The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 770 It's Getting Worse

Chapter 770 It's Getting Worse

He was about to dare to tell this woman that for his future, her aunt and grandma should not bother about this matter.But in the blink of an eye, the aunt lifted her feet and left: "Wang Ji, Xiao Wu, you should immediately go to the scene where Jiang Chen disappeared and investigate. Director Li, follow me to the police station."

I am a good boy——

When Li Tianye heard this, his legs immediately went limp!

What does this woman want to do?And go to the police station with her?Didn't she know that Blood Demon and the City Police Department are basically two incompatible existences?
But just for a moment, the aunt had already gone far away, so he had no choice but to move along.

Along the way, the two of them were appallingly silent. Li Tianye wanted to find opportunities several times to persuade the Bodhisattva to go back, but he only had to stare at the rearview mirror and saw the face that was more terrifying than the god of death inside. , he silently shut up again...

TMD, what kind of medicine did this woman take wrongly today?Why is it so murderous?

Running wildly all the way, soon, the two arrived at the police station, got out of the car, there was an accident, Li Tianye hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call his classmate, but this woman was lucky, when they arrived at the gate of the police station, they went in with a big swagger Fortunately, the police station is not like Blood Demon, who always put one or two guards at the gate when there is nothing to do, so she was able to go in smoothly.

But in the hall, when the people inside heard that they were looking for the person in charge of Jiang Chen's case, their expressions immediately changed: "Who are you?"

When Li Tianye heard this, before the woman took out his ID, he quickly ran in front of her: "We are from the city, and we need to know something."

"In the city? Didn't the people in the city just leave?"


Even Li Tianye was stunned!

People from the city actually came?About Jiang Chen...

But he saw the woman behind him push him away, "What are they doing here?"

"Of course I'm here to find the colleagues who are in charge of picking up Secretary-General Jiang today. Why? You don't know?"

Yin Lili did not answer this question, but the light in his eyes completely cooled down: "Then what about them?"

When the man saw it, he didn't know what happened?Suddenly there was a shiver: "It's... upstairs!"

"Go, go upstairs!"

Yin Lili, who got the news, didn't think about it at all, and just turned around the hall and went up the stairs. By the time Li Tianye realized it, she had already gone far away.

Seeing this, Li Tianye had no choice but to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, smiled apologetically at the man, and then hurriedly followed.

In fact, this matter, not to mention Yin Lili, even Li Tianye felt strange, because Jiang Chen had already been assassinated twice before he entered the International Trade Building, that is to say, his personal safety The problem is that it already belongs to the first-level alert state, and in this state, in order to ensure its safety in the blood charm, his whereabouts are usually kept highly confidential, except for those who are directly responsible for his safety, it is impossible for others to know of.

But now it's very strange, Jiang Chen has been in danger since he left the China World Trade Center, and it took less than 15 minutes for the other party to rob him after he intercepted his car, how can this not be suspicious?
Li Tianye hurried all the way, and when he reached the serious crime team on the third floor, the woman in front had already broken into the opponent's office first!

(End of this chapter)

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