Chapter 139
Looking at the crumbling Yan Yiren with a pale face, Chu Huaijin did not leave immediately after all.

Instead, with a cold face, he said in a deep voice: "You have something to hide from me. Just now I asked you what you thought, and your eyes flickered. There are two reasons for concealment. One, you don't want me to know your plan, and two. , your heart is inconsistent with what your mouth says. You may not really want revenge. "

"No, it's not like that, listen to me..." Yan Yiren didn't catch her breath, her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

Chu Huaijin promptly supported her body that was tilted out of the bed, her thin crimson lips were tightly pressed, and the cold light in her eyes flickered away.

After a brief coma, Yan Yiren soon woke up.

Seeing that Chu Huaijin was still by her side, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had found a sense of security.

Fortunately, he didn't send her back when she was unconscious.

However, Chu Huaijin's next words shattered her hopes.

"I'll have someone send you back, and the cooperation will be void."

"Don't!" She didn't want to lose the opportunity she had so hard to get, and she was not willing to lose it like this.

Without a backer, relying on her own strength, it is impossible to avenge her!
What's more, she didn't want to commit herself to Ji Hanjiang for revenge, it would make her feel sick.

"Let go!" Chu Huaijin's face was extremely ugly.

"No, I won't let go. Young master, you promised to help me, you can't go back on it! A man, you can't go back on it." Yan Yiren hugged him tightly, and didn't let go no matter what.

Her hand pressed against the place that shouldn't be pressed, and it stuck tighter than a dog's skin plaster.

The blue veins on Chu Huaijin's forehead bulged, and he endured the pain: "Your hand!"

Yan Yiren raised his head slightly, and when he saw it, he immediately withdrew his hand like a frightened deer.

His face turned red at a visible speed, and he hesitated: "I... didn't do it on purpose."

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Chu Huaijin turned around and wanted to leave.

"What exactly do you want to help me? What exactly do you want me to do so that you believe that my heart is really hard enough to withstand the hatred I want to take revenge?" Yan Yiren was behind him, every time he said a word, The voice became weaker.

Her physical strength is gradually being depleted.

If she continues to consume, she should be unconscious again...

The haughty figure who was leaving stopped.

Yan Yiren clenched the quilt tightly, and said cheekily: "You touched me just now... No one has ever touched me before, you have to be responsible. You can't go back on your promise to get married. Since I'm your future wife, you have to help I."

She also learns from others, but she hasn't forgotten how rascal and thick-skinned this man was before.

She learned from him.

"Oh." Chu Huaijin turned around, looked her up and down, and said disdainfully, "How do you know that I will definitely marry you?"

"Because I'm beautiful." Seeing that his face didn't change, Yan Yiren puffed up her chest again, "Also, I have big breasts."

"Ahem." Chu Huaijin coughed coldly.

The glamorous look with her hands in her suit belt was completely broken.

"Am I right?" Yan Yiren also blushed in embarrassment.

It was the first time to speak so boldly, with narcissistic special effects.

Chu Huaijin scrutinized her. Looking at her this way, she seemed to have the same air as before.

Really hot-headed, dare to do and say anything.

"I didn't deliberately hide from you just now, but I felt that there was no need to say it. Ji Hanjiang felt guilty towards me, and I could feel that he still loves me... I really want revenge, I swear, if I lie, I will die! "

(End of this chapter)

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