Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 141 The Time Has Not Come

Chapter 141 The Time Has Not Come
"Then move." Yan Yiren smiled innocently and winked at him.

The mood immediately improved.

With him as the backer, everything will be as she wishes.

"Tell me?" Chu Huaijin pushed her down, and Yan Yiren passed out.

The doctor came in to infuse her with nutrient solution, and Chu Huaijin left the bedroom bored.

Chen Ce followed behind him, worried: "Master, you investigate Yan Yiren's information, do you really want to help her avenge her?"

"Can't you?" With his hands in his suit belts, he strolled to the study room.

Picking up a cigar, the metal lighter snapped, and misty white smoke rose.

Chen Ce obviously worried more than him, "Young master, it's not that you can't do it, but... Doing so will attract the attention of those in the capital."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Chu Huaijin's tall back was slightly stiff.

With the cigar in the corner of his mouth, he was full of anger, "I can't stay in Ningcheng for the rest of my life. Chen Ce, do you understand?"

"Master, now...the time has not come."

"so what?"

There was a trace of contempt in the cold voice, Chu Huaijin crossed his arms, looked at the rain outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke ring: "The opportunity has not come, so why not create an opportunity."

At this point, Chen Ce dared not say more.

The young master has an idea in his heart, and Yan Yiren is just an opportunity to start that opportunity.

As soon as the subject changed, Chu Huaijin dusted off the cigarette ash, as if thinking of something interesting, "What's wrong with Yan Yiren's mess?"

"Yan Yiren woke up and ran out of the hospital privately, then disappeared for no reason. Ji Hanjiang made a big fuss in the hospital. At present, he has called the police." Chen Ce paused, "There is no monitoring in the cemetery, and the monitoring in the vicinity is in a state of failure. Not overhauled."

"Interesting." Chu Huaijin raised his brows slightly, and began to swallow his clouds.

It is as easy for him to kill Ji's family as to kill an ant.

Young Master Chu has been idle for a long time, and he wanted to find something to do to pass the long boring time.


At the same time, Ji Hanjiang was in extreme surprise and extreme fear.

Yan Yiren woke up, a miracle really happened!
But where did she go?

Why did you leave the hospital, it was raining heavily outside, she was penniless, didn't go back to the apartment, didn't go back to Yan's house, is she okay?
Could it be that she passed out somewhere and no one found her?
Worry and fear came to mind, Ji Hanjiang almost smashed the hospital.

Ling Yunhuan and the two nurses were charged with being unfavorable caregivers, and were severely beaten by Ji Hanjiang.

The most frightening people are Ji Mu and Ling Yunhuan. Yan Yiren's waking up means that all their painstaking efforts have been in vain.

Yan Yiren is very likely to suspect her.

"Don't fucking block my eyes, get out!" Ji Hanjiang pushed away Ling Yunhuan, who suggested to go find someone with him, got into the car, started the engine and drove out of the hospital quickly.

The police also quickly mobilized a large number of police forces to search, and the TV station news also temporarily inserted a missing person notice.

In less than two hours, Ning Cheng entered the city-wide search and rescue operation.

A woman who experienced a miracle disappeared suddenly when her body was extremely weak.

Enthusiastic citizens braved the rain and went to the streets and alleys to help find them.

The taxi driver who had carried Yan Yiren also contacted the TV station immediately. When the reporter interviewed him, he said: "When the lady got on the bus, she kept crying and called her mother. In the end, I sent her to the cemetery. , I don’t know what happened after that.”

(End of this chapter)

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