——“I want to end our current relationship.”

I opened my mouth slowly and finally said what I didn't want to say.

At that moment, the wind suddenly blew up, wrapped in raindrops, and scattered between Si Yi and me.

Her pupils shrank and her delicate body trembled.


She obviously felt that she had heard it wrong, and asked me in a pleasant voice.

"End our current relationship...forget everything before, and be strangers from now on."

I raised my head, looked at her seriously in the rain, and said to her.

Yes, destroyed together with our past memories, forgetting everything between the two of us, and becoming strangers.

It should be an easy thing for her.

No matter what she said now, she often hangs around those bad boys. Betrayal and abandonment should be commonplace for her. If Yin Leyan is like this, so should she.

We forget each other, maybe it hurts me, but it doesn't matter to her.

"Are you serious... God Ji."

To my slight surprise, Si Yiyu didn't act indifferent after hearing my words.

She slowly raised her head and looked at me, to make sure I wasn't joking, and I saw a little tear in her eyes.


Seeing her like this, I couldn't help thinking.

When I saw her for the first time, I almost made her cry.

In order to maintain the dignity of Senior Sister Shiyue, and also because of a moment of anger, I called her a black fungus in public, and then declared war on her, which can be regarded as a strange encounter.

Afterwards, I thought that there would be no relationship between us, but a month ago, Yin Leyan gave me a mission from the Chamber of Commerce, and I started to contact her again because of the mission——

Send her home every night, chat with her, and avoid the pursuers with her.

During the two-week vacation, hang out together, listen to her singing on the booth of the bar, and dance with her on the dance floor of the bar with my arms around her waist.

He also accompanied her to buy a gift for Senior Sister Shiyue, and helped her ask Senior Sister Shiyue out. They finally reconciled and established a deeper friendship.

Although she is the popular "Bel Canto Bus" in the school, she hates virgins and likes to mess with little hooligans from other schools, she should be the type I hate very much.

And in the days of getting along with her this month, I have seen a different side of her, she is also considerate, she also has a delicate side, she also has a hardworking side... and the process of getting along with her , I felt happiness and joy... I really don't want to forget this memory.

But even so, my answer is——

——"I'm serious, let's end it."

Following her question, I said seriously.

I had to forget, to end our relationship.

The reason is simple, I have my own principles——

"Senior Si Yiyu... I'm actually very sorry for you. Our memory is false and there is no need for it to exist... Actually, after the school cultural festival, I have always hated it. You, but because of the social tasks my father gave me, I was assigned to develop a relationship with you...that is to say, my help to you is actually purposeful, and my feelings for you are all fake of......"

I lowered my head and said, clenching my fists, and admitted so.

She fell silent.

"Is that so?"

About ten seconds later, she spoke with some relief, and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Feel sorry....."

I looked at her and could only apologize.

"I've felt it a long time ago, Ji Shen, you came from an extraordinary family, how could you approach someone like me casually to help me, it really is for this reason..."

Si Yiyuan spoke in a low voice, feeling a little depressed.

"Feel sorry....."

I apologized again, not knowing what else to say.

There was a little silence between us.

"Then Ji God... Let me ask you, if I forgive you for deceiving me this time, and there is no task you said, that is to say-we met in a strange way, can we To be friends or lovers?"

After a while, she spoke again, her voice low.

Instead of getting mad at me for cheating on her all this time and leaving.....she asked this weird question?

I'm a little overwhelmed.

Think carefully about her question.

Without this mission, would I have become friends or even lovers with her?



I thought for a while, and finally spoke.

Yes, I'm not going to lie, I'm determined to talk to her.

Without this mission, I thought to myself that it would be impossible for me and Si Yiu to develop into friends, let alone lovers.


Si Yiyuan trembled in the rain, and asked me with tears in my eyes.

No why... If you want to talk about the reason, Si Yiyu is also an existence that I absolutely reject——

Black Fungus.

He hangs out among a lot of men all day long, cheating some innocent sluts, but throws himself into the arms of Gao Fushuai.

Moreover, even now, I don't really believe that she can never betray Shiyue-senpai.

Just like what Yin Leyan did to me last night.

The action of the black fungus was so sudden that I couldn't figure it out.

For their purpose, they may befriend you one moment, and betray you the next moment.

I don't have the confidence and security to associate with this type of woman.

"In my recent relationship, I have indeed seen some advantages of the senior sister... But no matter what, you are not my favorite type, or even the type I hate."

I said slowly, thinking of the shouts of thousands of spare tires in the spare tire bar, remembering being deliberately ignored and teased in elementary school, and remembering Yin Leyan’s deception to me last night——I was more motivated to treat Si Yiyu like an angry youth I said it——

"Senior Si Yiyu...you are also a girl called black fungus after all, she hates virgins and has deceived many people, even to be honest, I don't really believe that you will be able to meet Shiyue-senpai in the future It's been going on forever...I can't understand your behavior...Last night, I was purposely seduced by a girl who I have been with for a long time and I trust... Let's be honest...we can't trust each other, there's nothing to talk about—"

I gritted my teeth and slowly said what was in my heart.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, tears overflowed from her eyes, blurred in the rain, I continued to speak——

"You are all too [casual] to yourself, too [casual] to morality.....too [casual] to love and friendship..."

As I said this, I told her all my definitions of black fungus.

My words cut through her chest like a knife blade.


Then something that surprised me happened.

Si Yiyuan took a step forward, raised her hand, and slapped me hard across the face.

His face was burning with pain, and the cold rainwater hit it.


I was stunned.

"......What do you know......"

She hung her hands down weakly, lowered her head in a crying voice, and said to me coldly.

Tears kept flowing from her eyes, and fell to the ground with the rain.

"Ji God...don't talk to yourself here, you who have lived a luxurious life since childhood, how can you understand me..."

She continued to speak, with tears falling from her eyes, her delicate body trembling slightly, her fingers could hardly hold the handle of the umbrella.

"You know...how I lost my first time....my mother died of illness when I was five years old...along with my father... My dad lost money gambling with the gangsters when I was 12 years old, and he couldn't pay his debts anymore... Then, he sold me to someone else for his own life... once He brought home a disgusting middle-aged man who molested and raped me..."

The heavy rain blurred her words, and her words were like a thunderbolt, hitting my brain violently.

"I can't change this rubbish society, and I can't choose to escape from humiliation...I just want to change myself..."

She said to me in a hoarse voice, with tears streaming down her beautiful face.

I was stunned.

When she was 12 years old, she was betrayed by her family, and then lost the most precious first time for a girl?

I seem to have seen such a picture——

In the dimly lit and smoke-smelling home, a decadent man was crying, drinking wine, and holding a lot of money; while in the next room, another man's panting, wanton laughter and My daughter's painful groans and cries...


She must have betrayed Shiyue-senpai.


Shiyue-senpai forgave her easily, and said to me——"Xiao Yu is actually a very poor girl."


She will be mixed with a bunch of men.

She wanted to change herself, and she didn't want to sit still.

but me......

"Ji God...I thought you were different from those scumbags...you are willing to stand up for Shiyue and defend me, you are willing to protect me, you are willing to understand me, tolerate me, and care for me ..."

Si Yiyuan lowered her head and said slowly.

I clenched my fists.

"But I misread you, you are still the same as those scum..."

She said slowly, I can't do anything, but my mind is blank.

My heart hurts like being stabbed by a knife.

"Ji God...As you said, let's end here, and the girl you mentioned doesn't really like you, so she wouldn't tempt you so suddenly...it's just you It's just a subjective assumption..."

The important words have been said, and Si Yiu is already very cold to me, and has almost nothing to say.

"If you don't want to take responsibility for me, you should get out of my heart from the very beginning..."

She finally left a word to me coldly, then turned around, a crystal tear flashed, and she held an umbrella and walked quickly towards the direction away from me.

I stood there alone, feeling the darkness of the whole world pressing down on me.

Si Yiu left, because she was disappointed in me.

From the beginning, I called them black fungus and black fungus.

I also thought that the black fungus theory was correct.

However, the fact is that -

No girl is impure or depraved from the start.

What is really wrong, in the final analysis - is the darkness of society, those scum who are irresponsible to them.

but me.

It's just one of those scumbags.

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