This society is not my harem

[51] Qualifications required for killing

[The silver moon is in the sky, exuding a cold and somewhat eerie brilliance.

The moonlight poured down on the bluestone path in the deep alley, and the originally blue path was reflected with a pale light, as if the road was paved with white bones.




Somewhere in the deep alley, continuous groans and pleadings sounded.

Under the moonlight, five people were lying here and there, some of them passed out, and some of them only had the strength to tremble and pant.

The scene in front of me can be described as hell—the heads of the five people had bruises from beatings, the skin and flesh of their hands were cut open, the tendons were exposed, there were no nails, only bare flesh and blood, and the backs of their hands were pierced by daggers , The sharp edge of the dagger was inserted into the seam of the bluestone, nailing them to the ground.

Moreover, between their legs was also bloody.

"The devil... spare me!"

In the deep alley, the man with the mohawk hairstyle stepped back step by step, his eyes filled with fear and despair.

In front of him was a boy.

Black hair and red pupils, a black windbreaker, a sharp dagger in his right hand, and a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Sanctions must be imposed. After all, you have done too much to so many lovely little sisters."

The black-haired boy said with a smile, but to the man sitting on the ground and slowly backing away, it seemed like a devil's smile.

"I beg you to stop... that's right! You can squeeze my Tesujin... please don't break me..."

Tears flowed from his eyes, if he was turned into a eunuch by the boy's knife, it would be more painful than death.

Even if he doesn't use his hands all his life, he doesn't want to be castrated.

"Is that so..."

The boy made a thoughtful look, and slightly narrowed his blood-red pupils.

"Are you willing to forgive me?....I am willing to change in the future..."

Seeing the boy's hesitation, the man with the mohawk raised his shoulders slightly, looked at him excitedly and said.


However, as soon as his words fell, the dagger in the boy's hand flew over like a ghost, and was directly inserted between the man's legs.

"Ah... ah ah ah ah ah ah."

Blood splattered, and he immediately knelt on the ground, clamped his legs, and wailed like a pig in pain.


Tears welled up in his eyes, and he curled up and trembled in despair.

Perhaps for him, compared with physical harm, mental harm is more.


The boy stepped forward, grabbed his neck with one hand, and lifted him up. He grabbed the boy's hand and twisted his body in pain.

Lifting his neck, the boy's red pupils were filled with blood-red light.

"Those who are qualified to hurt are those who are not afraid of harm, and those who are qualified to kill are only those who are ready to be killed."

Under the moonlit night, he coldly glanced at the man whose lower body was stained with blood, and said word by word.

Then, flipped his fingers, raised his hand, drew out the blade, and slashed at the man's hand——


"Those offal..."

After searching his own area, Aaron didn't receive any information from his accomplices for a long time.

He was a little puzzled, why no one of his accomplices had contacted him for so long. Logically speaking, they should have searched all the areas by now, and someone should have contacted him.

Aaron walked slowly into the deep alley, and at this moment, his cell phone rang.

It's the notification sound for receiving a text message.

"Tch, is it finally here?"

He turned on the phone with a displeased face, and then his pupils shrank.

This is a multimedia message with only one photo on it.

In the photo, the six members of the Ghost of Night Maniac were lying on the ground in disorder, their heads were bruised, their lower bodies were stained with blood, their tendons were picked, their nails were peeled off, and their hands were nailed to the ground by sharp blades.

He held the photo tightly, his hands trembling violently, and then a terrifying smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


A dark and terrifying voice rang at the entrance of the deep alley. 】


Standing on the top of the stone wall in the deep alley, my black windbreaker fluttering in the wind, I calmly waited for the arrival of the last prey.

Just sent him a message, he will come.

According to the information given to me by the Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce, this Aaron is a guy with high self-esteem and cannot be provoked.

If he was tricked into coming, he might not come if he became suspicious.

Sending a photo directly to let him see the miserable situation of his subordinates is the best challenge.

"Now there is only one prey left."

I whispered slowly, and pulled out the last dagger from the dagger holder, turning the dagger with my fingertips, waiting for Aaron's arrival.

Just when I was waiting a bit boring, suddenly, I noticed a figure walking unhurriedly at the other end of the deep alley.

Wearing a black fur robe, bare chest, bald head, body covered with tattoos.

His eyes were full of bloodlust and tyranny, and he held a three-foot-long saber in his hand. Of course, I also noticed the pistol on his waist.

It's still here, Aaron, the leader of the Nightcrazy Ghost.

A middle-level member of the former Chamber of Commerce, he is ruthless and good at using guns.

Now I am not in the best state of natural awakening, but an incomplete awakening state awakened by drugs.

Most of the other people in Nightcrazy Ghost are the scum of the mafia, but this one in front of him should not be underestimated, he is a real mafia.

"Here it is."

I stood on the top of the deep alley and said to him slowly.

"You killed them?"

He looked at me at a high place and asked coldly.


I admitted it, then kicked off the wall and landed in the alley in front of him.

Stand face to face with him, not less than 20 meters away.

"It's not bad...I probably know who you are...16 years old, black hair and red are the tenth generation of Dark Moon, right?"

Aaron said slowly, I was a little surprised to know my identity.

"Well, I'm the tenth generation—God Ji."

Since he guessed right, I don't want to deny it either.

"Ji Shen?...In the Chamber of Commerce, we all said that you were a waste...and didn't care about you. Now, have you been trained by the Chamber of Commerce?"

Aaron walked over step by step and asked me slowly.

It seems that he doesn't know the second personality.

A person without talent, no matter how much he trains, is still far from a genius. I am not just training all the time, the key is that I have a highly talented second personality that is completely different from the No.1 personality.

"It's almost... Actually, sanctioning you is also training."

I said with a wicked smile.

That's right, the Chamber of Commerce doesn't think highly of you at all, you are just my training objects.

"The Chamber of Commerce is really arrogant...does it look down on me so much?"

When he heard my words, he clenched his fists in anger and his eyes were red.

"Then... if I kill the young master, I should be able to let them see my strength..."

Then, his eyes became blood red, he clenched the saber in his hand, and smiled at me crazily.

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