Chapter 476 Funny Duo

Seeing the picture of clear spring water flowing out slowly, Li Qiang felt his throat was dry, so he quickly picked up the teacup and drank all the water in it.

At this moment, his body was extremely hot as if being lit by fire, and his hands went deep into the pants without stopping.

When he touched the little plum as hard as a block of iron, Li Qiang held it tightly, and slowly moved with the movements in the picture.

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of the bathroom door opening brought Li Qiang back to reality.

Hastily pulled his hands out of his pants, but when he raised his head, Li Qiang's jaw almost fell to the ground in surprise.

At this moment, Zhu Yue's mother had already taken off her pajamas, and stood at the door of the bathroom wearing a set of underwear, cast a charming look at Li Qiang and said, "Are you exhausted?"

Li Qiang was in a daze, shook his head again and again and said, "Auntie, I'm fine!"

"Don't lie to yourself. A good man should vent his desire. Holding it in like this is not the way!"

Putting the phone back on the coffee table, looking at the snow-white skin exposed to the air, Li Qiang wanted to put it down, but he still said: "I really have nothing, Auntie, don't worry about me!"

"Am I worried about you?" Zhu Yue's mother covered her mouth and made a charming giggle and said, "I just know about the changes in your body, and it just so happens that I also have this change. We can make up for each other!"

As the voice fell, she slowly took off her underwear.

At the moment when the two majestic white rabbits were exposed in front of his eyes, Li Qiang's eyes widened as if he had eaten pig iron.

Taking a deep breath, Li Qiang hurriedly closed his eyes and said, "Auntie, the weather is getting colder now, you'd better put on your clothes, or you'll catch a cold!"

"Don't be afraid, with you by my side, no matter how cold the day is, it will become very hot!" Zhu Yue's mother walked forward while talking.

Seeing Li Qiang closing his eyes and turning his head to lean on the sofa, a smile appeared on the mature woman's face, and she slowly reached out to unzip the zipper on Li Qiang's pants.

When the bearded general was exposed to the air, she quickly took off her underwear, straddled Li Qiang's legs and sat down slowly.

I have to say that this woman in her 50s is still very tight. If a woman is tight for the first time, Li Qiang can't stop.

The two entangled with each other for more than half an hour, and Li Qiang finally handed over all the food and grass.

Zhu Yue's mother lay contentedly on the sofa, squinted her eyes and panted non-stop, freed from the sea of ​​desire. Only then did Li Qiang know that he had done something wrong to Zhu Yue.

Looking at the naked woman, Li Qiang quickly arranged his clothes and hurried out of the villa.

He got in the car and drove out of the community, and when he came to a deserted place, he stopped and lit a cigarette and took a deep puff.

Li Qiang had sex with Zhu Yue's mother just now when his mind was hot. Now Li Qiang is in great pain.

It's okay if the other party is just alone, but after all she is Zhu Yue's mother, the two of them will definitely have a second time if they have the first time, if Zhu Yue finds out about this matter, she will definitely not forgive herself .

I smoked three cigarettes in a row, because I opened the car door and squatted on the side of the road to breathe the fresh air.

Looking up blankly at the empty road, Li Qiang sighed heavily.

He took out a cigarette again, and just as he was about to light it, a stuttering voice sounded from behind: "Hit... rob, hurry up and take... all the money... Take it out!"

Li Qiang stopped lighting the fire, turned his head to look, and saw a fat man who was about the same age as him pointing at him with a fruit knife.

With a helpless laugh, Li Qiang got up, took out a cigarette and handed it over, "Is there nothing else to do? Come here and smoke a cigarette for a while!"

"Don't...don't get close to me, quickly take out the money, or...or I will be rude to you!"

Although it was a threatening word, it was extremely funny when it came out of the fat man's mouth, which made Li Qiang, who was still depressed just now, burst out laughing.

Glancing at the other party, Li Qiang put the cigarette into the cigarette case and said, "It's a failure to be a gangster and reach your level. Do you know how to rob? Do you want me to teach you?"

Seeing that Li Qiang wasn't afraid of him at all, the fat man turned his head and shouted behind the bushes: "Brother, this kid is not harmful...don't be afraid of me!"

"Damn it, you can't even do this if you're asked to do it. Go home and eat shit, so you don't embarrass me!" Despite the sound, the bushes shook violently, the last healthy young man in his 20s appear in front of your eyes.

Although the young man is full of tendons, he can still tell that this is a character with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Seeing this weird combination, Li Qiang shook his head and smiled, "Are you trying to rob?"

The young man walked over, snatched the fruit knife from the fat man's hand, pointed at Li Qiang and said, "You guessed it right, we are robbing!"

"You are so young but don't learn well, what should you do in the future!"

"Shut up, I don't need you to teach me a lesson!" The young man yelled, looking at Li Qiang vigilantly, while making gestures with a dagger.

The vigilance of the other party made Li Qiang laugh again, lit the cigarette in his mouth and asked, "Do you know that robbery is illegal? Stop it as soon as possible, don't waste your great youth in prison!"

The fat man shouted impatiently: "What do you know, hurry up and hand over the money... hand over the money, or you won't even think about leaving!"

Looking at these two funny duo, Li Qiang sighed, leaned against a big tree and asked: "Then tell me what the robbery is for, otherwise I won't give you money!"

"I just said, why do you talk so much nonsense?" The fat man stopped stuttering at this moment, and said angrily, "Did the two of us surf the Internet... we have no money, ten yuan, twenty yuan is fine! "

As soon as the fat man's voice fell, the young man kicked his ass vigorously and cursed: "Fart, what is ten yuan and 20 yuan enough for? No matter how you say it, let him give you 50 yuan!"

The fat man covered his butt and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, boss, you are so right!"

Li Qiang was dumbfounded by these two people, this is probably the worst robber he has ever seen.

He took out 100 yuan from the capital, and Li Qiang handed it over and asked, "I don't have change on me. I'll give you 50 yuan, and you can give me fifty!"

The fat man shouted with displeasure on his face: "Boy, are you playing... playing with us? We don't have a dime on us, so what do we need to find you?"

As soon as he said this, the young man kicked him again and cursed: "You idiot! What money are you looking for? We are robbing, not doing business, do you understand? You are embarrassing me, talking nonsense, Be careful, I sold all your game equipment!"

When the fat man heard this, he shouted excitedly: "Boss, I won't talk anymore, you must grab the money we paid for the night-time Internet access tonight!"

"Don't worry, the boss will show you something!" The young man turned his head to look at Li Qiang, strode forward and said, "Boy, quickly bring me the money, or my dagger will go in white and come out red." !"

Li Qiang didn't take it seriously, put the 100 yuan back into his pocket and said, "Forget it, since none of you have any money to give me, then I won't give it to you!"

"Are you playing with us?" The young man's complexion changed, and he shouted, "Do you think I didn't give you a little color?"

Li Qiang asked with a smile: "What color are you going to give me?"

"My boy, I'll let you know how powerful I am now!" the young man grinned, threw the fruit knife to the fat man, and made a Bruce Lee's exclusive gesture: "See? I know martial arts , are you afraid?"

Li Qiang asked with a suppressed smile, "Are you telling me that the gangster knows martial arts and no one can stop him?"

"Exactly!" The young man nodded, and then asked, "I'll ask you if you're afraid or not!"

Li Qiang shook his head repeatedly and said, "Don't be afraid!"

"You..." The young man gave Li Qiang a hard look, and while changing his movements, he shouted: "Monkeys steal peaches, tigers descend mountains, eagles catch rabbits, sea fishing moons, old men push carts..."

Speaking of the last one, he seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly said: "The last one doesn't count, you see I know so many tricks, aren't you afraid?"

The fat man behind hurriedly clapped his hands and shouted: "Okay, okay, boss, you are awesome, I admire you so much!"

Li Qiang was speechless to the funny duo in front of him. The young man in front of him was really a guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

Straightening up, Li Qiang sighed and said, "Are you making these moves to tease me? Seeing how hard you work, I can't help but want to send you a tip!"

"We live with integrity. We absolutely don't want your tips. We are robbers. As long as you give me the money, we won't hurt you!"

"It seems that you have quite a professional ethics!"

"Nonsense, no matter what you do these days, you must be dedicated and dedicated. If we hurt you, it's not called robbery, it's called robbery!"

Li Qiang gave a thumbs up and sighed: "Not bad, you have a backbone, I give you 32 likes!"

"Oh, we are not as good as you said!" The young man rubbed the back of his head, and then remembered the business, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't change the subject, just take out the 100 yuan if you are sensible, or you will lose money." Blame me for being rude to you!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Qiang's mouth, and he didn't answer the question, but bent down and picked up a small stone from the ground.

Weighing the weight in his hand, he looked at the young man and said with a smile: "Your things are not kung fu, I will show you what real kung fu is!"

After the sound fell, the fingers suddenly exerted force, and a hard stone turned into powder in Li Qiang's hands with a "crack".

Seeing this scene, the young man's legs began to tremble, and the fat man behind him also became uneasy, and the fat on his face trembled violently because of fear.

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