The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 743 She Was Actually The Murderer Who Killed Lili?

Chapter 743 She Was Actually The Murderer Who Killed Lili?
I thought that a person who had just entered the headquarters would only be able to appear in some peripheral areas even if he wanted to find anything, but what surprised Ni Hong after all was that this person had found the third person in their blood charm who could be called the core building. Layer, if it wasn't for the third floor that needs the eyeball recognition of the personnel, she simply doubts that he can directly enter the center of them!
This man surnamed Jiang is indeed not simple.

Ni Hong, who had heard about Jiang Chen's name, hid quietly behind, wanting to see what he was trying to do?
But seeing him hit a wall here, he turned around and went downstairs, and then Ni Hong saw him go to the training room on the first floor, and at this time, several players were training there.

"Who are you?" As soon as he came in, as a member of Blood Charm, Ni Hong was more pleased that those people immediately reacted with vigilance.

But seeing that this man didn't take these people's vigilance seriously at all, he smiled faintly with a pale face: "My name is Jiang Chen, Director Li took me here today, I just woke up from a nap, I'm a little bored, so come down and take a walk."

This person is really shameless, he obviously came down secretly, but he still swaggered that he was bored and came down for a walk.

Ni Hong was very angry, but the players in the training room, who had just entered for a short time, obviously believed his words. Two people even saw that his face was not looking well, and asked him to sit down there.

So she began to hear him chatting nonsense with those little girls. Of course, those little girls were asking more questions, and this man nodded or smiled most of the time. It could be seen that this Jiang Chen was in these little girls. In the eyes of the girl, he is a very popular figure.

He was upset when he heard it, and was about to go in and call him away, when suddenly he heard the man who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked: "I heard that there used to be a very powerful agent named Yin Lili here, why is this time? Didn't I see it when I came in?"

Yin Lili?
He was asking Yin Lili?

Ni Hong's pupils finally shrank violently into a ball, and at the same time, her half-clenched fist turned white to the point where veins popped out!

"You said Captain Yin, she is no longer here, she was gone three years ago, otherwise, how could it be Ni Hong's turn to be our captain now?"

"Hu Yan, what are you talking about?"

"How can I be talking nonsense? Sister Zhen, it's fine if they came late, but you and I were both brought out by Captain Yin. Tell us with your conscience, was Captain Yin better than Ni Hong back then? If it wasn't for her to see us, Yin The captain is not pleasing to the eye, coveting the position of the general captain, and how can he die in the internal strife in the BIG group? According to me, our captain Yin is very likely to be killed by Ni Hong."

"Hu Yan!!"

Hu Yan's outspokenness finally made another older woman in the training room couldn't stand it any longer, and interrupted her harshly, and she pulled her over when she came up: "Mr. I'm a little drunk, so don't take what you say to heart."

After speaking, he pulled her away in a hurry.

When the others saw it, they didn't dare to stay any longer. Although Jiang Chen was a wealthy son-in-law that everyone wanted to be close to, it was better to leave quickly in this situation.

When Ni Hong saw them outside, she hurriedly hid aside, and only came out again after they had all left.

But the man was still sitting there, motionless, as if petrified...

(End of this chapter)

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