The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 771 Second kill 1 everything

Chapter 771 Killing Everything

"who are you?"

Yin Lili didn't say anything, just put his ID on the desk of the person in the front with a "snap".

The man looked down, and his face suddenly changed: "Ni Hong? You... are you a blood demon?"

After one sentence fell, everyone in the office stood up...

Ni Hong?Is that the captain in Blood Charm?Why is she here?

In an instant, everyone stared at this ill-intentioned woman, as if they were facing a big enemy, and they were all vigilant to the first level.

Yin Lili looked at all this coldly, and when she saw the expressions of fear and fear on the faces of these people, the contempt in her eyes became heavier: "Jiang Chen, here Who is in charge of Jiang Chen's case this afternoon?"

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of the people here changed again!
Jiang Chen?

So this woman came here to investigate this matter?
Han Lin, the leader of the serious crime team, is a courageous person, he hesitated for a while when he heard this, and finally came out from behind the desk: "Captain Ni, it seems that you Xuemei are no longer responsible for this matter? "

The implication is that now that Jiang Chen's case is theirs, and you Xuemei have come to intervene, aren't you a bit meddling?

But after hearing this, the woman just smiled coldly, and said, "Because you are incompetent, this case is ours again!"

"You—" Hanlin was almost blown out of anger.

It just so happened that Li Tianye also arrived at this time. Hearing Yin Lili's words, he staggered and almost fell to the ground...

Crazy, this woman is absolutely crazy, she even told such a lie, if she goes back, she will definitely be "killed" by the minister.

But I never expected that facing the angry people in the office, this woman just glanced at them and threw out another sentence: "You don't believe it? Okay, call your director and ask him to ask. Has this case been handed over to our Blood Demon?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the office fell silent...

I am a good boy!Call the chief?Ask the chief to ask if the case has been handed over to Blood Demon?

If they feel impatient to live, they can fight.

Li Tianye's clothes were already soaked in cold sweat. Seeing that this woman didn't even blink her brows when she told such a big lie, he had to sigh again: "How shameless!"

Indeed, Yin Lili is shameless, never blushes when telling a lie, and will not reveal half of it in front of others.

However, the reason why she did this was not because it was a lie, but because she knew that as long as she, Yin Lili, said this, the top leader sitting in the Blood Demon headquarters would definitely tell it Become a fact!

Because, she is not Ni Hong, she is Yin Lili, the trump card Yin Lili he recalled from thousands of years ago!

The strong aura had convinced the head of the serious crime team that this was the truth, so without any verification, they told Yin Lili what happened in the afternoon in detail.

It turned out that after Yin Lili and the others withdrew at noon, the serious crime team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau did receive instructions to protect Jiang Chen very quickly. After that, Han Lin sent the most capable personnel in the team to pick up Jiang Chen. During the process, their starting point was the same as that of Blood Demon. Thinking of Jiang Chen's two previous assassinations, they not only changed his protection location to an unknown place in Y City, but also opened a total of protection routes. Three were shot, one was real and the other two were cover.

(End of this chapter)

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