The best god and devil concubine

Chapter 784 Finally Reunited

Chapter 784 Finally Reunited

So Yin Lili didn't move, and instead, with faint blue eyes, looked at him quietly.

Time is like torment, time is like Ling Chi, finally, like half a century later, the beast said: "In the basement of my office."

Hehe, who the hell would have thought of that?A majestic mayor actually digs a basement under his office?

Yin Lili cut off all his fingers mercilessly, and when he was done, he stared at him and said word by word, "You'd better pray that he's okay, otherwise, I'll send all the organs of your whole family to him one by one. In front of you!"

Chu Guan rolled his eyes, and finally passed out completely...

Devil, it's definitely a devil! !

Fifteen minutes later, Yin Lili finally saw the so-called basement door in the hidden compartment under the safe in the mayor's office. Immediately, she kicked the door to pieces and finally saw the inside Case.

It's hard to imagine that there is such a place hidden under such a large office, with dim light, mottled walls, and pungent bloody smell. The chief's office, Yin Lili would have suspected that this is an interrogation room commonly used by executioners.

Because here, she saw the bloodstains on the big beach, and these bloodstains were like those knives that stabbed her heart one after another, so that she dared not open her eyes at all.

So... what about Jiang Chen?Where did Jiang Chen go?

No, that's not Jiang Chen, that's Xiaoyue, where did her Xiaoyue go?
Quickly stepping over the puddles of blood, she finally called out the name she hadn't called out in the past few months: "Xiaoyue? Where are you, Xiaoyue?"

The light here is too dark, so dark that she can't get used to it at all, so she can only stumble forward!
Fortunately, when she walked to the innermost place where the pool was placed, she finally saw a vague figure lying on the ground, so she ran over like crazy: "Xiaoyue?"

That person was indeed Xiaoyue, but why did he close his eyes and not move?Also, why is there so much blood on his chest?He is a beast, why is there so much blood?

Her teeth began to chatter, and at the same time, the temperature on her body began to drop rapidly, so fast that she was so cold that she even started to say a few words, except for those cold fingers, who were still insisting on patting this to wake up that one. Face!

"Xiaoyue, I'm Chun'an, I'm Chun'an..."

Big and big tears flowed out dazzlingly. At this moment, even if thousands of arrows pierced through the heart and died, it would be nothing more than that...

Her little moon, how could he do it?

When Wang Ji arrived here with Li Tianye, what she heard was such a heart-piercing cry. When the two hurried in to see it, immediately, the woman who was dying of pain had already embraced the breathless woman on the ground. The man cried into a ball: "Don't do this, Xiaoyue, I beg you...I beg you to come back..."

What a desperate cry that was. Li Tianye had never seen it before, and Wang Ji had never seen it before. They just stood there in a daze, watching the woman on the opposite side shouting over and over again like a trapped beast. That name, until the end, she raised the biochemical knife in her hand, intending to cut off her neck, and the two of them woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream: "Sister Ni, what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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