Medicine door witch

Chapter 1166 Looting the Origin Stone

Chapter 1166 Looting the Origin Stone (3)

Seeing this scene, Fu Dong's face suddenly darkened. He stepped forward and shouted at Xiling Yunji: "We planted the spirit valley. If you want the spirit valley, you have to get our consent. Don't worry about it." Attack our master and mother!"

Xiling Yunji was taken aback, then turned his head slowly, and at first glance, he saw Ling Luo standing beside Fu Dong.

Seeing this, Xiling Yunqin simply said: "That's right, the Linggu was cultivated by the children with hard work. If your Shengdan Church wants it, you can negotiate the price with the children."

Yan Xiang and Xiling Yunqin are obviously also on the united front. Even if they are teachers, they have no right to distribute these spiritual valleys.

Fu Dong looked at Ling Luo beside him, and said, "Little Junior Sister, the Linggu is mainly cultivated by you, you can decide."

Ling Luo's lips curled up into a faint smile, and a sinister gleam flashed in his dark eyes, and he said, "I'm sorry, Elder Xiling, we don't sell it."

She remembered Xiling Yunji very clearly.During the second test for freshman admission, I deliberately made it difficult for myself.

If she guessed right, the reason why Xiling Junzheng, the head of the Holy Pill Hall, changed his mind and refused to accept him as an apprentice, was most likely the fault of the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Not for sale?" Xiling Yunji's expression darkened suddenly, "Are you going to ignore the thousands of disciples in the Holy Pill Hall?"

The corners of Ling Luo's lips curled up in a cold arc, and his voice was full of sarcasm: "Whether the disciples of the Holy Pill Hall starve to death or not, what does it matter to me? The spiritual valley of our Holy Fire Hall will only be sold to the Holy Spirit Hall." Jintang, Shengmutang, Shengshuitang, 500 taels a catty, no bargaining, a few, please go back!"

Xiling Yunji's face became more and more ugly, and he said angrily, "Ling Luo, don't bully me too much!"

"Your Xiling family has great achievements. How can I, a little girl from the small country of Xijiu, really bully you? Elder Xiling, stop joking." Ling Luo shrugged, stretched out his hand, pointed at the gate, and said, "Walk slowly."

Xiling Yunji was furious, a blazing flame knife suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and he slashed towards Ling Luo.

Ling Luo's eyes turned cold, and he forgot to dodge back.

The moment before she summoned the Akasaka Sword, there was already a tall figure standing in front of her.


Yan Xiang didn't know when, he had already sat on a high seat more than ten steps away, and perched in front of Xiling Yunji, catching the flame knives gathered in Xiling with his bare hands.

"There are so many gatherings in Xiling, the Holy Fire Hall is not a place for you to be presumptuous!" Yan Xiang's body exuded intense and raging fire energy.

The absolute coercion of the high-ranking Martial King crushed Xiling Yunji's aura in an instant, and the flame knife broke into two pieces from the center with a "snap".

Xiling Yunji's eyes widened in disbelief.

Yan Xiang was about the same age as himself, and he had already reached the hall master level, and he, who had not yet stepped into the realm of the Martial King, had not seen him for a few years, but he had advanced to such a terrifying level again!

I made a mistake, I should have brought more powerful elders of the same generation over here, no, maybe Lord Xiling should be invited to come forward!
Yan Xiang has had a long-standing grudge with the Xiling family, especially for this Xiling Yunji who tried to destroy his relationship with Yunqin countless times, he hated to the bone.

(End of this chapter)

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