The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 768 A woman who loses her mind is terrible

Chapter 768 A woman who loses her mind is terrible

Dong Cheng shook his head: "I'm not very clear, but he said that it was a matter of miscalculation of the time. At the beginning, Yan Jun gave him three days, but after he found out here, it was reduced to half. Originally, I went to see him in the morning. At the time, he had only three hours left. Later, I used a string of beads on Fan Gong's body to give him another twelve hours. That is to say, he must be found before twelve o'clock today. , otherwise he should be out of his wits."


Yin Lili trembled violently!

No, how could she make the person she loves the most lose his soul?Absolutely not.

Getting up quickly, she rushed out of the laboratory like flying...

Xiaoyue, wait for me, I'm here, I'm here to pick you up.

Crazy all the way to the city, Yin Lili thought that when she arrived, she could find Jiang Chen in the city quickly, but as soon as she stepped on the pier, Li Tianye called her.

"Captain Ni, it's not good, something happened to Jiang Chen!"

Yin Lili's head buzzed, and he almost fell into the sea...

Why did something happen to Jiang Chen?When she left, didn't she agree that the city would send police to protect him?How did something go wrong?What happened?

As if the three souls disappeared and the seven souls disappeared, she snatched a car from the pier like a lunatic, and went straight to the Blood Demon branch.

Since before the reception ended, Li Tianye said that Jiang Chen's safety would be in the charge of the urban police in the future, of course the Blood Charm Branch would not take care of it anymore, but now that something happened to Jiang Chen, the news was immediately fed back to Li Tianye, This shows what?Does it mean that Li Tianye is still in charge of that matter?
The speed of 160 yards was very fast. In just 10 minutes, Yin Lili stood at the door of the Blood Charm branch. Then, she opened the car door and directly stepped into this small branch that she rarely came to.

Captain Ni Hong, in fact, in the past three years, although her reputation is not as good as that of the captain Yin Lili, who died unexpectedly, but these three years of hard work have also made many people in the Blood Demon organization know her. Therefore, when she As soon as he stepped in, the guards guarding the courtyard of the branch showed a very surprised look: "Captain Ni?"

"Where's Director Li?"

"Director, he was still there just now, he..."

Before the guard could finish his sentence, the woman jumped over his railing with agility and jumped in directly...

Fuck, how could this woman be like this?After all, they are also a family, and she is too disrespectful to others.

The little guard blushed...

Just at this time, Li Tianye came back from his work outside. Seeing the abnormal expression on the guard's face, he asked, "What happened?"

The little guard lowered his head in embarrassment: "Director, Captain Ni just jumped in."

jumped in?

Li Tianye opened his mouth, and after a while, he silently glanced at the electric railing that had never been opened before, bowed his head and walked in by himself.

Forget it, it's strange for a woman like her not to dance.

When he entered the hall, he met Wang Ji and Xiao Wu coming out, so he immediately asked, "Where's Captain Ni?"

Wang Ji was taken aback: "Is she here?"

"Just now the guard said she jumped in."

Wang Ji: "..."

Xiao Wu: "Why does she always imitate our Captain Yin? Killing people is like this, jumping a car is like this, and now even jumping an electric railing is like this. She really thinks that if she does this, we will regard her as Captain Yin?"

"Little Wu!!"

Li Tianye was about to reprimand him when he exited, but at this moment, the woman who had gone around inside but couldn't find him had turned out again. As soon as she came out, she saw the three of them in the hall. Immediately, she tossed her hair and walked over He asked, "Where's Jiang Chen?"

(End of this chapter)

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