Medicine door witch

Chapter 1167 Looting the Origin Stone

Chapter 1167 Looting the Origin Stone (4)

He broke Xiling Yunji's flame knife with his bare hands, stretched out his long legs, and kicked Xiling Yunji's abdomen fiercely.


Xiling Yunji's body was like torn cotton wool, he was kicked out fiercely, and hit heavily on the heavy tripod in the yard outside the hall door, making a loud noise.



"Elder, are you okay!"

The disciples under Xiling Yunji surrounded him with expressions of panic.

The main force of the enemy army had been defeated, and Shengdantang immediately lost its will to fight. With Xiling Yunji, who vomited blood and was in a coma, he hurriedly retreated and left the Holy Fire Peak.

"Daddy is so handsome!"

Yan Yueyue stretched out her palm and patted it a few times, applauding loudly.

Yan Xiang snorted coldly, and said: "If you don't give them some color, you really think they can bully us."

Since he took the initiative to break the ten peerless swords in the Sword Tomb last time, the eight-year bottleneck has also been successfully broken through, and his current cultivation base has been greatly improved.

It’s just a good show.

After the people from the Holy Pill Hall left, not long after, people from the Holy Gold Hall, the Holy Soil Hall, the Holy Wood Hall, and the Holy Water Hall came one after another.

Everyone had flattering smiles on their faces, bowed their waists to look at Yan Xiang, and their friendly attitude was simply staggering.

"Miss Ling, you are in charge of the Linggu business." An elder of Shengmu Church smiled and said, "500 taels a catty, we buy two hundred catties, here is 15 taels."

Ling Luo raised her eyebrows, and before she could speak, the elders of the Holy Golden Hall beside her hurriedly said, "Our Holy Golden Hall offers 600 taels a catty, Miss Ling, sell us [-] catties!"

The face of the elder of Shengmutang changed suddenly, he turned his head, and angrily said: "What do you mean by Xuanyuan? Are you letting the disciples from other halls eat?!"

"We have a lot of people in Shengjintang, and the number of disciples is twice that of your Shengmutang. Naturally, it costs four hundred catties!" The elders of Shengjintang insisted.

"You Shengjin Church wants to eat, but the girls in our Shengshui Church don't want to eat. At this time, I saw such abominable faces of you stinky men!" The beautiful elders of Shengshui Church were not happy.

In just a short while, the elders and disciples of the four halls in the main hall started arguing.

A row of black lines were drawn across Ling Luo's head, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he took a step back.

Xiling Yunqin walked up to Ling Luo's side, with a gentle smile on his lips, and said, "Luo'er, in fact, our Holy Fire Hall has always been used to being frugal, so it's useless to ask for so much money. Instead of asking for so many useless things It is better to exchange money for origin stones used in cultivation, I have discussed it with your master, and he agrees with me."

"Well, yes, teacher's wife." Ling Luo, who was worrying about the chaotic situation in front of her, suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Stop arguing, all of you!"

She took a step forward and said seriously: "I've changed my mind. From now on, one low-grade origin stone is exchanged for one catty of spiritual grain; one medium-grade origin stone is exchanged for three catties of spiritual grain; one high-grade origin stone is exchanged for five catties of spiritual grain Valley; one top-quality source stone for ten catties of spiritual valley. Those with higher-grade source stones are given priority, and that’s it.”

As soon as this remark came out, all the elders who were arguing stopped, and the entire hall fell silent for a moment.

Origin Stone!
Origin stones are different from silver, they are living resources for cultivation!

In a branch hall, the quantity of high-level origin stones stored basically determines the overall development of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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