The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 783 The Devil's Rebirth

Chapter 783 The Devil's Rebirth
Unexpectedly, before Yin Lili finished speaking, the salesperson of the jewelry store had already handed over the things in his hand.

When Yin Lili saw it, he was stunned, and had to look at the book, but he saw that on the light green form, under the registration of "Moonfall Chang'an", there was a string of signatures. The characters written by the pen, and those characters...

Suddenly, she covered her mouth and gasped violently! !

When Wang Ji saw it, she was frightened: "Sister Ni? What's wrong with you, Sister Ni?"

But he saw that the man tore off the paper tremblingly, and then, facing the fluorescent lamp above, showed it in front of everyone's eyes, so when Wang Ji and Li Tianye took a closer look, they just recorded the paper. The characters on it have turned into a series of very familiar patterns, and that pattern is exactly the pattern of the tie clip that their mayor put on his tie at noon! !

A genius, simply a genius! !
Li Tianye immediately took out his mobile phone: "Minister, there is another clue to Jiang Chen's whereabouts. It is related to Chuguan. What should we do now?"

"Chuguan?" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little surprised by the news.

Seeing this, Li Tianye added another sentence: "Yes, we found evidence, and Chu Yuqing was arrested in the branch before, and there are some suspicious things."

It was so!
The decisive man immediately issued instructions: "It may be that Chu Yuqing was arrested, which caused Chu Guan to jump over the wall in a hurry. Pass my instructions to immediately arrest Chu Guan and rescue Jiang Chen. I will handle the above matters."

"Yes, Minister!"

The blood charm is not a loss, it is a blood charm, although sometimes it is despicable, but when it comes to these issues of power, it has always been very strong.

Immediately, all members of the Blood Demon flocked to the compound of the municipal party committee, and even the city's police department had no authority to intervene in this operation.

Chu Guan did not expect that the matter would be exposed so soon. Seeing a large number of plainclothes rushing towards the municipal committee compound, he immediately fled out the back door in a panic under the cover of his secretary.

But it's a pity that as soon as he opened the back door, he saw Yin Lili who was waiting for him!
"I'll give you three seconds. If you don't tell where Jiang Chen is in three seconds, I'll take off all your organs bit by bit!" Yin Lili in Blood Charm is always bloody Yes, it's not just killing people, more often, she will use this talent to extract confessions.

But unfortunately, Chu Guan, who has been in the officialdom for most of his life, did not believe her, so as soon as her words fell, he immediately died without fear of boiling water: "Want to find Jiang Chen? Yes, you just need to let me go." ..."

Before he finished a sentence, a blue light flashed in front of him, and when he realized the problem, a heart-piercing pain came from his left ear: "Ah——"

It's useless to scream loudly, because Yin Lili has already blocked this place with her own biochemical system, so after seeing him fall to the ground like a pig, she walked over step by step.

However, this time she didn't ask again, but directly transformed her fingers into the sharp scalpel, and cut off his right ear neatly.

Once the two ears were cut off, the human moth who was used to being pampered and pampered could no longer hold on. Seeing that the scalpel with a faint blue light had already cut off his fingers, he finally howled in pain: "I said I said..."

(End of this chapter)

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