Medicine door witch

Chapter 1092 The humble dragon plays with Xuanyuan Zhiji

Chapter 1092 The humble dragon plays with Xuanyuan Zhiji (3)

"You are the one who looks like a pig! How can you talk to me!" Jianlong immediately went into a rage.

He has lived in the human world for a while, and he already knows exactly what kind of creature a pig is.

Now, whenever someone says he looks like an ugly pig, he will blow his fur and flatten the other person like a pig's head!
Xuanyuan Zhiji has always been highly respected, and no one has ever dared to speak in such an arrogant tone in front of him. Qianlong has touched his scales.

"What kind of emperor? What kind of thing are you? You're just a pig and cat, and you dare to call yourself the emperor? Don't make people laugh!"

Xuanyuan Zhiji also has an almost crazy paranoia about the word "Emperor", which is something he has worked so hard to pursue for most of his life.

The cheap dragon immediately got excited, jumped onto the table in front of Xuanyuan Zhiji, stretched out a black claw, pointed at his nose unceremoniously, and said frothingly: "The lowly human beings have evil intentions!" , planning to usurp the throne all day long. Do you know that you will never be emperor in this lifetime!"

Xuanyuan Zhiji's eyes went dark all of a sudden, he stretched out a fist, and slammed it heavily towards Jianlong's body.

never!No one has ever dared to say in front of him that he is plotting to usurp the throne!

The black cat in front of him not only said it unscrupulously, but also sprayed his face with saliva, damn it!
Jianlong narrowed his eyes, flicked Heimiao's claws lightly, and his whole body leaped lightly, easily dodging Xuanyuan Zhiji's attack.

Xuanyuan Zhiji's fist smashed into the air, and landed heavily on the thick round wooden table. With a "boom", it shattered into sawdust.

Not only that, but the ground under the wooden table was deeply sunken into a big pit by the impact of this heavy punch.

"Ahaha, grandson, come and beat me!"

Jianlong's body landed on a chair not far away. At the same time, he turned sideways, raised his tail, and showed his hairy buttocks to Xuanyuan Zhiji, twisting and twisting, "Come on, come on!" , did you hit it? Hehehe~~"

Xuanyuan Zhi and He Zeng had received such humiliation, their entire faces turned pale with anger, and blue smoke came out of their heads.

"You bastard! You dare to humiliate this king. I swear here that I will tear you to pieces! Ahhh——"

Xuanyuan Zhiji raised his head, let out a terrifying roar, his hair stood on end, and he was so angry.

King Wu was furious, so amazing.

Li Kezhong's face was pale, and he stretched out his hands to cover his ears, but he still couldn't bear King Wu's coercion, a fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, his legs couldn't help but soften, and he knelt down on one knee.

"Oh, I'm so scared~~" On the other hand, Qianlong looked completely unaffected, "Come here, grandson, I'll see how you smashed my body into thousands of pieces, tsk tsk tsk .”

Xuanyuan Zhiji's roar stopped, and his whole body became stiff.

how come?
That pig-like cat was completely unaffected?It doesn't make sense at all!
"Look at you, even your voice is so weak." Jianlong squinted his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up into a standard cheap meow smile, and said, "Why don't I let the emperor teach you how to do it?" It's more masculine."

Li Kezhong raised his head with great difficulty, his eyes widened suddenly, and a bad premonition crossed his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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