Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 140 Don't Embarrass Me

Chapter 140 Don't Embarrass Me

Yan Yiren raised her hand swearingly, swearing.

Embarrassingly, just as she finished her oath, there was a thunder outside.

Chu Huaijin's handsome face darkened with a brush.

"Even the sky doesn't believe your words."

Yan Yiren was in great embarrassment, "Who knows what medicine it took wrongly, so it beat me up."

boom -

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud noise, as if it exploded in the ear.

"Ah..." Yan Yiren covered her ears in fright.

The body was embraced into a hard and warm embrace, and Yan Yiren raised her head in a daze.

Chu Huaijin held her head down, put it in her arms, and reprimanded her coldly: "Look around again, and you will be struck by lightning."

Yan Yiren quickly buried her head in his arms.

I am so surprised!
The deafening thunder finally disappeared, and Yan Yiren raised her head from Chu Huaijin's arms, "Thank you for entering the role so quickly."

In the future, even if there is no emotion, the days of respecting each other as guests should not be too difficult.

"Shut up if you can't speak!" Chu Huaijin's face was as dark as the sky outside.

Yan Yiren shut up, what did she say wrong?
"Ji Hanjiang still loves you, are you sure?" Chu Huaijin lowered his head and straightened his slightly wrinkled shirt.

"I'm sure." Consciously, when Ji Hanjiang took care of her alone, he would hold her hand and speak his mind.

She can be sure that Ji Hanjiang loves her.

It's just that his love can be separated from sex and love.

He loves her in his heart, but his body can hang out with other women.

Chu Huaijin's seductive peach eyes narrowed slightly, and Yan Yi realized that when he was not smiling, he had a cold, sharp, blade-like aura in full bloom, making people shy away from him with his arrogance.

"Afraid of me?" Chu Huaijin's face softened slightly.

Yan Yiren shook her head, then nodded again, entangled endlessly.

"I hope you will remember what I said next, and keep it firmly in your heart."

Yan Yiren also corrected her attitude and nodded seriously, "Okay."

"After becoming husband and wife, I don't want you to hide anything from me. You must be honest with me about anything, no matter how big or small. As you said just now, you are my wife, and I can't help you. So, at all costs, I will do as you wish. One last point."

Chu Huaijin paused, and then said meaningfully: "People who are soft-hearted are the first to be eliminated by society. Only when the heart is hard enough can you stand firm, and only by standing firm can you stand above others. Appropriate kindness , There is nothing wrong with it, excessive kindness, self-inflicted harm."

His words were like the hand of God breaking the soul of the Yanyi people.

Let her be enlightened.

Excessive kindness suffers from it.

Isn't she just reaping the consequences now?

Yan Yiren remained silent, her soul was reorganized, she abandoned everything before, she could wake up again, it was a new life.

The former Yanyi people no longer exist.

Knowing that she had figured it out, Chu Huaijin patted her on the face and said frivolously, "From now on, learn to be smart. Don't embarrass me."

"What if I don't know how?" Yan Yiren grabbed his hand, "Will you teach me?"

Chu Huaijin's eyes darkened, "It depends on your mood."

Yan Yiren was thoughtful, grabbed his hand, and pressed it against his chest, "What about now? Will you teach me?"

The man's sexy Adam's apple rolls up and down.

Yan Yiren grabbed his other hand in the same way, "Teach me?"

Chu Huaijin narrowed her eyes dangerously, and said in a hoarse voice, "Yan Yiren, don't rely on your current weakness, I dare not touch you."

(End of this chapter)

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