from the wall of the deep alley, turned over from one end of the wall, and rushed down from the sky in an exaggerated posture.

"Sanctions have already begun."

The pupils of the two ghosts of Night Maniac constricted, their legs trembled in fear, and they wanted to raise their weapons, but it was too late.

The demon king in black volleyed down, stepped heavily between the two of them, squatted down, lowered his head, raised his hand, and raised the knife in his hand. Within a second, they only felt a sharp pain in their hand. When they looked carefully, The flesh and blood on the hand was cut open quickly, and the tendons were picked out abruptly.

"Ah ah ah -----"

Blood sprayed out, and there were screams like killing pigs in the deep alley...


"Haha, it seems that those two little animals have been caught."

Somewhere in the deep alley, the long-haired man looked at the text message and said.

"Who caught it?"

The man in black next to him asked with a cold smile.

"Fatty and Huang Mao caught them. They sent us a text message to tell us to go to the west. Let's go. Although that bitch's place is reserved for Brother Long, the chance to torture and kill that kid is first come, first served."

The long-haired man said, with a murderous glint in his eyes.


After 10 minutes, they arrived at the place mentioned in the text message.

"Where is the prey?"

The long-haired man looked around and asked.

There was no one around, no screams, just silence.

They walked forward slowly and cautiously, but deep down, they always felt uneasy.

Where did the fat man and the yellow hair go?

After turning a corner, they finally heard faint gasps and groans.


The long-haired man froze when he saw the hellish scene in front of him.

Their accomplices, the fat man and the yellow-haired man, were lying in a pool of blood. Their nails had been stripped off, their tendons had been picked out, and blood was dripping between their legs. They were wrapped in clothes so that they would not bleed to death.

Their arms were bent in strange shapes, two daggers passed through their palms, and the other end of the dagger penetrated into the wall, nailing them firmly to the wall.

Blood seeped from the palm of his hand little by little, making a tick-tock sound.


The long-haired man looked pale and took a step back in fear.

----"Looks like a new prey has taken the bait."

He looked up, and there was a young man in black standing on the wall of the deep alley. He glanced at the two of them with evil eyes and some mockery, holding a dagger in each of his left and right hands.

The cold light of death was reflected on the dagger by the moonlight, and reflected in his pupils.

It seemed to tell him that he was no longer a hunter, but a prey.

Told him that this is the hunting ground of the Demon King.

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