This society is not my harem

【55】Tianming Primary School

"Mr. Zhou, then you are busy first, we are leaving first."

After chatting with Mr. Zhou Ming for a while, Chu Qing and I left his office.

"This teacher is very approachable."

Walking out of Mr. Zhou's office, Junior Chuqing said beside me.


I replied, but rather than being approachable, it should be said that he is wretched.

Speechless in my heart, I said, what are we going to do next?

There should be science teachers, music teachers, and art teachers who want to visit, but they don't seem to be there.

"There are no teachers to visit next, let's walk around the campus together."

I said to Chuqing that this trip to visit the teacher is over.

"OK, all right."

Chuqing nodded and followed me obediently.

Although when I was with me, I felt that her face would turn red inexplicably, but after Teacher Zhou Ming said something strange just now, her face turned even redder.


If a school girl is a girlfriend....

I glanced at her, her silky hair, smooth and fair neck, she is usually very gentle, but she is also very cute when she is shy...

She noticed my gaze, and also raised her head to look at me, and the two eyes quickly avoided...

Oops, I accidentally stared into it, it's so embarrassing to look at each other!

"Brother Ji Shen, don't look at me with such eyes..."

Xueqing Chuqing held the corner of her skirt and said in a low voice, her ears flushed with blush.

"Uh... sorry."

I quickly turned my head to the side and said.

I... don't want Chuqing Xuemei to be my girlfriend, that's right, I will never get my hands on a junior high school student!

Saying this in my heart, I calmed down my breathing and heartbeat.


The two walked in silence for a while, wandered around some of the previous classrooms, and then wandered back to the stadium.

Walking along the stadium track, past the basketball court, and across a tree-lined avenue, we arrived at another small practice field.

There are ping pong tables on the driving range, and now no one is practicing here, only empty table.

The breeze blew, and the fallen leaves rolled onto the table tennis table, bringing back memories of my past.

I remember that in the past, the only sport that I treated positively was table tennis.

Because the venue required is not large, inconspicuous, and you don't need to cooperate with people, you can play singles with a machine.

At that time, I was always playing balls alone by the table tennis table. The machine kept spitting out small white balls. I kept hitting back and forth, and finally picked up the balls one by one.

One thing I remember very clearly is that every time I go to the bathroom after practice, there will be an extra bottle of mineral water on the table tennis table when I come back.

Because the small shop to buy water is far away from here, I am very tired when I go to buy water, and every time for some reason, there will be an extra bottle of mineral water on the table. bring me water.

"I remember at that time, when I practiced here, there would always be good-hearted people bringing me water, but in the end I didn't know who that person was."

At this time, standing by the table tennis table, I said slowly.

That person, I really want to thank him.

"Who does Brother Ji Shen think he is.... Will he be your friend?"

When Chuqing heard what I said, she was slightly taken aback, then lowered her head and asked.


I said, and at that moment, she raised her head happily.

"I didn't have any friends at that time. I reasoned that it might have been sent by my cousin Yahuo or Yuyou. That year was my fourth grade, and they had just entered school."

I reasoned.

" should be..."

When Chuqing heard my guess, her voice dropped and she didn't speak.

After visiting the small practice field here, we walked towards the No. [-] teaching building.

The No. [-] teaching building is mainly where the first and second grades are located, and there are some weird ones like laboratories, activity rooms and the like.

The light in this teaching building is a little dark, unlike teaching building No. [-], where the corridors are exposed to sunlight.

Because my memory is not very good, and because the second personality lost part of the memory, I have almost no memory of the No. [-] teaching building.

"What class did Chuqing work in before?"

Walking on the dimly lit path of the teaching building, I asked Chuqing.

"It's from Class 06, Grade [-]."

She parted her red lips slightly, and replied slowly.

Class four?I'm in Class Six, but I don't have much impression of the students in Class Four who are two grades younger than me.

"The memory of this building is almost gone."

I lamented, time has passed for a long time, and there is not much memory.

"Well... I still remember some, because something happened here in a certain year that I will never forget."

Walking in the corridor, Chu Qing whispered, and I also raised my head with great interest.

"That year, the big brother I told you about, Brother Ji Shen, encouraged me at a most special moment in a classroom in this building."

Chu Qing said, the big brother she was talking about was the big brother she had liked for several years, he seemed to be the harem king who captured her heart for seven years in seven minutes...

I'm still very interested in this, and I want to know more about it.

"Then, if possible, can you tell me what that big brother did to you that day?"

I asked curiously. I forgot to ask last time. I was actually curious as to what I could do in 7 minutes.

Chu Qing was slightly taken aback, blushed and looked up at me, hesitant to speak.

"Uh, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say..."

Seeing her like this, I was also embarrassed, and felt that it involved other people's desires too much.

"You can tell brother..."

Just when I was hesitating, she grabbed the corner of my clothes, said with her pretty face blushing and her head lowered.

The voice was very small and weak, and I swallowed instantly.

Has the address for me changed from [Brother Ji Shen] to [Brother]...

"You can"

She said again in a low voice, raised her eyes, and the black jewel-like pupils looked at me, no, it's so cute!

Looking up like an abandoned kitten, this is absolutely dead!

"Then... what's going on..."

I swallowed again, and asked with a nervous blushing face.

"That day..."

Chuqing's red lips parted lightly, and I also focused my attention to the limit——

"Hey, what are you two doing!?"

At this time, an uncle's loud voice sounded beside us. Chuqing and I took a step back subconsciously, and stood still with blushing faces.

It was an uncle in a blue uniform, probably the security guard of the campus.

We were very close just now, oh no, we might be suspected of kissing or something!

A high school student and a junior high school student who choose to kiss at the elementary school will definitely be regarded as perverted.

"Uh uh, we're just here to visit the campus."

Before the security guard could speak, I waved my hands guiltily and explained.

"Cut...I really can't do anything with you children, don't care about this, get out of here and go home, it seems to be raining."

The security guard said to us helplessly, and couldn't help but look at us who were blushing.

It's raining?


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