Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 180 One Infidelity and One Intolerance

Chapter 180

The heart began to throb uncontrollably, "He... did he hit you again?"

"Han Jiang, my heart hurts so much..."

The Qiong Yao dramas of those years were not in vain. Yan Yiren had a painful face at this moment, covering his heart with one hand: "I always thought that we would be like other lovers, know each other, know each other and fall in love, and finally walk into the palace of marriage together. Are you My first love, from the day I accepted you, my wish is to marry you, start a family with you, and have our common child..."

These words, like thorns growing one by one, pierced his heart hard.

Ji Hanjiang recalled the past, from pursuing her, to her accepting him, to falling in love.

He remembered everything in his mind, so vivid, as if it happened yesterday.

"Yi Ren, stop talking, please stop talking."

"But Han Jiang, the executioner who broke my dream with your own hands, is you!"

"What executioner?" Ji Hanjiang pulled out a trace of consciousness in pain, "What are you talking about, Yi Ren?"

Yan Yiren sat on the ground, leaning her head against the floor-to-ceiling windows, sniffing, "Last night... in the middle of the night, someone sent me three videos... Han Jiang, I love you so much, why are you doing this to me? What's the difference between letting me die? Huh, huh... Do you know that the only reason why I am living now is you. If even my faith has collapsed, what is the point of my living in this world? ?”

what video?
What made her die?
In the end what happened?
Ji Hanjiang hurriedly comforted her, "Yiren, don't cry yet. Tell me slowly what happened. I love you, Yiren, I love you, and I want to live a good life! I must live a good life until I marry you. OK?"

"You love me?" Yan Yiren laughed, "You love me, why did you betray me? You keep saying you love me, and you keep saying you want to marry me, but what have you done? You used my power against you unscrupulously Love came to hurt me, you... bastard... I hate you..."


Ji Hanjiang's brain suddenly exploded.

Betray her?
What did she know, what were those videos about?
"Yi Ren, it's not like this, listen to me..." His mouth was dry and he couldn't explain it, Ji Hanjiang remembered that he was sweating profusely, "Yi Ren, I love you for real, and it was not my intention to hurt you. I'm sorry , all mistakes are my fault.”

"Woooooo...I love you so much, why do you treat me like this, why..."

"Yi Ren, don't cry, I'm sorry."

Ji Hanjiang leaned his head on the steering wheel, regretting endlessly, "I'm an asshole, I'm not human. I know that saying sorry a thousand times won't make you feel sad. From now on, I will use the rest of my life to atone and make up for you. Give me How about a chance, Yiren?"

" mind is messed up, stop talking, stop talking..."

Yan Yiren hung up the phone and turned off the phone by the way.

Give him another chance?
So, who will give her a chance?
If she hadn't met Chu Huaijin, if he hadn't been willing to help her, then now, she, Yan Yi, was helpless and would be bullied to death.

Is a sorry enough?

Can a word of sorry erase the hurt she has suffered?

No, you can't.

I'm sorry, I can say three words with my mouth, and low-cost things are not enough to offset her hatred.

One time of infidelity cannot be tolerated a hundred times, let alone someone who has already started to betray her during the passionate love period.

(End of this chapter)

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