"Criminal gang: Nightcrazy wolf has been confirmed to be captured by the police, the city is out of panic..."

The broadcast downstairs played a little noisy in my ears.

"Jingle Bell......"

The sound of the alarm clock rang in my ears.

A little dissatisfied, he turned sideways, wanting to sleep a little longer.

In my hazy consciousness, I thought to myself: "Ah...why did I set the alarm clock today?"

The reason for setting the alarm clock... usually on Monday I set the alarm clock, and then this Monday to do...

"take an exam!"

I woke up suddenly from the hazy sleepiness and lifted the quilt.

"It's actually an exam, hey!"

I quickly got up from the bed and rummaged around for my school uniform.

That's right, today, I will face the midterm exam of the second semester of Yangyue Provincial Experimental High School.

The exam starts at [-]:[-], and it is already [-]:[-].

I set the wrong alarm clock last night. I originally wanted to get up at [-]:[-]!

And Ling and Alice didn't have the habit of calling me, so they just left!

In short, I have won the time of life and death now.

I rinsed my mouth hastily, and splashed some water on my face. I pulled the putter box, biting the bread, and ran out the door quickly.

"Little God, I'm leaving."

Grandma Wang, who was cleaning, saw me and said.

"Well, let's go, the midterm exam."

I spoke at a slightly faster speed, and then changed my shoes in front of the shoe cabinet.


With a final word, I closed the door of the house and rushed towards the outside world quickly.

catch up!Be sure to catch up with the exam! ! !


Fortunately, in the end, I was not late for the midterm exam.

The critical moment has come. Although some haste has affected some of my performance, at least I finished the exam happily.

I usually don't do difficult questions first, and finally try to do it blindly. I should be able to solve some difficult questions.

After the first exam today, you can go home from school and prepare for the next one.

I plan to go to the library to return the books I borrowed last time before going home.

"Hey, what's the choice for this question?"

"Choose b."

"How is it possible, it's obviously d"

Walking on the flower path leading to the library, I heard two girls on the side of the road discussing the answer.

Alas, every time the exam is over, someone will check the answers. In fact, it is very difficult to answer the answers. If you know that you are right, you will be proud and complacent.



These two top students are still arguing about whether it is b or d. The more they listen, the more they feel that they are comparing their bust size.

This strange thought came to my mind, but soon I knocked myself on the head, God Ji, god Ji, you can't be so wretched.

Walking into the library, I came to the desk where the librarian was sitting.

"I'm here to return the books."

"What grade and class?"

"Grade 24 Class [-]."


"God Ji..."

I replied slowly, returning the book to the administrator, and I was very happy that she didn't know about my bad reputation. (The last time I came to the library, the librarian was the same, presumably the librarians are literary girls who don’t care about worldly affairs)

Well, since you've come here, don't come in vain, take the physics test tomorrow, go find a book about physics.

Thinking of this, I glanced at the rows of bookshelves, scanning all kinds of books.

Physics...where is physics?

I rummaged a little bit, and walked along the bookshelf, when I saw a familiar figure.

Xia Youke stood under the bookshelf, turning the pages of a book quietly and gracefully, his slender fingers brushing across the pages, making a rustling sound.

Do you want to say hello to her?

I took a step forward, but I stopped

A little hesitant and embarrassed.

Although my relationship with Ms. Xia has improved dramatically from the beginning to now, this guy is still a lily.

Last Friday night, I did something a little too much to her.

Although he saved her from the night maniac ghost, he not only took her first kiss away, but almost pushed her down.

I seemed to fall asleep that day, Yunier sent me home, there was no call from Xia Yuke, and there was no apology after waking up.

Seeing her now, I feel very disturbed and complicated.

Come on, Ji Shen!

I cheered for myself in my heart, took a deep breath, and walked up.

"Ahem, what a coincidence, I met you here again."

I coughed lightly beside her and said.


She heard my voice, blushed and looked up at me.

"Pervert, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing... just to say hello, um, how was the exam?"


She replied flatly, dizzy, I have nothing to say to ask her about the exam situation, isn't it self-inflicted humiliation when I ask the top student in the department.

Let's get right to the point.

"Xia Yuke, in fact, I came to you now to apologize."

I approached her seriously and said.

"You should also know that I have another bad personality that is completely different, so I am really sorry for what I did to you at that time."

I continued to speak word by word.

"You are responsible."

She blushed, looked up at me and said.


I can't help being a little surprised.

"You have a kid!!!???"

No. 1’s memory of the second personality is a bit vague. Hearing that she was responsible, I couldn’t help sweating. Hey, I can’t remember it wrong. I pushed her down that day!

"no kids!!!"

She retorted to me very dissatisfied.

"Uh... so what..."

"You kissed me!"

"Kiss you... you will be responsible?"

"Yes, our family has always been like this."

Xia Yuke blushed and said, what kind of divine development is this!Do you have such weird rules in your family?Marry whoever kisses you?This is too exaggerated. In this society, people who push girls and not have children are generally not responsible, and those who push girls and have children, some scumbag men are not responsible. I am inexplicably responsible because of kissing What is the situation!

"Uh, what exactly am I going to be responsible for!"

I asked, this is very important.

And when I asked, Xia Yuke was startled, and his face turned even redder.

"Be my boyfriend..."

She lowered her head and said to me in a low voice.



"Xia Yuke... aren't you Lily?"

I couldn't help asking.

"Yeah! Girls are my favorite! But... I've been with you for a long time, and I feel that you are different from ordinary boys..."

Different from ordinary boys! ? !Am I a hypocrite?

"I feel that boys also have a gentle, responsible, and cute side...and---Ji Shen, you also said that night, you want to be my "only"!" ? "

she asked me.

I cursed the second personality in my heart, it was this guy who caused the trouble!

"That means you're bisexual...?"

I asked.


There was silence between us, I was thinking, Ms. Xia is indeed a super beautiful girl, although she is the type of iceberg with a poisonous tongue, but after becoming a girlfriend, it may change.

The point is I still do that kind of thing...

However, I don't particularly like her, and I haven't reached the point where I can become a lover, and I don't want to treat her perfunctorily until I figure out what I want.

Let her know what I think.

"Then... I..."

I also blushed slightly and planned to speak.

"However, there is a condition for becoming my boyfriend."

Before I finished speaking, she parted her red lips again.

Ah, what condition?

"I passed the test..."

she said slowly.

"...I can't be your boyfriend anymore."

I complained, what is this!And the exam content of our two departments is different!

"Ji Shen has some confidence in himself, and the test I'm talking about is your TOEFL test."


"Well, I'm going to take the test too, so let's compare it. Isn't it common in romance novels? The hero studies hard for the heroine, and finally embraces the beauty.

"I can't do that plot!"

I continued to complain, it's too slim for me to surpass Xueba!

"Anyway, come on!"

She patted me on the shoulder and left with a long ponytail.

I didn't even have a chance to explain.

Hey, it seems that the conversation just now was based on the condition of "I like you"!

Xueba beautiful girl, why do you think I really want to be your boyfriend! ! !

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