Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 136 You Are Naughty Again

Chapter 136 You Are Naughty Again

Picking up the drenched Yan Yiren, Chu Huaijin frowned slightly, so light?

After Yan Yiren passed out, she felt that she was once again swallowed by darkness.

She fumbled in the dark in a panic, trying to escape.

The feeling of despair came overwhelmingly.

The feeling of dullness and suffocation made her feel more and more uncomfortable. A faint light appeared in a distant place.

She ran towards the light with all her might...

Opening her heavy eyelids, she suddenly met a pair of big blue eyes, Yan Yiren's heart constricted in fright.

"Meow~" Phoebe stamped her chest with her paw aggrieved and curious.

A lazy fat cat curled up on her chest, not planning to move its nest.

Yan Yiren was still weak, the speed of her blinking slowed down, and finally, she closed it again.

The bedroom door was pushed open, and a tall and tall figure approached, with a magnetic voice of laughter, he said dotingly: "Phoebe, you are naughty again."

The weight on his chest suddenly disappeared.

Yan Yiren felt that her breathing became smoother.

Phoebe threw herself into the arms of her master, still stuck her head out, stared straight at Yan Yiren, and scratched Chu Huaijin's arm with her paw.

"Meow~" The master looked over there!

"Do you still want to play?" Chu Huaijin lowered her head and touched Phoebe's furry head with her forehead, "It's not enough now, when she recovers, I'll let you play every day."

Chu Huaijin hugged Phoebe and was about to leave when she inadvertently saw Yan Yiren who opened her eyes at some point.

Eyes as clear as a stream are different from the hatred-filled aura in the cemetery.

"Are you awake?" He hugged Phoebe and stood beside the bed.

He had no intention of helping her up at all.

Yan Yiren blinked and answered her, her whole body was weak and she couldn't use any strength.

That's right, escaping from the hospital was just a matter of willpower.

After being in a coma for more than half a year, even though he massaged his muscles every day, his muscles still shrank a little.

Seeing that she didn't have much strength, Chu Huaijin hugged Phoebe, turned around, went to the coffee table, sat on the floor, and started playing games.

Phoebe nestled in his arms, not getting a pat on the head, still upset.

She kept obstructing him, jumped onto the keyboard from time to time, and lay down to prevent him from moving.

"Phoebe, be good." Chu Huaijin carried it into his arms and continued to fight.

"Meow..." Phoebe was not discouraged, and grabbed his hand that frantically clicked the mouse.

"Phoebe, don't be naughty."

The beautiful Phoebe was pressed back into her arms again.

Phoebe popped up again and again, was pushed back again and again, and it went round and round, and it languished.

After less than five seconds of silence, the beauty queen of the cat world started to go crazy, biting his shirt vigorously, tossing and tossing, and finally crawled onto his shoulders, stamping her claws vigorously.

Yan Yiren opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, feeling a little dizzy.

Didn't he promise to help her when he brought himself back?

At this time, shouldn't we talk about cooperation first?
But what is he doing?
playing games...

After lying down for a while, Yan Yiren gathered enough strength to sit up and lean on the bedside table, "Master..."

Chu Huaijin was looking at the game and Phoebe at the same time, but didn't hear it for a while.

Yan Yiren pondered for a moment: "Master!"

The sound of the mouse, the sound of the keyboard, and Phoebe's dissatisfied cry stopped suddenly.

Chu Huaijin turned her head, raised her brows slightly, and smiled half-smile: "You are full of energy, it seems that you are fine."

"I have something to do."


Yan Yiren lowered her head and bit her lip, "I begged you to help me in the cemetery, but you didn't answer directly."

(End of this chapter)

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