The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 742 You Are My Protector

Chapter 742 You Are My Protector
"You...don't you have to ask if they are willing to enter someone's room first?"

The woman remained expressionless: "You are not someone else."

"what is that?"

"My object of protection!" After saying that, the woman who saw that he was unharmed went back with another bang.

But what she didn't know was that her words stunned the man sitting on the bed, and in her mind, she even remembered the time when his wife was in Nanyuan Palace with him when he was unconscious.

I still remember that it was a sunny afternoon, when she was just showing signs of recovery, and seemed to have her own feelings, but that day, because she hurt Feng Shu and was unwilling to save her, he was depressed, She didn't have a good meal with her, so she ran to hug the little rabbit alone.

As a result, when he found her, she was poking the little white rabbit uneasily, and when she saw him coming, she said, "Are you tired of me?"

That was a sentence that she said like a normal person when she gradually recovered.

But Feng Xiyue felt extremely sad when he heard these words, and then he hugged her, and approached her like never before: "Fool, how could I get tired of you?"

Yeah, how could he get tired of her?In his whole life, he was afraid of using too much force even for love, for fear that she would be broken, so how could he get tired of her?
Then that day, she who didn't know how to express her emotions, after listening to his explanation, happily said: "You are my protection object!"

I still remember how ridiculous he was when he heard it, and corrected him over and over again that he was not the object of protection, he was her husband, and he was not satisfied until he finally heard her change her words.

But now, this woman also said that he was her object of protection. He was obviously a stranger, but why did he have an inexplicable sense of familiarity after hearing it?
After finally waiting for the pain in his chest to subside, he slowly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, then walked towards the door step by step.

Thirty-six hours, that is, three days, and it has been almost one day since he came here last night, that is to say, if he can't find her for another two days, then he will be here for the rest of his life. Never had a chance to see her again.

Thinking of this, his breathing finally became extremely unstable.

He couldn't just wait like this, no matter what, he had to look for it himself, he didn't believe that he couldn't find his Chun'an here.

He tiptoed to open the door, he stepped out of the door, and began to grope towards the stairs.

In fact, Feng Xiyue's memory is also quite good. Although he has never been to this world, he can know many things just by looking at them, such as this combination lock. Although the woman only pressed it once when it came up, But he just scanned it once with the corner of his eye and remembered it, so when the meeting came, he stretched out his finger and pressed down on those words.

Sure enough, after pressing those few words, the metal door only heard a "click" and opened.

Seeing this, the man covered in cold sweat gave a relieved smile, and then entered the elevator while clutching his chest.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, from the room next to him, a slender figure also stepped out. After seeing the metal door closed again, this person's expressionless face flashed With a sneer, without saying anything, he casually pulled up the hair hanging on his shoulders and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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