The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 741 Chapter 749

Chapter 741 Chapter 740
Fortunately, the woman still had a bit of humanity. After seeing him being thrown onto the bed without moving, she quickly went over and turned him over, and then picked up the injection that she brought with her, and skillfully applied it and pushed the needle.

When Feng Xiyue was stunned, the only thought left in her mind was, how could there be such a woman in this world?Is she still human?

But the woman didn't seem to see him at all. After the medicine was adjusted, she bent down to untie his clothes.

Feng Xiyue saw it, and finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Aren't you a woman?"

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say..." Feng Xiyue suddenly realized that she didn't know what to say?She said that she was a man, but it was obvious that the other party didn't regard herself as a man at all. I'm afraid, in her lifeless eyes, he didn't even count as a human being.

So he stopped talking and let her torment...

Anyway, she is no longer a human being in her eyes, so what's the point of him still messing around?
But in the end, when she peeled off the gauze to apply medicine to herself, the sharp tweezers accidentally touched his wound, he gasped, and his fingers subconsciously twisted the quilt under him fiercely, he saw Seeing this woman's movements paused: "Sorry, I haven't used it for a long time, and the movements are a bit rusty."

Hehe, such a woman would actually apologize to others.

Feng Xiyue was in pain, and she didn't pay attention to the pause in her words, the corners of her bloodless lips pulled out an arc: "I thought you didn't even consider yourself a human being."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it? A person doesn't even have basic sympathy, so she still thinks she's a human?"

Feng Xiyue was really angry, thinking that he was also the pampered Phoenix King in Siam mainland, but when he arrived here, he was tortured and tortured in all kinds of ways, until now, even such a woman has been bullied on his own head, How can you not let yourself be angry?

But the strange thing is that this time, facing his insulting words, the woman didn't show any anger, instead, she bandaged him wholeheartedly.

When Feng Xiyue saw it, she felt dull. She originally wanted to ask her about Chun'an, but now she saw the expression on this person's refusal to be thousands of miles away. Don't talk about asking things, even later His daily needs may also be a problem.

Fortunately, although this woman's technique is a little rusty, she still has basic knowledge of medicine. After a short cleaning, Feng Xiyue felt much more comfortable, and after she hung the bottle of injection for herself, she fell into a deep sleep up.

That's right, from the time he crossed over to being admitted to the hospital, he didn't let himself feel better. For those precious 36 hours, he really stretched to the limit.

Right now, when he fell asleep, he slept from the afternoon until after ten o'clock in the evening.

When he woke up and saw the lights above his head, he was in a daze for a moment—where is this?What is this dizzy thing dangling on his head?
But soon, when he saw the faint ray of moonlight on him, he sat up from the bed in shock.

The result, of course, was a scream: "Ah—"

At that time, Ni Hong next door was about to take a bath and go to bed, when she heard this scream, she didn't even put on her coat, she just rushed out and kicked his door open: "What happened?"

Feng Xiyue was holding her own wound and sucking in pain, when she suddenly heard this loud bang, she was almost intimidated again!
(End of this chapter)

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