Chapter 475

The male police officer frowned continuously, no matter what he said, he was already in his thirties.To be reprimanded by a young man in his 20s with a tone of admonishing a child inevitably made him a little uneasy.

But for the sake of his future career, the male police officer still swallowed his breath.

Looking at Li Qiang's half-smile expression, he hurriedly nodded and said, "Thank you, if there is nothing else, then we will leave!"

Li Qiang waved his hands and said with a smile: "Wait a minute, I haven't treated you yet, how could I have the nerve to let you go now?"

The male police officer's face changed slightly, and Li Qiang strode into the office.

The female police officer's clothes have been tidied up, Li Qiang gave her a disdainful look, then sat on the stool and said, "Close the door, do you want others to see you two like this?"

The male police officer hurriedly shook his head, and after closing the door, he said respectfully: "Is there anything else?"

"I want to ask you a question!" The smile on Li Qiang's face disappeared instantly, replaced by a gloomy expression.

The male police officer didn't dare to talk too much when he saw this, he nodded hurriedly and said: "Tell me, if I know, I will definitely tell you!"

"This time you ran over suddenly, you must have been instructed by someone, right?"

The face of the other party changed, and he wiped his cold sweat with the back of his hand and said, "We only came here to check after receiving the order from the leader!"

"I don't like talking to people who pretend to be confused. You'd better be honest, otherwise it won't do you any good!"

Although the voice of these words was very small, there was a very strong coercion in it, and the overwhelmed male police officer even became very difficult to breathe.

Not daring to look directly into Li Qiang's eyes, he could only lower his head and say, "We were indeed sent here under orders!"

Li Qiang raised his legs and asked, "Who is it?"

"Lan Ao!"

Hearing Lan Ao's name, Li Qiang didn't feel any surprise, but a little more relief on his face.

As early as the beginning, he had already thought that he was the one who caused this incident. Lan Ao had tried to deal with Li Qiang repeatedly but failed, but this time he used such indecent tactics.

With a sneer of disdain, Li Qiang asked, "Are you planning to close this nightclub when you come here this time?"

The male police officer nodded hurriedly, "Yes!"

"I guessed right away, that's all he has to offer!" Without giving the other party a chance to speak, Li Qiang said in a deep voice, "I don't care about today's matter, tell Tyramine after I go back, and if you want to deal with me, just do it aboveboard." Come here, if you do such shameful things in front of me again, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

The breath of the superior made the male police officer almost fall to the ground, he nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yes, I will definitely tell him what you said!"

Li Qiang nodded and said: "Okay, you can get out!"

As if they were granted amnesty, the two hurried outside.

But just after opening the office door, Li Qiang's voice sounded again: "Wait a minute, I have one last word to say!"

The bodies of the two people stopped suddenly, and they looked over with embarrassment on their faces.

Li Qiang waved his hands and said with a hey smile: "You two don't show such expressions, I just want to tell you that when you go out to perform official duties in the future, don't do such things. Fortunately, it was me who met. If it was someone else, you Just wait to be dismissed!"

"Yes, we got it, thank you for your reminder!" After the two of them spoke, they hurried outside without daring to let Li Qiang speak.

After quietly smoking a cigarette in the office alone, Li Qiang walked out.

Wang Yang stayed quietly in the corridor with all the staff, and when he saw Li Qiang coming out, he hurried over and said, "Brother, is the matter settled?"

"Okay!" Li Qiang smiled and said: "During this period of time, please be quiet and try not to cause any trouble!"

Wang Yang nodded again and again: "Brother, don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen!"

Patting him on the shoulder, Li Qiang walked out.

At this moment, Li Qiang is already besieged on all sides, and Lan Ao, one of the four major families in the capital, has been eyeing him all the time, plus that old and immortal Lin Ziteng, it gives Li Qiang a very headache just thinking about it.

However, there were too many lice, so Li forced himself not to think too much about it, got in the car and drove home.

Halfway through the car, Zhu Yue called.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally connected the phone: "Miss Zhu, is there anything else you want to discuss with me?"

"Li Qiang, it's me, why are you so excited when you answer the phone?"

The voice on the phone made Li Qiang shudder, the owner of the voice was not Zhu Yue, but Zhu Yue's mother.

Hurriedly controlling his emotions, Li Qiang said with a dry smile, "So it's Auntie, I thought it was Zhu Yue!"

"She went out. I'm alone at home now. I called you when I seemed to be fine. Would you like to come over and play?"

Li Qiang swallowed hard. Although he was very unwilling, he had already called. If he didn't go, Zhu Yue's mother would definitely be disappointed.

After agreeing, Li Qiang bought something nearby and brought them over.

The door of the villa was not closed, Li Qiang gently opened the door and walked in.

Zhu Yue's mother was sitting alone on the sofa in her pajamas and looking at her mobile phone. Seeing Li Qiang approaching, she hurriedly put the mobile phone on the coffee table and stood up with a smile, "Come on, come on, what else are you taking? It's so weird!"

Li Qiang said with a dry smile, "I'm sorry if I don't take anything with me!"

"Oh, stop standing at the door, come in and sit down!"

After Zhu Yue's mother finished speaking, she got up and took a glass of water from the water dispenser and handed it over. Sitting next to Li Qiang, the mature woman flicked her long hair and said, "Zhu Yue has been out for a long time today, and the phone is still on the phone." I'm inside the house, and I can't even call her to come back to accompany me!"

Li Qiang said with a dry smile: "She should be back soon!"

"Who knows!" Zhu Yue's mother sighed and said, "When you go out in the morning, tell me you won't be back until evening!"

Li Qiang was speechless, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

The two were silent for a long time, Zhu Yue's mother pointed to the teacup and said, "Don't just sit there, drink some water!"

Li Qiang hurriedly picked up the teacup and took a sip pretendingly, then put it down again and said, "Auntie, you are bored enough to stay at home alone?"

"Who said no? That's why I called and asked you to come and talk to me!"

Li Qiang swallowed hard and asked tentatively, "What does Auntie want to say?"

Zhu Yue's mother was silent for a while, and after summarizing, she said, "Li Qiang, do you think it's easy for a woman to live alone for several years?"

Li Qiang didn't think too much, nodded and said: "It's really not easy!"

"Yeah, I've been thinking, why should I live like this? But I'm already at this age, hey!"

Seeing her moaning, Li Qiang turned his head and asked, "Auntie, just say what you want, I can be your listener!"

Zhu Yue's mother seemed a little touched, and murmured: "You are still sensible, if Zhu Yue is as obedient as you are!"

"Did Miss Zhu not listen to you?"

"That's not the case, Zhu Yue has grown up, and she has no temperament to listen to me, an old woman, nagging!"

Li Qiang hurriedly waved his hands and said with a dry smile: "Auntie, what are you talking about? How old are you? I feel that you are still very young, as if you are in your 30s!"

These words seemed to be very useful to her, Zhu Yue's mother flicked her long hair again and asked, "Is what you said true?"

Li Qiang was stunned, nodded blankly and said: "Yes, I'm telling the truth!"

"Then what do you think of me?"

Originally, they thought that the two of them could talk for a while, but they didn't expect Zhu Yue's mother to speak seductive words directly.

Li Qiang couldn't help it anymore, swallowed and said, "I've already said it just now, Auntie looks very young."

"Then do you like my type?"

Li Qiang moved to the side involuntarily, and hurriedly said: "I like it, but you are my elder after all, so I dare not have any other thoughts about you!"

Zhu Yue's mother was surprisingly not bothered, and sighed: "Hey, it seems that I am destined to die alone forever!"

Li Qiang hurriedly comforted him: "Auntie, you can't say that. You are so good-looking and have a good figure. You can definitely find your other half!"

"Okay, don't comfort me!" Zhu Yue's mother chuckled lightly, got up and said, "Sit down for a while, I'll go to the bathroom!"

Watching her leave, Li Qiang let out a sigh of relief and leaned on the sofa.

Although there was no threat around him, he still maintained a high degree of vigilance, for fear that the mature woman's voice would come from the bathroom.

However, things were not as bad as he thought. Zhu Yue's mother hadn't come out of the bathroom in 5 minutes, and Li Qiangqian had no interest in sitting. He glanced at the living room, and finally focused on the coffee table. on the phone.

The back of the phone was facing up, and Li Qiang held it in his hand, but when he turned it to the front, the screen on the phone almost made his nose bleed.

There is no doubt that the mobile phone is playing a video, the content of the video is a mature woman taking a bath in the bathroom, and Zhu Yue is Zhu Yue's mother.

Seeing the towering twin peaks covered by white foam and the mysterious black triangle exposed in front of his eyes, Li Qiang involuntarily quickened his breathing.

Because it is a selfie, every action in the picture is done in place,

After watching quietly for a long time, Xiao Lizi had already cheered up before he knew it, and Li Qiang was very uncomfortable when he pressed against his underwear.

He raised his head and glanced at the bathroom, seeing that Zhu Yue's mother was still inside, Li Qiang fast forwarded, watching the next extremely exciting part.

In the picture, Zhu Yue's mother had already washed off the white foam on her body, and opened her legs to take a close-up of the hot spring hidden in the black grass.

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