The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 390 The True Master of Hualing Pavilion

Chapter 390 The True Master of Hualing Pavilion
After understanding everything, the woman who was full of fools finally stumbled and ran back: "Feng Xiyue? Where are you, Feng Xiyue? Don't scare me..."

But running wildly all the way, when she returned to the place where the fierce fighting took place just now, she still didn't see any figure, not only that, even his breath was gone in the air.

Did he go back in a fit of anger?

She stopped in the sky, looked at the mess below, and struggled with indecision. If she went back, it really didn't fit the character of that dead Phoenix, but she couldn't go back, so where did he go again? ?

She was at a loss, but saw at the pool, the boy who called her over just now was bringing a few men in black. When she saw it, she jumped down and hid behind a nearby rockery.

Since this place is all set up by Mulian Qingyou, the boy who brought her here just now is obviously a member of Mulian Qingyou, so she wants to see what will happen to these people after Mulian Qingyou escapes. What action?
While holding his breath, he only heard the sound of footsteps coming in a hurry. Not long after, a very strong fragrance came over. The fragrance was so strong that it almost made Yin Lili cover his mouth immediately. Mouth and nose!
"It's Xu Hehuaxiang! Could it be that this person is the real master of Hualing Pavilion?"

Thinking of the "Writing Thousands of Miles" that she almost fell into the plot not long ago, and then thinking of Mulian Qingyou pretending to be a woman in red, finally, she pushed aside the leaves in front of her and looked along the crack in the stone.

Sure enough, after the boy waited for someone to come over, he stood by the pool, and everyone dispersed, and after a while, a woman who was exactly the same as Mu Lian Qingyou just now came out from inside.

The only difference is that the Mulian Qingyou was able to wear a veil on her face just now to cover up her true face, but the one in front of her, probably because of her true identity, did not do any covering, so Yin Li With just one glance, he could see her face clearly.

However, her face was like a full moon, her skin was like snow, and her black hair was only tied with red beaded flowers, exuding a seductive luster. She was a beauty just by looking at her like this, but when Yin Lili looked away again When moving down, suddenly, her facial features made her gasp!
What kind of facial features is that?

It is obvious that the facial features of the human body are distributed in proportion on the face, but this person has a pair of eyes that grow up and down. Not only that, but also her mouth, how terrible is that mouth?Not even a lower lip! ! ! !

Yin Lili was frightened, and quickly withdrew her gaze, and she found that her palms were covered in cold sweat.

Freak, this is definitely a freak...

Just as he was so horrified that he couldn't help himself, he suddenly heard a sentence from behind the rockery: "I want to report to the witch, this is where I saw Feng Xiyue fall into the pond."

Phoenix attacking the moon?
fell into the pool?
As soon as he heard these words, Yin Lili behind the rockery immediately forgot all his astonishment, and his whole heart beat violently in his chest.

No wonder she couldn't find him, nor could she smell him, but it turned out that he had fallen into the pool.

Thinking of the great loss of vitality she felt on his pulse when she came into this Hunranju, and thinking of the Zixia divine power he borrowed from her when he attacked Mulian Qingyou just now, finally, her whole body began to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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