This society is not my harem

[9] A love letter among threatening letters

"To the impotent bastard Ji Shen, if you dare to destroy sister Xue Yuehua's innocence, we will fight you hard!!!"

The immature font is presented on the white letter paper in my hand, which feels like the words of a primary school girl.

While lamenting the wide age distribution of Setsugekka's fans, my heart is also filled with a dark emotion called anger.

Received a threatening letter early in the morning.

The mailbox is completely full, and the one just now was relatively good, and someone wrote me something: get out of the earth; break up as soon as possible, or kill you and other threats..."

This is the third day that my love affair with Xue Yuehua was made public, Friday, November 29th.

When the love affair was first announced, Xue Yuehua's fans were shocked, and I even saw an American child crying in front of the TV with snot and tears.

Inexplicably, my cell phone number was leaked, and then a lot of threats followed one after another, pouring towards me like waves.

Since yesterday, letters spraying me and threatening me have filled up a mailbox...

Sad, alas, I have indeed transformed from a school-level pervert to a public enemy of mankind now.

Today, I wasted the time of reading and memorizing vocabulary early on cleaning up the mailbox.

It is said that this is the servant's job, but how can I show this thing to the servant...

I sorted it out by myself, flipped my fingers, and my heart seemed to be crying.

"Congratulations on winning the Nobel Prize for the Human Being Who Needs the Most Breakup...."

I flipped through this bloody threat... Even such a powerful award was quoted to defraud me, how miserable I should be.

Threat letters that were dark or pale...I took them out and threw them aside, blah, blah, bury them somewhere no one can find them...Take these super something that hurts self esteem....

I flipped over a black letter with my fingertips, and suddenly, my eyes lit up: a touch of pink came into view——uh, there is a pink envelope...

Uh, there is actually a pink threatening letter...

I opened it casually, anyway, the content must still be threatening...

I took a quick glance at the first sentence: To my favorite brother Ji Shen....

Hey hey, great start, didn't say I'm an asshole, or give me a terrible Nobel Prize....,

Could it be that this is to make me paralyzed and intimidated?It's like an experienced hunter who gives the prey a little benefit first to anesthetize it, and then the capture will be much easier later; or like a professional torturer who gives the prisoner a long talk about life's hope before torture...

The packaging of the pink threatening letter, the beginning of my full hope, is all false... The purpose is to let me regain hope and hurt me better...

That's right, I've seen through all of this!

"Hmph, naive professional intimidator, you will start to intimidate in the future! I, Ji Shen, have already prepared myself!"

I sneered, Conan was possessed, and his sharp eyes followed the pages of this pink letter, and continued to look down...

"To my dear student Ji may be a bit sudden to say this----I like you."


I was stunned, ah, isn't the second sentence a threat?

It was a bit unexpected.

"I've been looking at you all the time—whether it's the one with a wicked smile who can do anything; or the cute one who works hard and is helpful...I like it all... I have been patiently trying to express this feeling in my heart----I think we should have made some progress... um..., can you go on a date with me this weekend... "

I read the words of confession in the letter word by word.. I felt a little hot on my face.. My heartbeat accelerated unconsciously... Uh, is this a love letter?

I really didn't expect that I, a school-level, now I should be called a public enemy-level pervert, would be confessed to by a girl at this time...

Feeling so excited.....this is my first love letter...

But I'm curious, who confessed to me... She seems to be a reserved senior. She uses love letters to convey her emotions, and she also said that she has been watching me from behind. The image she gave me should be that kind of reserved, easy-going A shy and gentle girl.

Since this is the first love letter I received (it was from a shy and cute senior), I'll take it seriously.

Well, I took a deep breath, went home and sat on the sofa, coughed twice, and continued to read---

"I know, Brother Ji Shen already has a girlfriend, but, can we go on a date? I also like the excitement of having sex with Brother Ji Shen..."

I read it word by word, and inexplicable cold sweat permeated my back...

What is going on with this inexplicable sense of déjà vu...

Suddenly, I feel that this guy is not a shy and gentle senior.....


" can't refuse a date... If your junior turns into an unreasonable and bad boy----send the details of your junior...on the Internet... "



I knew that the kind of gentle, shy and cute senior who would confess to me didn't exist from the very beginning...

The angel or something was just my fantasy in the beginning.

Some are just demons.

Write me a seemingly youthful and cute love letter---fooling my innocent youth----

"Sister Shiyue..."

I pronounced her name.

The image of that cute senior who was shyly hiding behind a tree and looking at me shyly collapsed.

--- In its place was a man with waist-length black hair, sitting noblely on the queen's seat, slightly raising his jade feet wrapped in black silk, holding a whip in his hand, and looking at her with prey-like eyes Me, evilly, she who smiled like a little devil---Shizuki-senpai.

Hope also shattered at the same time, leaving me with only black despair.

How many first times in my love, inexplicably dedicated to them---

I tremblingly held this love letter that I had finally dug out from countless threatening letters, and fell into miserable memories alone...

The first kiss, I remember inexplicably giving it to my younger sister Shenling when I was a child.

The first date was with my cousins ​​Yahuo and Yuyou.

The first time we dated, I was forced by Xue Yuehua, and even became a public enemy of mankind...,

And yet - the first love letter I ever received -

From that evil student council president---


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