Medicine door witch

Chapter 1093 The humble dragon plays with Xuanyuan Zhiji

Chapter 1093 The humble dragon plays with Xuanyuan Zhiji (4)

It's over, if this Dragon Ancestor really roared, wouldn't he bleed to death from his seven orifices?Let's withdraw quickly!
Li Kezhong watched helplessly as Jianlong opened his mouth, covered his ears, ran with all his strength, and stepped out of the banquet hall.

the next moment.

"Whoa, whoa—"

A sky-shattering roar came from the banquet hall, and the domineering sonic energy gradually spread to the sky, echoing in the sky over the entire Prince's Mansion.

Even though Li Kezhong escaped from the door, he still couldn't escape the torment of the cheap dragon's roar. Two lines of blood flowed from his ears, and his mind was throbbing violently.

He didn't have any support, so he fainted.

In the entire Prince's Mansion, 90.00% of the people, were stunned to death by Qianlong's roar.

The deafening roar lasted for a long time before dissipating.And the entire banquet hall was already a mess.

Tables, chairs, benches, vases, porcelain, bookcases and curios were all shattered by Jianlong's voice.

Xuanyuan Zhiji collapsed on the ground with a face of horror, his face was pale, his eyes were wide open, and his pupils shrank.

With his back against the wall, his body trembled uncontrollably. This trembling came from the depths of his soul—the subconscious surrender of the weak to the strong!
What he can be sure of now is that the guy who competed with him just now is definitely not just as simple as a pig!
Jianlong took catwalks and jumped onto the shoulder of Xuanyuan Zhiji who was limp on the ground, his red-black eyes narrowed meanly, and at the same time stretched out a black paw, and patted his face.

"How about it? Do you know what a man's way of yelling is? Only women can say 'ahhh' like you, as if they were screaming, bed."

Female... woman?
Called... bed? !
The expression on Xuanyuan Zhiji's face completely collapsed, he had never received a more serious humiliation than this!


The prince of the Jialan Empire, who had all the power in his power, waved his fist like crazy, and beat the cheap dragon indiscriminately.

"Oh, didn't I tell you a long time ago, don't yell 'ahhhh' like a woman, besides, you are so ugly, you can't arouse me to feel sorry for you."

Jianlong dodged left and jumped in the shadow of Xuanyuan Zhiji's fist, and made a few grimaces, as cheap as he wanted.

After beating for about a quarter of an hour, Xuanyuan Zhiji didn't even touch a cat hair of Jianlong, but he was so tired that he was out of breath, and fell to the ground, unable to move a single bit.

When Xuanyuan Yu and Ling Luo stepped into the door, they saw such a scene.


Xuanyuan Yu raised her peach eyebrows, narrowed her eyes like black holes, and raised a meaningful arc at the corner of her lips, and asked, "Uncle Emperor, why are you sitting on the ground? Are you still making yourself so embarrassed? Didn't something happen?"

Ling Luo's eyes fell on a cheap dragon with black meow paws stepping on Xuanyuan Zhiji's face, and tried hard to suppress the burst of laughter that was about to erupt.

Oops, holding back a laugh or something, it's really hard work.

what happened?

Yu is really bad, do you need to ask such obvious things?
Of course, it was the cheap dragon playing cheap and messing with that old bastard Xuanyuan Zhiji. You see, Xuanyuan Zhiji looked like he wanted to vomit but couldn't, as if he had eaten shit, and was about to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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