Medicine door witch

Chapter 1156 Xiaoling

Chapter 1156 Xiaoling (3)

Ling Luo let out a "puchi" laugh, and said, "Then you have been promoted to be someone else's little master."

Inexplicably, she remembered the time when she taught Su Yi to practice the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword.

"Hey, it doesn't count." Li Kezhong's face turned bitter all of a sudden, and he said, "Master thinks that group of disciples are annoying, and he said that it is better to teach them how to fish than to teach them how to fish. After a few thoughts, all the remaining tasks are left to the subordinates."

Ling Luo could imagine that scene.

She suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the little follower in front of her.

"Oh, by the way, mistress, there are regulations in Shengjintang that male disciples are not allowed to enter the dormitory of female disciples, and female disciples are not allowed to stay in the dormitory of male disciples for too long." Li Kezhong's brows showed a trace of worry , said, "In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, let the subordinates send you back to the Holy Fire Hall first."

Ling Luo nodded, stood up and said, "You stay here and guard Yu, I know the way back."

In the holy fire hall, male and female disciples are not allowed to enter the dormitories of each other, she still understands this rule.

Li Kezhong didn't refuse either, and Ling Luo left alone.

Just after leaving the range of the male disciple's dormitory, Ling Luo saw the angry Xuanyuan Yangyue head on.

The news that Ling Luo and Xuanyuan Yu entered Xuanyuan Yu's room with affectionate expressions seemed to explode, and spread throughout the entire Shengjin Hall in a short while.

The fire in Xuanyuan Yangyue's heart, just when she heard the news, she rushed over in a rage.

"Ling Luo! You're shameless! You're pestering Yu again!" Xuanyuan Yangyue stretched out a finger and pointed at Ling Luo's nose unceremoniously, "It's really shameless for a woman to enter Yu's room without permission! "

The corners of Ling Luo's lips curled up in a bewitching arc, and the corners of her brows and eyes were full of sarcasm, and she said, "Princess Yangyue is not jealous, is she?"

Xuanyuan Yangyue's complexion suddenly turned a pig liver color.

The smile on Ling Luo's lips grew stronger, and he said, "Or, Yu didn't let you in, the Princess, so you felt unbalanced. Tsk tsk tsk, there's no way, who made you so annoying."

From now on, send it to your door to seek humiliation?

What a hopeless, stupid woman!
Xuanyuan Yangyue was about to go mad with anger, suddenly pulled out ten golden silk threads on top of her ten fingers, and rushed towards Ling Luo's direction.

Ling Luo's face remained unchanged, and with a flick of the long sleeve, the golden thread broke from the center.

"You are defeated, so you have no right to shout." Ling Luo glanced at Xuanyuan Yangyue lightly, and said, "I heard that during the third test in the Dawu Arena, the regent arranged for you a sick man who was about to die. A deadly opponent, such a powerful father."

Xuanyuan Yangyue's face turned pale after being exposed face to face.

"Hey, why don't I have such a great dad." Ling Luo's lips curved into a mean smile.

She didn't look at Xuanyuan Yangyue again, but went straight through the crowd, and when she passed by Xuanyuan Yangyue, she deliberately bumped into her body.

Xuanyuan Yangyue staggered from being bumped, her head was lowered, her face was extremely ugly, but she didn't attack again in public.

She got in by cheating on an exam.

This alone is enough to arouse the hatred of all the disciples of Shengxiu Academy.

Ling Luo's figure gradually disappeared.

On a big tree in the Holy Golden Hall, a man in blue clothes, with a grass in his mouth, cocked his legs, looking like a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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