Chapter 389 Fear
But she never expected that a real Mulian Qingyou would come after a shepherd boy was vigilant, and she was really scared when she thought of the blood bead she left on that black bead. What kind of consequences will come?She didn't know what the man would do after taking her things?What if...he wanted to slaughter the entire Shenfeng clan?Or... to unify the Three Realms? ! ! !

She couldn't think about it anymore, and in her blood-red eyes, there was only one thought left - that is to regain her own power, and she would kill him at all costs!

So without hesitation, she stretched out her hand to pull out the pearl hairpin from her bun, and stabbed hard at the finger that was holding her by the man...

Feng Xiyue is also crazy, but his madness is not because Mu Lian Qingyou escaped from him, but because he thought that this woman was arrogant and unreasonable, and her madness, so he wanted to knock her out immediately, but All of a sudden, he saw a silver light flash in this person's hand, and in the next second, his fingers hurt, and after those points of bright red gushed out, he let go of her hand almost reflexively: "Pei Chun'an, you— —”

"If you don't chase, I will chase, if you don't kill, I will kill! Feng Xiyue, listen to me, even if I die, I will definitely kill him!"

After letting go of the fingers, sure enough, the power that was taken away by him immediately returned to his body, and he tried to hold his breath. Yes, after being used so wildly, not only did his power not decrease, but it became more abundant. Come on, be more powerful to her!

Immediately, in ecstasy, she swung out the biochemical sword and chased after the place where Mulian escaped peacefully just now.

But what she didn't know was that at the moment she flew out, Feng Xiyue behind her seemed to have all the leaves of the silk thread taken out suddenly, without any warning, she fell directly into the water from the midair inside!

The whole process was so fast that people could hardly believe that this person was still standing on it.

Yin Lili didn't notice either, because in her cognition, she felt that after she did this, that guy would definitely chase after her and stop her. For this reason, she deliberately prepared a big fight with him preparations for...

snort!The coward!

It can be seen that the ghost is that when I look back for the first time, no one...

no one?

She doubted her eyes a little, so she turned her head for the second time.

But what she couldn't believe was that there was still no one the second time, why was there no one?

She finally started to think about this question, and then Jifei's figure stopped.

Just at this time, the biochemical blade in her hand, because of the abundant power in her body, a ray of white light inadvertently flashed out, so she looked at it at a glance, and instantly, her whole body turned pale!
God!What did she just... just do?
With her eyes full of astonishment, she finally remembered those two jade pendants belatedly, and also remembered the acupoints that the man had blocked when he used his own power.

That's right, when he used it, he sealed her acupuncture points and transferred the power to him, but when she wanted to come back, she directly peeled off his fingers in the most brutal way, so that , as if the running power cord was suddenly cut off. In that way, the power supply will of course return to the original power storage, but in this way, the running machine is likely to It will be broken because of a sudden power failure without taking any protective measures!
(End of this chapter)

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