On Wednesday, I can already go to school normally.

After I woke up, the chamber of commerce asked me to forcibly awaken the second personality, and use the recovery power of the second personality to quickly recover my left shoulder.

Now, I can face life positively again.

"Okay, this is the end of the morning class. Student Ji Shen has come to the foreign teacher's office these few days to make up for a few unfinished exams..."

In the fifth class, the grammar teacher said to me, and I nodded.


The next few days seem to be very busy.

I yawned, stretched, and got up from my chair.

"Ji Shen asked for leave again two days ago, what are you doing?"

Cheng Tianbo walked up to me and asked.

"I got sick...."

I curled my lips and said, while avoiding his gaze, um, lying here won't be seen, right?

"It must be too much..."

He complained to me.


I argued loudly, hey, do I look so much like a masturbating teenager? Although I have dark circles under my eyes because I like to stay up late, you shouldn’t doubt me so much!

I walked past Cheng Tianbo speechlessly, and then walked out of the classroom door.

Where should I eat today? Canteen, Liver Street, or Kahler Square...

With this in mind, I walked out of the building of the International Department, walked across the basketball court, walked across the cherry blossom road, and walked towards the school gate.

"Hey, have you heard the news these two days?"


"It seems that a few days ago, an alien blocked the high-speed train that was about to hit the platform!?"

"Huh, is there really? Ah—so romantic, it must be for the girlfriend who has been loved for hundreds of years and reincarnated on the high-speed rail."

Two innocent and lovely girls from this school were walking on the cherry blossom road and discussing my feats in the past few days.

Haha....Girls at this age really like to fantasize, but I'm sorry, the alien boyfriend you mentioned is standing beside you. ..

I thought so, and smiled wryly.

By the way....Actually, the main purpose of that day was to save a girl.

In order to save Chuqing, prove to her that there is hope for the future.

After that day, I got to know Chuqing again.

In addition to her gentle and lovely side, she also has a cruel and terrifying side - the eighth person of the night mad ghost.

After I woke up, Qin Ye from the Chamber of Commerce talked to me for a long time. In fact, Chuqing’s blackening was not entirely my fault. Chuqing did inherit some of her mother’s physique, and she easily became neurotic and pathological. And her mother's cruel behavior seven years ago completely awakened her morbidity. The morbidity that has been developed for seven years is very powerful. Like my second personality, it can greatly awaken Chuqing's subconscious power. Raise her intellectual and physical levels to a superhuman level.

The Chamber of Commerce investigated again and found that she hadn't killed anyone directly, and even hurt others because of self-protection or love for me.

She should not be counted as a part of the ghost of night madness, and she was not handed over to the police in the end. It can be said that this matter was inexplicably calmed down and suppressed by the chamber of commerce.

And the result of the discussion by the senior members of the chamber of commerce left me speechless—their decision was to adopt Junior Chuqing, train her, and let her exist as my exclusive killer in the future. Objected, but she had no right to veto, and Chu Qing herself also said, "It's good to stay with Brother Ji Shen".

"Existing as a killer... I will dismiss it after I become the president. After all, it is too inhuman for such a cute girl to exist as a killer."

I said to myself like this, and then walked out of the school gate.

"Brother Ji Shen..."

At this time, a shy but gentle voice sounded in my ears.

The voice is full of hope, as if it makes people feel like a spring breeze.

——Chuqing stood beside the school gate waiting for me, her pretty face was slightly red, and she smiled shyly.

It's good to see her hopeful smile... Actually, I have some lingering fears, worried that she will leave some shadow in the incident of the previous few days, or that she won't want to face me from now on.

I personally don't care about her having a dual personality. Although I am still afraid of her with that personality, I still sympathize with her.

She became like this because of her poor background and my indifference. I have no right to hate her. On the contrary, I should care about her as a big brother.

"Chuqing...you came to pick me up at the school gate, what's the matter?"

I said softly.

"Try...I made some lunch for my brother, and then added the fruit salad that I didn't have time to eat for my brother last time."

She lowered her head and said with a blushing pretty face.

Oh oh, lunch?I am still looking forward to it. After all, the school girl said that she has worked hard to become my wife for seven years, so the lunch she made should be delicious, and I still have this regret when I went to her house last time. I didn’t eat her. Made fruit salad.

"Well, let's find a place to eat near the grove of our school. Foreigners are allowed in at noon during the experiment."

I said with a smile, and walked into the campus with my schoolgirl.

"Pervert Ji Shen brought his junior to school..."

"Damn it... finally can't help but attack junior high school students? The next step is elementary school students..."

"I want to take care of my sister..."

The people who saw Chuqing and I were discussing in low voices on campus.

Hey, I heard that.

Putting aside these prejudices and boring discussions, my school girl and I sat on the bench in the school grove.

This small forest is usually visited by couples, and these hateful realists usually bring some books when they come. If the dean passes by when they are in love, they can find an excuse to say that they are studying together. .

And it's weird that I bring schoolgirls to eat together.

"Brother Ji Shen..."

The school girl opened the lunch box, oh, it's beef stew with potatoes!Is there really a fruit salad next to it? I like it!

"It looks delicious, then I'm going to start!"

I said with a smile, then put the phone aside, put the lunch box on my lap, picked up the tableware and started eating.

I picked up a piece of beef with chopsticks, and then put it in my mouth to bite it open. The sauce of the beef melted in my mouth. The chewy beef kept stimulating my taste buds. Moreover, I actually tasted the flavor of my hometown in this beef. Taste!It's like my grandmother made it for me.

"Great! Chuqing, you are a master chef, and the man who married you is so happy."

I exclaimed excitedly, and then buried myself in the food in front of me.

"How can.....I still need to work hard...and...my brother will definitely marry me, right? I have already...promised on the high-speed rail..."

She covered her pretty face and said, and the second half of the sentence caught my attention.

I froze instantly, the food didn't reach into my mouth, it stopped in front of my mouth.

By the way....my second personality seems to have said to my school girl on the high-speed rail: From now on, I will always be by your side, fulfilling the promise that was not fulfilled seven years ago...

Isn't that promise a marriage, Hun Dan!And that guy also said a lot of nasty words!

It's over....Inexplicably, I set myself a third flag (ending) that I must get married....

"That... let's talk about it later."

I said perfunctorily.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

At this time, my message ringtone rang, and a short piece of information was displayed on the screen of my mobile phone. Chuqing and I looked at the message at the same time.

[Lovely junior—I heard that you recovered, hehe, come to the club activity room in advance in the afternoon, let's play adult games together as usual! 】

Sister Shiyue's message was sent to my mobile phone, your sister!What's the same as usual, I haven't played any adult games except kneeling and licking you, okay?

"Brother Ji Shen... really wants to play tricks..."

And when I was about to turn off the phone in embarrassment, I was stared at by an extremely cold gaze from the side and rear, and then I heard a hell-like voice...

I seemed to be petrified, turning around mechanically, Chuqing Xuemei's beautiful face was once again hidden under the bangs, and it felt terrifying, terrifying!

"Hee hee hee... No wonder my brother is ambiguous about our marriage... Do you often mess around with other sisters..."

She lowered her head and said in a hellish voice, then reached into the bag she was carrying, and pulled out a shiny silver fruit knife...

She has turned black!Definitely has entered the darkened personality again!

"Wait a minute! Chuqing! This is a misunderstanding..."

My pupils shrank suddenly, cold sweat covered my whole body, and I explained helplessly.

"It's not safe for a brother like this. It's better to disassemble it. It's better to hide it in the freezer...hehehehehe..."

She pulled out the fruit knife, then raised the fruit knife, and stabbed at me——

"It's a misunderstanding——"

I shouted in powerless despair, desperately dodging the next attack of the blackened school girl...

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