Medicine door witch

Chapter 1155 Xiaoling

Chapter 1155 Xiaoling (2)

The area of ​​the Holy Golden Hall is more than ten times larger than that of the Holy Fire Hall. It is towering, towering, and stretches endlessly. Thousands of disciples are practicing in the huge training ground. It is magnificent and looks very spectacular.

Shengjin Hall really deserves to be the first hall of Shengxiu Academy, even the special Shengdan Hall is a bit inferior.

Ling Luo supported Xuanyuan Yu and headed towards his residence, walking through pavilions and pavilions, and met many disciples of Shengjintang.

Among the second-generation disciples of Shengjintang, Xuanyuan Yu is also one of the best in strength, and in the academy, he even ranks among the top ten of the younger generation.

This was the first time for these disciples to see a woman beside Xuanyuan Yu, and it was an unknown woman whom they had never seen before.

Seeing how intimate the two of them are, walking with each other clinging to each other, it is not an ordinary relationship at first glance.

"Hello, brother!"

"Morning brother!"

"Brother Wanan!"

Every disciple would bow respectfully when they saw Xuanyuan Yu, and at the end, they would secretly glance at Ling Luo with a very strange look.

This area is the residence of male disciples, and few female disciples will come in.

Because Xuanyuan Yu's body was getting weaker and weaker, he just hummed lightly to these juniors.

Ling Luo sent Xuanyuan Yu back to the room, then helped him put him on the bed, carefully helped him take off his shoes, and covered him with the quilt.

As soon as Xuanyuan Yu's head touched the pillow, he immediately fell asleep.

Ling Luo was a little worried, so she took out a bottle of spirit liquid refined by Yuling Xuezhi, and fed it to Xuanyuan Yu who had fallen into a semi-comatose state.

The black thorn is indeed an evil thing.

Ling Luo sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out a hand, and gently helped Xuanyuan Yu brush the messy hair on his forehead behind his ears.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Ling Luo raised her head, and was surprised to see Li Kezhong, Xuanyuan Yu's number one confidant.

"Mistress, why are you here?" When Li Kezhong saw Ling Luo, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

Ling Luo smiled slightly: "Yu is not feeling well, I will send him back, and you just happened to be here."

Li Kezhong's eyes fell on Xuanyuan Yu who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with him, master?"

"Yu just received a strange item, and his vitality is exhausted, so he should take a rest." Ling Luo's eyes drifted to the outside of the door, and found a large pile of black heads beside the door.

They were all young people, wearing the azure robes of Shengxiu College, and the jade pendants marked by the Holy Golden Hall hung on their waists.

A row of black lines was drawn across Ling Luo's head, these guys are not here to watch the fun, why are men gossiping like this?
Seeing this, Li Kezhong hurried to the door, like a chicken, and scolded: "Go, go, what are you looking at, my mistress is also something you three-generation disciples can take a peek at casually, why don't you hurry up and practice?" ! Otherwise, I will go to Master and say that you are lazy!"

A dozen or so third-generation disciples immediately turned pale, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Senior Brother Li, no, let's go now, let's go now..."

In an instant, Xuanyuan Yu's door was clean again.

Li Kezhong turned his head, walked to Ling Luo's side again, smiled a little embarrassedly, and said: "Shengjintang has recruited a lot of new disciples this year, so the master simply let the second-generation disciples take charge of a few, which is good for life." Teach me, those three-pocket disciples who were under the responsibility of the subordinates and the master just now did not understand the rules, and made the hostess laugh."

(End of this chapter)

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