This society is not my harem

【8】Sneak!Ji Shen

"Today...the weather is fine."

"Hmm, what a wonderful day."

I took a deep breath and stared closely at the two girls in front of me...

Concave and convex figure, pure appearance.

That's not the point, the point is that they are wearing our school uniform... This uniform makes my heart beat faster...

Please don't get me wrong.

It's not because I've played too many games such as "Tail Walk" and "Tram Wolf" that I can't figure out the difference between reality and delusion, and I want to do some wretched things.

On the contrary, this is the first time in my life that I have made such a stealthy escape.

The people who hunted me down involved people of all ages and nationalities, but according to my test analysis, generally those aunts and some children had nothing to do with me and didn't know me.

And the people outside the school pay more attention to my eyes at most, but the people inside the school are different, they will really chase and kill me.

As for why I attract everyone's hatred so much, on the one hand, I have the title of "Pervert Ji Shen", on the other hand, I am the boyfriend of the popular idol transfer student Xue Yuehua.

It was okay when the incident was revealed yesterday, but it was just beaten up by my classmates. But this morning, when I saw this news was reposted nearly ten thousand times, with angry and murderous comments flying all over the sky, I knew that my happy life was over. period.

Hiding behind a telephone pole, I looked around vigilantly. When I checked that there was no school uniform like mine around, I lowered my head and quickly crossed the road.

As he got closer to the school, he could already see the gate of the experimental high school and the rapid flow of people entering and leaving.

They were all wearing school uniforms, with the same sunny smiles on their faces, but I knew that at least half of them were fans of Xue Yuehua, and at the same time they were the people who wanted to kill me.

The heartbeat gradually accelerated, and the breathing became rapid.

Or, go home and take a few days off to hide.

Looking at the bustling crowd passing by, I kept tensing my nerves, fearing that a pursuer would suddenly appear. This feeling is really terrible.

With the idea of ​​retreating in my heart, I took a step back, my heels retreated, and the dust flew up.


Cold sweat broke out, and my man's determination and fear were struggling. At this moment, my grandfather's kind face appeared in my mind, and the earnest teaching that I will never forget in my life----

"Little God, a man is a creature that clenches his fists at critical moments and moves forward bravely."

He smiled under the setting sun, the corners of his wrinkled eyes stretched out, revealing his white teeth, shining brightly.

Inexplicably touched, I seemed to see my grandfather waving to me from the other side of the sky....

"Grandfather, is this the belief you conveyed to me..."

I smiled brightly, but tears welled up in my eyes.

Clenching my fists tightly, I solemnly made up my mind: I walked forward with firm steps.

It's a man, how can you back down!

"Look quickly—the pervert Ji Shen is here!"

The moment I took a step towards the school gate, I heard a girl's voice----the students who were walking alone in front of me turned their heads quickly at that moment, looking gloomy and looking at me with terrifying eyes.

Cold sweat permeated my skirt, I raised my hand and greeted them with some embarrassment:

"Hi... did you all sleep well last night?"

And they ignored my friendly greeting--

"This pervert...was it here?"

"This soul is light..."

"Return my sister Hua's innocence!"

The girl with glasses who exposed me screamed --- the scream shook my eardrums, like the sound of war, everyone rushed towards me immediately!


I made a quick decision, ran away, pulled the trolley case, and rushed past the crowd like lightning.

(ps: Because the International Department has a lot of courses and books, it is inconvenient to carry, so it is popular to go to school with a trolley case. Those who go to school with a trolley case are more mobile than those who go to school with backpacks.)

Very good, school bag advantage!Ho ho!

My lord pulls a trolley case to school every day!And you are all backpacks!Blame Newton!Increase the pressure and burden when you walk, yes, I can escape!

There was a smile on the corner of my mouth, and I stepped into the school gate like lightning, running fast.

"Students in front, catch Ji Shen!"

The pursuer behind shouted angrily.

"What!?" The people in front were startled, and immediately understood after seeing me, and I had already rushed forward quickly!

good!Just this momentum!I can survive!

With my fists clenched tightly, I finally saw the silhouette of the International Department building under the hot pursuit of a bunch of pursuers behind me...

Escaping to the building is terrain warfare. Based on my familiarity with the International Department building, I should be able to escape.

I smiled confidently and took a step --- into the International Department building....


"You actually forced me into this situation... Phew..."

I held the door inside the women's toilet on the second floor, and said out of breath.

Sure enough, these pursuers should not be underestimated. After I entered the International Department building, their pursuit did not relax much. I was forced to do nothing, and finally I hid in the women's toilet on the second floor of the International Department.

There are no classrooms on the second floor, and few people come here, so they don’t have to worry about being discovered. They also don’t expect me to hide in the women’s bathroom. It’s good, just hide until the first class, and these guys will disperse.

I looked at my watch, there are still 10 minutes left, and now, I can only pray that there will not be any strange girls who come here to go to the bathroom.

"Hey, little Ji..."

At this time, a hand was placed on my shoulder, and I couldn't help shivering.

Who! ?

Looking back in fear, it was Cheng Tianbo!

The wretched smile and the hairstyle that looks like Monkey King, it's Cheng Tianbo!

Damn it, it's over if you get caught by this guy!He is Xue Yuehua's number one fan, and he was also the first one to rush up and beat me up yesterday...

"What are you doing here?"

He asked suspiciously, is this my line?

This guy must come here often, while doing some wretched things!

But it's strange...Cheng Tianbo caught me, and didn't make any big moves...It's strange.

"Uh, I'm being chased by Xue Yuehua's fans..."

I thought about it, and told him the truth. Anyway, I wouldn't make up a lie. Being exposed is an instant thing.


To my surprise, he was calm.

"Xiao Ji, let's go out from here first."

After thinking for a while, he smiled slightly, neither humble nor overbearing, and stretched out his thick hands to me.

Like a comrade in arms who fought side by side with me.

I've been hunted down this morning, walking on tiptoe, like a mouse crossing the street, but now, Cheng Tianbo actually wants to stand by my side and help me tide over the difficulties.


I misjudged you before, Brother Cheng.

Staying here is not an option, it would be bad if someone finds out—let's go!

I hold the hand of my comrade-in-arms, warm, strong, and vigorous.

Can escape from birth!We can!

Believe in hope, I am not alone!

Thinking with a surge of emotion, Cheng Tianbo and I walked out of the women's restroom together, towards hope---



The atmosphere around is not right.

A circle of people surrounded the door.

Looking at us fiercely, no, it should be looking at me alone.

Now, I have a bad feeling.

Cheng Tianbo left me and stood in their queue, my heart quickly sank into darkness.

"Hey, God Ji, we have a pretty good relationship."

The boys who besieged me stepped forward, they were smiling, but the strength on my shoulders kept increasing...

And from their ice-cold eyes, I saw killing intent.

Wait a moment.

Hey, it's not good.

Cheng Tianbo that guy betrayed me...I got caught.

Situation is dire!

They smiled like death.


Damn...have to..

"That...can you not slap me in the face?"

I smiled a little and cut my hair...

At least save your face.

And their answer was ---

"Of course---no!"

"Squeeze this perverted stallion!"

"Building a harem in the society is enough to deserve a beating, but this time I also put Agra..."

They roared, fists and feet intertwined---in an instant, the iron fists wrapped in the anger of the boys were constantly magnified in front of my eyes---

After Cheng Tianbo betrayed me this time, I fully understood how powerless the so-called brotherhood is in front of women...

My eyes went dark, and when I became conscious again, it was already afternoon.

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