Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 181 Men can't be used to it, the more used to it, the more jerk

Chapter 181 Men can't be used to it, the more used to it, the more jerk

Absolutely unforgivable.

He wanted to make amends and make amends, so why didn't he ask her if she was disgusting or dirty?
The servant knocked on the door again, "Young Madam, dinner is ready, please go downstairs to eat."

Yan Yiren let out a long mouthful of turbid air, vomiting out all those unhappy bad emotions.

"Here we come." In response, she got up and went downstairs.

After dinner, Yan Yiren raised his eyes and asked Sang Liang, "Uncle Liang, where did the young master go?"

Sang Liang said with a smile, "I don't know where the young master has gone."

"Liar. You know, but don't tell me."

Putting down his chopsticks, Yan Yiren took a sip of water, resting his head on one hand in melancholy, "Chen Ce is not here, I can't find him even if I try to find him for business, alas."

"What is the young lady going to do?"

Yan Yiren glanced at him, "It's a big deal, you can't handle it anyway."

"Young Madam, it's okay to say."

Yan Yiren waved his hand feebly, "Forget it, you give me Chen Ce's number, and I will call him myself."

"Alright." Sang Liang gave her Chen Ce's cell phone number.

Yan Yiren went upstairs to get his mobile phone and called Chen Ce. When he received the call, he could still vaguely hear the voice of soldiers and horses on the other end.

After a while, the voice became much quieter, and Chen Ce said, "Young Madam, what do you need from me?"

"Well, something happened."

"Speak, young lady."

Yan Yiren hesitated for a while, then asked curiously, "Where are you and the young master?"

"In Chu Garden."

"What are you doing back to Chu Garden?"

"Young Madam, you haven't told me what to do yet."

Tsk tsk tsk, this Chen Ce is really not easy to fool.

Yan Yiren explained solemnly, "I will send you a few text messages later, you continue to make Ling Yunhuan and send them to me in the middle of the night, yours, understand?"


"Good job, I'll give you a raise!"

Chen Ce laughed out loud, "Then thank you, Young Madam."


"Is there anything else, Young Madam? If there is nothing else, I will be busy first."

"Hey, don't hang up in a hurry."

"Tell me." Chen Ce was very patient, and his tone was still respectful.

Yan Yiren grabbed the tassel of the pillow, tugged at it, and was very tangled, "You... when will you come back?"

"I don't know at the moment, I probably won't come back."

Not sure?
Maybe not back?

Take a deep breath, "What happened?"

At the other end, Chu Huaijin's voice called Chen Ce, and Chen Ce responded, and hurriedly said: "Young Madam, I'm sorry, I have to hang up. Goodbye."

"Hello? Hello!"

beep beep...

There was a busy tone.

"Chen Ce, if you dare to hang up on me, just wait." Yan Yiren threw away the phone and thumped the pillow twice.

In the final analysis, it is still anger.

The person she really wanted to beat was Chu Huaijin!
It's only been a few days since they got married, yet they dare not come home at night and leave her alone in the vacant room.

Take a shower and come out, it's eight o'clock.

It's still early, let's watch a movie.

Turn on the TV and switch to the movie channel. She put on a mask and lay on the sofa.

After watching a movie, it's nine thirty.

It's still early, let's watch another one.

ten thirty...

twelve fifteen...

Yan Yi jumped up from the sofa angrily, a man can't get used to it, the more he gets used to it, the more he'll be a jerk!

Grabbed the phone and called Chu Huaijin.

"Hello." The phone rang for a long time before he answered it, with a tired voice.

"Husband, it's so late, you still haven't come back?"

"Don't tell me you miss me."

"I just miss you~" Yan Yiren felt disgusted and had goosebumps.

Chu Huaijin: "..."

Wanted to strangle her again.

Weiwei was about to fall asleep, and the story stopped abruptly. She opened her eyes again, grabbed Chu Huaijin's hand, and rubbed her eyes with one hand, "Tell a story."

[Baby, how about making a fuss in the comment area after watching it every day?This is the author's only interactive bird with you~]

(End of this chapter)

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