Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 137 Pandora's Box

Chapter 137 Pandora's Box

"But, since you brought me back, then... can I take it as your tacit agreement?"

It had been raining heavily outside the window, and suddenly thunder began to roar.

I don't know what time it is now, the world outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is gloomy and dark.

A bolt of lightning split the sky with the force of thunder.

At that moment, Chu Huaijin stood up. Under the dazzling crystal lamp, his handsome face was so handsome that he looked like an inviolable god.

The people of Yanyi finally understood that some people are born with dignity and noble aura.

Chu Huaijin was one of these people.

The long legs moved unhurriedly, and finally came to the side of the bed, and the mattress sank.

He sat down, hugged the beautiful puppet cat with one hand, and stretched out his hand towards her.

Yan Yiren subconsciously recognized the face, Chu Huaijin stopped her fingers three centimeters away from her face, and said in a slightly displeased voice, "Turn your face around."

"Okay." Yan Yiren turned to face him, "Can we talk about our cooperation now?"

"Are you in a hurry?" Chu Huaijin touched her face as he wished.

Smooth, delicate and warm to the touch.

Like a good suet jade.

Yan Yiren lowered her head, thinking of all the past, her hands trembling and clenched into fists: "It's urgent."

"Heh." Withdrawing his hand, Chu Huaijin sat up straight, "If I remember correctly, you slapped me in the face?"

That was the black history of Young Master Chu's life.

He was beaten by a woman!
Yan Yiren opened his mouth to explain, but suddenly found that he was in a dilemma, and no amount of explanation would be futile.

"You also let two big wolf dogs chase me!"

"Did they bite you?"

Yan Yiren hesitated, but shook his head honestly.

"It's just chasing you, can it offset the slap in the face?"

Under his oppressive gaze, Yan Yiren hesitated, "Then...then you should call back."

Pensive man!
Why are you so fussy, be more careful, like a man, be more considerate!
"Why are the eyeballs rolling around?" Chu Huaijin pinched her chin, and leaned forward with her handsome face, "You are scolding me in your heart?"

"I'm still waiting for you to avenge me, how dare I scold you."

Chu Huaijin pinched her chin, swayed her face from side to side, looked at her over and over, and then let go, "I'm sorry you don't dare."

"What about cooperation?" Yan Yiren eagerly grabbed his withdrawn hand.

Chu Huaijin's eyes moved down and landed on the hand she was holding on tightly, and the corners of her lips curled up, "What are my conditions, you don't want to know?"

"Tell me." Even if he is not afraid of death, Yan Yiren will be afraid of his conditions?
"It seems that you are willing to do anything for revenge."

"Yes." One word resounded loudly.

As firm as her determination.

Who would want to be filled with hatred if they hadn't been bullied to the point of bruising?

Phoebe wanted to climb onto the bed, but Chu Huaijin pinned her head, raised her finger, scratched its chin, and said absently: "My condition is that you marry me. Of course, marrying me may not be a good thing. There are also Possibly, it is a key to open Pandora's box."

The key to open Pandora's box?

That means that marrying him may not have the noble enjoyment as imagined, and it is very likely to cause trouble for the upper body?

"Can you promise me that you will help me avenge me at all costs?" Yan Yi's heartbeat started to speed up, as if she was making the most important choice in her life: "If you can, I will marry you!"

Compared to Ji Hanjiang, Chu Huaijin is the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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