This society is not my harem

【73】Urban Legend

I stood in front of a high-speed train, and now the speed of this train is about [-] kilometers per hour.

His fists were stuck in the front windshield of the train, and his feet got stuck between the rails.


Unsurprisingly, for a moment, like a heavy hammer hitting my arm, my arm was numb as if it was about to break, and then blood oozes from the surface of the skin, and my body flew backwards with the train——with the train Knocked away.


I felt a sudden tightening in my chest, a sweetness in my throat, and I spat out a mouthful of blood. The wound on my left shoulder from the battle with Chuqing just now ruptured, and the blood splashed on the glass.

"Damn it...stop it!"

I yelled, my brain heated up again, my excitement increased again, the veins on my forehead exploded, the muscles of my whole body condensed together, and my potential burst out in my whole body.

I heard that in order to save the child, a mother can move a several-ton truck with bare hands... If it is me who wants to save so many lives--I can do it, I will give this train to manpower brake!

My dangling feet stepped into the sleepers again, centering on Dantian, I sent all the strength to my arms and feet, and pushed the train forward with all my strength.


The blood-red light flooded my pupils, and the skin surface of the whole body was oozing blood. The train rushed me forward, and my feet were quickly rubbed between the sleepers. Originally, it was made of high-density materials. The combat boots are also rapidly damaged.

Sand, gravel and sawdust splashed under my feet, and my blood splashed at the same time.

The speed of the train also decreased sharply, from 180 kilometers per hour to 150 kilometers per hour, and then to [-] kilometers per hour.


The train whistled again, and the lights above my head were instantly illuminated. It seemed that the train had already entered the station. have to work harder——


I thought it was a roaring beast and yelled, the bloody fingertips scratched the cracked glass of the train, and the roots of my feet were planted on the ground, constantly sending the force of the train back.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"

I roared, the blood-red light filled the pupils of my eyes, the skin on my face was broken by burst blood vessels, and the skin on my body leaked blood, like a Shura bathed in blood, I continued to push and block the train.

One hundred kilometers per hour... eighty kilometers per hour, its speed gradually decreased.

——"Give it to me—back!"

I looked up to the sky and screamed, my eyes were blood red.


"Is it stopped? It's almost the end of the end."

"The platform braking system is broken, but why does this train decelerate so fast?"

The voices of the staff on the platform rang in my ears, blood oozed from my ears, and now my hearing is very blurred.

"What is that - the front of the train!"

"Fuck, is that a person? A person wearing a black windbreaker, covered in blood and dust?"

My consciousness gradually became blurred, and I only focused on exerting all my strength in my hands and feet to slow down the train continuously.


The train trembled slightly, and the speed continued to decrease. I seemed to hear the screams of people inside the train, because the end of the station was close at hand, and I could feel the wind pressure on both sides of me gradually decreasing. Out of the corner of my eye, I could catch a glimpse of the waiting platform.

In the end, I took a deep breath, bowed with all my strength, and pushed towards the train——

Fifty kilometers per hour, thirty kilometers per hour, ten kilometers per hour...

The speed of the train gradually decreased, slowing down the speed at which I kept pushing forward. Finally, after the last burst of unwilling buzzing, the train gradually stopped...

I surpassed my limit, my hands and feet instantly went limp, and my tense muscles relaxed.

Even in the decisive battle with Xue Aotian, only part of my body was destroyed, this is the first time my body has been destroyed so thoroughly.

The skin almost oozes blood, looking like a blood man, the shoes on both feet are almost worn out, and the black windbreaker on his body is almost broken.

"Is that really a human?"

"Hey, did someone push the train back, Superman?"

The voices of the staff gathered by the platform appeared vaguely in my hearing, and now I just feel dizzy, but in order not to be caught by them, I will ask questions... I still use the last bit of strength, quickly fled towards the other end of the dark track.

Along the track next to the station, I staggered into the passageway used by the maintenance staff under the platform, staggered a few steps along the dimly lit passageway, and then fell down in the safe passageway.

Consciousness can no longer hold on, I feel very tired, so I just fell down in the dimly lit passage...



I woke up.

I don't know how long it took, but finally woke up.

Lying on the white hospital bed, I looked up and saw the lights of the hospital.

It is daytime now, and the scenery outside is still very clear. The scenery outside the curtains is displayed in front of my eyes. Because I saw the landmark of Yinyue Building, I can be sure that I am now sponsoring by the Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce in A City, Yangyue Province in that hospital.

The last time I came here, I had a decisive battle with Xue Yuehua, and then I slept in this hospital for six days.

"What time is it now..."

Thinking of this, I tried to stand up and looked around in a daze.

"Master, you have been asleep for two days."

At this time, a deep voice sounded from my right side, I followed the voice and looked, Qin Ye was sitting on the hospital bed next to me, looking at me with great interest.

"Uh...Qin Ye, you are here."

I said.

"Well... the young master really suffered a lot of injuries this time, all over his body. It should be caused by the bursting of blood vessels due to excessive force, and some muscle strains, but this time there was no rupture and bleeding of the liver, so he was quickly injured. Your resilience is healed, except for the scar on your left shoulder that will take some time to heal."

Qin Ye slowly reported to me, and I nodded. I really felt that the rest of my body was almost fine, except that my left shoulder was aching, and it was still bandaged.

"Oh... I should be discharged from the hospital right away, by the way, the explanation from the school and family...?"

I asked with some hesitation. I remembered telling Ling that I would go to school on Monday morning, but I still broke my promise.

"We all took leave and found reasons to be sick."

He said, but he noticed my unspeakable expression, and continued to add——

"As for Miss Ling, I'm glad to see you back, after all, I know it's you when I read the newspaper..."

Qin Ye said with a smile, the first half of the sentence is okay, it sounds very warm, but the second half?

When I read the newspaper, I knew it was me! ?

Nervously, I grabbed the newspaper beside the bed, which is quite authoritative and famous Capital Daily.

"The headline is...the near accident on the high-speed rail line happened again, and a mysterious person appeared to turn the tide!"

I was stunned after reading this headline, and then saw myself wearing black clothes blocking the high-speed rail through a blurry camera...

I silently took the Capital Daily and picked up the Entertainment News.

"Headline: The identity of the man blocking the high-speed train has been speculated by netizens. It is speculated that he is an alien from the other side of the star. He blocked the train in order to protect the other half."


I was speechless again, what the hell did I end up getting involved with that alien boyfriend or something.

"Headline: The mysterious man became popular overnight. Fans posted on it. The club has been established on the website. Relevant parties said that a manga toy about him is being produced..."

I read a series of speechless messages. How boring people are nowadays. I have been obsessed with such a vague figure of my back for so long, and I even made a figure. I feel very ashamed, very shameful!

" has become an urban legend..."

Qin Ye looked at my red and white face and said with a smile.

"I don't want this kind of urban legend!"

—I howled in despair.

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