The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 769 Where the hell is Jiang Chen?

Chapter 769 Where the hell is Jiang Chen?
I'll go, as soon as I come, Jiang Chen will be there!

Wang Ji was angry: "Captain, why do you miss him as soon as you come here? Don't you hate him very much? At noon, I still remember that you wanted to throw him out immediately!"

"shut up!"

Regarding these two subordinates brought out by himself, Yin Lili really didn't have time to play tricks on them at the moment, so he reprimanded them severely, but still fixed his eyes on Li Tianye: "What happened? It's not about the police force in the city. Will it keep him safe?"

Li Tianye has never seen her care so much about a person who has nothing to do with work. Seeing that she is so excited that she has lost even the least calm, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "Captain Ni, let me tell you the news about Jiang Chen. Just a reminder to prepare for handovers."

Work handover?

Yin Lili was stunned for a while, and finally realized the meaning of his words, which was to remind himself that according to the work flow, since Jiang Chen was handed over to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, all responsibilities no longer belonged to Blood Demon, and he The call was to remind her that if the leader above checked it out, she should remember to make these preparations early.

What to prepare for?Just pat the ass and leave the blame cleanly?

Yin Lili suddenly burst into anger, and immediately, she stretched out her hand in front of everyone and ruthlessly clasped the collar of the man in front of her: "I'll ask you again, what happened to Jiang Chen?"

The sudden movement shocked everyone!
"Captain Ni, you—"

"Shut up!" The woman who was about to collapse didn't give anyone present a chance to speak, she yelled, and her blood-red eyes immediately fell on the face of the man in front of her.

Seeing this, Li Tianye finally became frightened: "Jiang missing!"

"Missing? What do you mean?"

"I don't know. It is said that after returning from the International Trade Building, the police protecting him took him away. Afterwards, a former classmate of mine from the Municipal Public Security Bureau called and told me that Jiang Chen had disappeared."

As soon as Li Tianye said these words, the furious Yin Lili threw him out with a wave of his hand.

Poor Li Tianye, although he is a tall and powerful man, but this time, after being thrown by this strong woman, he was thrown directly from the hall to a corner three meters away like a sandbag. Wang Ji's sharp eyes quickly grabbed him, fearing that a big joke was about to happen.

"What does their public security bureau do? Such a large police station can't protect even one person?"

Li Tianye managed to get on his feet, and when he heard this, he quickly added: "No, I heard that they were robbed on the way to the police station."

On the way to the police station?That is to say, you haven't arrived at the police station yet?

Yin Lili was finally stunned: "Who arranged this?"


"Police station."

"I heard that just after we left, the city police station received the news, and then sent someone to the International Trade Building to pick it up. Who knew that something happened before Jiang Chen got halfway there."

In fact, Li Tianye didn't know about it at first, but it just so happened that in the city police team that took over their responsibility to protect Jiang Chen at that time, there was a JC who happened to be his classmate, so he told him immediately after the accident.

Of course, in order not to get himself into trouble, that classmate also specially told Li Tianye to pretend that he didn't know about it, but Li Tianye never expected that Ni Hong would suddenly be following this matter like a fly. ?

(End of this chapter)

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